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Who lasting endurance with the rock layers and gradually ground into a fine powder, Diaozao out in his mind the image to be?
是谁用持久的耐力,把岩石一层层地逐渐磨成细粉,雕凿出他心中所要的形象?He began the stunt this morning in an attempt to break the record of American illusionist and endurance artist David Blaine.
他在今天早晨开始这一特技表演,并尝试打破之前由美国魔术师、耐力艺术家DavidBlaine所创造的世界纪录。One leading gamer in his twenties appeared to be slim and healthy with a physique similar to an endurance athlete.
有一个著名玩家在20多岁的时候看上去身形苗条健康,身体机能和那些耐力好的运动员差不多。Just keep reminding yourself " pain is weakness leaving the body " as you train for your next marathon or endurance event!
在你下次进行马拉松或耐力赛训练时,要不断提醒自己“痛苦只不过是离开了躯体的弱点”。Of these, Lactate Threshold has been shown to be one of the best predictors of endurance performance.
其中,乳酸门槛,业已证明,是耐力表现的最佳预测指标。"No fear can stand up to hunger, no patience can wear it out" (Joseph Conrad).
“没有恐惧能比饥饿更可怕,任何耐力也难以克服饥饿”(约瑟夫·康拉德)。To build a real one you lack will power and endurance, as you are a soft and idealistic person, not the fighting type.
你没有建立一个真正的城堡所需的耐力和毅力。你性格软弱有点理想主义,不是那种斗志旺盛的人。But Sandel's strength and endurance were superb, and he continued to stay on his feet.
可是桑德尔的气力和耐力是超群出众的,他仍旧站着。It takes quite a bit of practice in order to be skilled at both speed and endurance.