


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……


1. 烊 [yáng]2. 烊 [yàng]烊 [yáng]熔化金属:~铜。~金(金属溶液)。溶化:糖~了。烊 [yàng]〔打~〕方言,商店晚上关门停止营业。……



汉语拼音:dǎ yàng





〈方〉商店晚上关 门停止营业。



  1. 商店晚上关门停止营业。

    高晓声 《陈奂生上城》:“原先只想卖了油绳赚了利润再买帽子,没想到油绳未卖之前商店就要打烊。”

  2. 引申为歇业。

    周而复 《上海的早晨》第四部十二:“意见好是好,钞票要跑到私营商店来,国营公司经营啥呢?打烊吗?”



  1. At closing time, he saw a fellow tumble out of the bar, trip on the curb, and try his keys in five different cars before he found his.


  2. nothing else has happened to me, but I have seen quite a few fights on the streets after the bars close.


  3. The shop seems to have already closed.


  4. We exchanged handshakes and names, and I almost didn't mind that the store was shuttered and there would be no milk in the morning.


  5. The SHOPKEEPER appears at the glass, locking the door and flipping the sign: CLOSED.


  6. At night, the chrysalises light up, to keep people's dreams forever illuminated.


  7. Shops are closed, and few bakeries are open where people lined up to get their bread.


  8. He knew when people tended to come in and kept his shop open to accommodate them.


  9. And the Arab stands in front of my telling me that he is going to close.


  1. 询问打烊时间

    Asking about closing time of a bar.

  2. 餐厅几点打烊?

    When does the restaurant close?

  3. 你什么时候打烊?

    What time do you close?

  4. 唱片行已经打烊?

    The record store's closed for the night.

  5. 餐馆晚上打烊了。

    The restaurant was closed for the night.

  6. 酒吧什么时候打烊?

    What time do the pubs shut?

  7. 星期六办公室打烊。

    The office is shut on Saturday.

  8. 对不起,我们打烊了。

    Excuse me, we are closed now.

  9. 打烊的时间到了。

    It is time to shut up the shop.

  10. 那家餐馆9点打烊。

    The restaurant closes up shop at 9.

  11. 很抱歉我们打烊了。

    Sorry, we are closed.

  12. 那里十分钟后打烊。

    It closes in ten minutes.

  13. 所有商店将要打烊了。

    The stores will be closed.

  14. 贵公司什么时候打烊?

    What time does your office close?

  15. 这家商店六点打烊。

    The shop closes at six.

  16. 你们今晚几点打烊?

    When do you close tonight?

  17. 咖啡店何时打烊呢?

    When does the coffee shop close?

  18. 今晚我得早点打烊。

    Ill have to shut up shop early tonight.

  19. 在交易所打烊后进行的

    in the street

  20. 因为我想早点打烊了。

    'Cause I want to close up early.

  21. 我们总是在7点钟打烊。

    We always close business at seven p.m.

  22. 面包店十分钟之后打烊

    The bakery closes in ten minutes.

  23. 面包店十分钟之后打烊。

    The bakery closes in ten minutes.

  24. 我们一直呆到酒吧打烊。

    We were in the pub until closing time.

  25. 在打烊之前我会来的。

    I'll come before the closing time.

  26. 袭击发生在他们打烊之后。

    Assault happened sometime after they closed.

  27. 袭击发生在他们打烊之后。

    Assault happened sometime after they closed.

  28. 我们只能提前打烊回家

    and we all go home early.

  29. 因为这家店快要打烊了。

    Because the store's closing soon.

  30. 该商店晚上十点钟打烊。

    The shop dosent shut until 10 p.m


  1. 问:打烊拼音怎么拼?打烊的读音是什么?打烊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打烊的读音是dǎyàng,打烊翻译成英文是 put up the shutters; close for the night; sh...