








汉语拼音:diào xiàn






  1. 钓竿上的线。

    后蜀 花蕊夫人 《宫词》之六一:“钓线沉波漾彩舟,鱼争芳饵上龙鉤。”



  1. One day, while he was sitting on the boat daydreaming, he suddenly felt that the fishing rod was being weighed down by a heavy object.


  2. It just looked right from the beginning, and he was charmed by the way the line seemed to magically flow above his silhouette on the lawn.


  3. I always fish a drop shot with a slight bow in my line, but I really keep the rod shaking to a minimum.


  4. A semi-slack line keeps your weight in the same place on the bottom and helps maintain the natural appearance.


  5. After all I abused it much in the night when it was necessary to free and untie the various lines.


  6. Of course you can shake your rod to try to attract a bass, but if you do, do it sparingly and always shake on a semi-slack line.


  7. Equipped with that pick-up line, you can be certain to score in the universal language of love.


  8. Use this Guide before you spool up your reels or when you are purchasing your line to help you make the best decisions.


  9. Twice the fish was nearly his and twice it streaked away , taking line with it .


  1. 钓线上的坠

    weights on a fishing line

  2. 我猛拉钓线。

    I twitched my fishing line.

  3. 我急拉我的钓线。

    I twitched my fishing line.

  4. 投入的钓线或网

    The line or net thrown.

  5. 在钓线上装假蝇饵

    to dub a line

  6. 断裂应变为15 磅的钓线

    a fishing line with a 15lb breaking strain

  7. 断裂应变为15 磅得钓线

    a fishing line with a 13lb breaking strain.

  8. 他收钓线把鱼拖近。

    He reels in a fish.

  9. 鱼儿在扯我的钓线

    The fish gave my line a twitch.

  10. 投钓线投放一根钓线的动作

    The act of throwing a fishing line.

  11. 垂钓者把钓线抛了出去。

    The angler cast the line.

  12. 把钓线或网投入水中

    a throwing of a fishing line or net into the water

  13. 我感觉到钓线猛然一动。

    I felt the fishing line jerk.

  14. 大鱼猛地咬住了钓线。

    The enormous fish snapped the line.

  15. 专业性捕鱼也有用钓线的。

    Line fishing is also done commercially.

  16. 他准备好钓线,投进海中。

    He prepares his lines, and drops them into the water.

  17. 那个渔夫把钓线投进海中。

    The fisherman cast his line into the sea.

  18. 一种主要用手控制的钓线。

    a fishing line managed principally by hand.

  19. 撒网把钓线或网投入水中

    A throwing of a fishing line or net into the water.

  20. 那条钓线一辈子也没碰过水。

    That line hadn't touched water in its life.

  21. 我试过要把鱼饵绑在钓线上。

    I tried to tie these flies to my lines.

  22. 中午时分,突然有东西拉住了钓线。

    Around noon, something suddenly tugs at the line.

  23. 帮我收绕钓线拉起这条大鱼。

    Help me to reel up this powerful fish.

  24. 他朝河里望去,望着那斜斜的钓线。

    He looked down into the river at the slant of the line.

  25. 缠结在缠绕着线轮的钓线部分上形成的缠结

    A snarl formed in the part of a fishing line that is wound around the reel.

  26. 第一次抛下钓线,我就钓了一条大鱼。

    At the first cast I hooked a huge fish.

  27. 当你确信鱼儿已经上钩时, 赶紧收卷钓线。

    When you're sure that you have hooked the fish, reel in at once.

  28. 我教他怎样不拖拉钓线, 怎样在深水里钓鱼。

    I showed him how to keep his fly from dragging, how to fish the deeper pools.

  29. 当鱼吞饵上钩时, 钓线就被拉进水里。

    The line ran out into the water as a fish swallowed the hook.

  30. 有, 我们刚把钓线抛下, 鱼就来咬钩了。

    Yes, the fish are hitting the lines as soon as we throw them in.


