


1. 盖 [gài]2. 盖 [gě]3. 盖 [hé]盖 [gài]有遮蔽作用的东西:~子。锅~。瓶~。膝~。天灵~。伞:雨~。由上往下覆,遮掩:覆~。遮~。掩~。~浇饭。压倒,超过:~世无双。方言,超出一般地好:这本书真叫~!用印,打上……





汉语拼音:gài guān






  1. 指身故。

    宋 苏轼 《提举玉局观谢表》:“臣敢不益坚素守,深念往愆……盖棺未已,犹怀结草之心。” 明 唐顺之 《刑部郎中唐嘿庵墓志铭》:“君自束髮至盖棺,未尝一日不兢兢砥厉名检。” 鲁迅 《花边文学·运命》:“‘智者千虑,必有一失’,这里的‘失’,是在非到盖棺之后,一个人的运命‘终是’不可知。”



  1. History was safer than the news, because there was no question of how it would end.

  2. So sour is the prevailing mood that this really might put a nail in the nuclear coffin.

  3. Rather than draw sweeping conclusions, Fallows sticks to her own experiences and observations, which makes her book all the more valuable.

  4. The latest finding is unlikely to be the last word on how humans came to colonize the planet.

  5. [There are also plans to capitalism, socialism is also the market] for the name "Society" name is "owned" the final nail on the controversy.

  6. "This is, however, a preliminary conclusion, not the last word. " said Wang Wei, head archeologist at the academy.

  7. Jackson's funeral will begin with a closed-casket family service, followed by a Staples Centre memorial for more than 11, 000 fans.

  8. Many conservatives concluded that democracy itself was at fault.

  9. The final chapter has yet to be written on these and many other Carlyle investments.


  1. 盖棺定论。

    Dont pass judgment on a person until he has died.

  2. 盖棺才能定论。

    Call no man happy until he dies.

  3. 人未盖棺勿谓有福。

    Call no man happy before he is dead.

  4. 至于专制, 则难以盖棺定论

    As for despotism, that is a hard question

  5. 调查之事远未盖棺定论。

    The inquiry is by no means cut and dried.

  6. 当然,这样对其盖棺定论显得为时尚早。

    Still, it may be a little early to get out the coffin for Newsweek.

  7. 放在两个木架上, 上面盖了一块盖棺布。

    It stands on two trestles, under the pall.

  8. 要在目前对索克斯法案盖棺定论还为时尚早。

    Still, it is too soon for a final verdict on SOX.

  9. 这种蔓延情绪的恶化这次真的或许可以盖棺定论了。

    So sour is the prevailing mood that this really might put a nail in the nuclear coffin.

  10. 尽管存在间接证据,但是科学家对暗物质尚未盖棺定论。

    In spite of the ghostly evidence, pieces of dark matter have yet to be pinned down by researchers.

  11. 重播慢镜头显示皮球并没有越过门线, 但这还未能盖棺定论。

    Repeated television replays suggested the ball hadnt crossed the line but were not100 per cent conclusive.

  12. 这些投资以及凯雷的很多其它投资都还未到盖棺定论之时。

    The final chapter has yet to be written on these and many other Carlyle investments.

  13. 而因为帕慕克正处于创造旺盛期, 给他盖棺论定还为时过早。

    And because Pamuk is in the creation of a strong period, it was too early to give a final judgment for him.


  1. 问:盖棺论定拼音怎么拼?盖棺论定的读音是什么?盖棺论定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盖棺论定的读音是gàiguānlùndìng,盖棺论定翻译成英文是 only when a man is dead can he be judged...

  2. 问:盖棺国旗拼音怎么拼?盖棺国旗的读音是什么?盖棺国旗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盖棺国旗的读音是gài guān guó qí,盖棺国旗翻译成英文是 Interment Flag

  3. 问:盖棺定论拼音怎么拼?盖棺定论的读音是什么?盖棺定论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盖棺定论的读音是gàiguāndìnglùn,盖棺定论翻译成英文是 don't pass judgment until you've seen the end...