


1. 佝 [gōu]2. 佝 [kòu]佝 [gōu]〔~偻〕由于缺乏维生素D引起钙、磷代谢障碍导致的骨骼发育不良。俗称“小儿软骨病”。佝 [kòu]〔~瞀〕昏味无知。……


1. 偻 [lǚ]2. 偻 [lóu]偻 [lǚ]脊背弯曲:伛~(弯腰驼背)。迅速:不能~指(不能迅速指出来)。偻 [lóu]〔~儸〕a.干练;机灵。b.指绿林或盗贼的部下、仆从。〔佝(僂)gōu)~〕见“佝1”。……



汉语拼音:gōu lóu








  1. 曲背。

    清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻四》:“一妇人白髮垂项,佝僂携杖。” 冰心 《印度之行》:“老大爷折了一只腿,架着双柺,老大娘也是佝偻龙钟。”

  2. 弯曲。

    闻一多 《初夏一夜底印象》诗:“贴在山腰下佝偻得可怕的老柏,拏着黑疲的拳头硬和太空挑衅。” 峻青 《黎明的河边》六:“他佝偻着腰踏上了堤坡,打了一个踉跄,双手抓住了一根蓬蒿。”



  1. I put the pen is for the chaotic, ready to left, my eyes fixed on the parents that plate is shown slightly slouch body.


  2. He has bent by the body, bring along the development of the city, with the bent back to the continuation of such a culture.


  3. I stood there still, glanced at his stooping back and a warm feeling called respect came into being from the bottom of my heart.


  4. The years in her face tied a string, wind and rain the relentless erosion of her bent back, while mother's mouth is always earnestly exhort.


  5. round a bend in the canal came plodding a solitary horse , stooping forward as if in anxious thought.


  6. At the dark edge of a clearing two flowers were grown. A young child who is white and an old crooked red one.


  7. He shuffled off, a bent, scholarly figure among the citizens of his goddamn country.


  8. The body needs the sun to manufacture vitamin D and a deficiency can lead to serious problems such as rickets and osteoporosis.


  9. Conclusion: The environment lead pollution may be one of the reasons which result in the high incidence and bade. . .


  1. 佝偻病7例。

    7 cases in rickets.

  2. 抗佝偻病值

    antirachitic value.

  3. 佝偻病性侏儒

    rachitic dwarf.

  4. 成人佝偻病

    adult rickets.

  5. 佝偻病性骨膜炎

    rachitic periostitis

  6. 迟发佝偻病

    late rickets

  7. 他略有一些佝偻。

    He was a little stooped over.

  8. 佝偻病性串珠肋骨

    rachitic rosary

  9. 佝偻病性扁平骨盆

    rachitic flat pelvis

  10. 佝偻病性侏儒骨盆

    rachitic dwarf pelvis

  11. 抗佝偻病比率

    antirachitic ratios

  12. 抗佝偻病因子

    antirachitic factor

  13. 佝偻性手足搐搦症

    rachitic tetany

  14. 佝偻病性膝内翻

    rachitic genu varum

  15. 佝偻病性膝外翻

    rachitic genu valgum

  16. 抗佝偻病维生素

    PP antirachitic vitamin

  17. 乳糜泻佝偻病

    Celiac rickets

  18. 不应期佝偻病

    refractory rickets.

  19. 缺乏维生素导致佝偻病。

    A deficiency of vitamin results in rickets.

  20. 抗佝偻病的维生素

    antirachitic vitamin

  21. 那人看来患有佝偻病。

    The man seems to have rachitis.

  22. 佝偻病性脊柱侧凸

    rachitic scoliosis

  23. 他父亲因年迈而身体佝偻。

    His father stoops from age.

  24. 他那骨瘦如柴, 微微佝偻的身材。

    His gaunt, slightly stooping figure.

  25. 当你佝偻着, 在灼热的炉栅边

    And beding down beside the glowing bars

  26. 佝偻的金属桌子散布在有树的广场。

    Rickety metal tables dotted the treed square.

  27. 在山脚下站着一个佝偻的老人。

    At the bottom of the hill stood a crooked old man.

  28. 在山脚下站着一个佝偻的老人。

    At the bottom of the hill stood a crooked old man.

  29. 缺钙儿童会出现佝偻, 惊厥, 龋齿等病。

    Lack of Calcium in children would lead to rickets, eclampsia and decayed teeth, etc.

  30. 你看起来像是得了佝偻病或别的什么的。

    You look like you got rickets or something.


  1. 问:佝偻病拼音怎么拼?佝偻病的读音是什么?佝偻病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佝偻病的读音是gōulóubìng,佝偻病翻译成英文是 rickets; rachitis

  2. 问:佝偻拼音怎么拼?佝偻的读音是什么?佝偻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佝偻的读音是gōulóu,佝偻翻译成英文是 To bend one's back.

  3. 问:佝偻病的拼音怎么拼?佝偻病的的读音是什么?佝偻病的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佝偻病的的读音是gōu lǚ bìng de,佝偻病的翻译成英文是 rachitic

  4. 问:佝偻病体质拼音怎么拼?佝偻病体质的读音是什么?佝偻病体质翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佝偻病体质的读音是gōu lǚ bìng tǐ zhì,佝偻病体质翻译成英文是 rachitism

  5. 问:佝偻病源的拼音怎么拼?佝偻病源的的读音是什么?佝偻病源的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佝偻病源的的读音是gōu lǚ bìng yuán de,佝偻病源的翻译成英文是 rachitogenic

  6. 问:佝偻病性串性拼音怎么拼?佝偻病性串性的读音是什么?佝偻病性串性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佝偻病性串性的读音是gōu lǚ bìng xìng chuàn xìng,佝偻病性串性翻译成英文是 rachitic bead's

  7. 问:佝偻病性串珠拼音怎么拼?佝偻病性串珠的读音是什么?佝偻病性串珠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佝偻病性串珠的读音是gōu lǚ bìng xìng chuàn zhū,佝偻病性串珠翻译成英文是 rachitic rosary

  8. 问:佝偻病性侏儒拼音怎么拼?佝偻病性侏儒的读音是什么?佝偻病性侏儒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佝偻病性侏儒的读音是gōu lǚ bìng xìng zhū rú,佝偻病性侏儒翻译成英文是 rachitic dwarf

  9. 问:佝偻病性骨盆拼音怎么拼?佝偻病性骨盆的读音是什么?佝偻病性骨盆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佝偻病性骨盆的读音是gōu lǚ bìng xìng gǔ pén,佝偻病性骨盆翻译成英文是 rachitic pelvis

  10. 问:佝偻病性脊柱侧凸拼音怎么拼?佝偻病性脊柱侧凸的读音是什么?佝偻病性脊柱侧凸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佝偻病性脊柱侧凸的读音是gōu lǚ bìng xìng jǐ zhù cè tū,佝偻病性脊柱侧凸翻译成英文是 rachitic scoliosis


