


仇恨:~恨。恩~。宿~。~仇。~敌。~府(大家怨恨的对象)。~声载道。不满意,责备:埋(mán )~。抱~。~言。任劳任~。……


讲,说:~说。~喻。~道。~欢。~情。~必有中(zhòng )(一说就说到点子上)。说的话:~论。~辞(亦作“言词”)。语~。~语。~简意赅。汉语的字:五~诗。七~绝句。洋洋万~。语助词,无义:~归于好。“~告师氏,~告~归”。姓。……



汉语拼音:yuàn yán








  1. 埋怨的话。

    《论语·宪问》:“夺 伯氏 駢邑三百,饭疏食,没齿无怨言。”《宋书·刘湛传》:“虽奉詔旨,颇有怨言。” 宋 苏轼 《上梅直讲书》:“执事名满天下,而位不过五品,其容色温然而不怒,其文章宽厚敦朴而无怨言,此必有所乐乎斯道也。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第八九回:“到后来大少爷死了,更是冷一顿,热一顿,甚至有不能下箸的时候,少奶奶却从来没过半句怨言。” 巴金 《新生·五月十七日》:“在朋友们底仇视、破坏、攻击等等底包围中,他却依旧这么平静地继续做他底工作,并没有一句怨言。”



  1. He invents many this just to catch a sheep for his wife. Though he is often hit by his wife, he always makes her happy without complaining.

  2. That, you of mother, burned the rice in lifetime, but have no complaint for you, you had to once say to her'thanks'?

  3. This is an unusual letter Lapin people do not dissatisfied, complain, even wrote a thank you back to the company is really unheard of.

  4. It all adds up to this: Most of my neighbor organs can absorb an enormous amount of abuse without complaint.

  5. Others suggest that, at least in the short term, Japan's larger companies are able to live with the strong yen, despite complaints.

  6. when we won it the jewel-like fruit, it did not complain, it is always a selfless dedication until the dead so far.

  7. At the beginning of his colleagues, often some complaints, and later even as he generally be happy and pleased with oneself.

  8. Faced with huge fees, parents insist teeth, and put the burden of any of their livelihood on the shoulder bending, no complaints.

  9. Don't get me started on this; or I might have to have another travel rant!


  1. 女儿的怨言

    Complaints of a Dutiful Daughter

  2. 毫无怨言地去

    go without a murmur

  3. 车主们愤怒的怨言。

    Irate complaints from car owners.

  4. 我对你有怨言

    I've got a bone to pick with you

  5. 我对此并无怨言。

    And I can't complain about this.

  6. 附近的居民有些怨言。

    There were complaints from nearby residents.

  7. 从未发过一句怨言

    never utter a word of complaint

  8. 一般我不会有怨言

    I normally wouldn't say anything.

  9. 我不知道他有怨言。

    I was unaware that he had any complaints.

  10. 代理行被怨言所困扰。

    The agency was dogged by complaints.

  11. 已有一些不满的怨言。

    Already there are murmurs of discontent.

  12. 我听够了他的怨言。

    I'm fed up with his complaints.

  13. 我听够了他得怨言。

    I'm fed up with his complaints .

  14. 我没什么怨言,汤姆也没有。

    I had no complaints and no more did tom.

  15. 他从未发过一句怨言。

    He never utters a word of complaint.

  16. 请把怨言讲给总公司听。

    Please direct all complaints to Head Office.

  17. 他的来信总是满纸怨言。

    His letters are full of the usual moans and groans.

  18. 她毫无怨言地忍受著悲痛。

    She bore her sorrow without complaint.

  19. 我对目前的职位毫无怨言。

    I have no quarrel against my present position.

  20. 人们对物价上涨颇有怨言。

    There were a lot of complaints about the rising prices.

  21. 他们毫无怨言地交了附加税。

    They paid the extra taxes without a murmur.

  22. 工人们私下对资方还是有怨言。

    Workers continued to mutter about the management.

  23. 那仆人毫无怨言地接受解雇。

    The servant accepted his dismissal without any complaint.

  24. 虽疲于奔命,但大家都毫无怨言。

    Although lampoon, but everybody have no complaint.

  25. 不过心里很美,没有怨言,没有抱怨!

    However beautiful heart, no have earful, does not complain!

  26. 我需要你把怨言苦衷写下来。

    I shall need your complaints in writing.

  27. 经受痛苦等而无怨言的坚忍的

    a. of or like a stoic enduring pain, etc. without complaint

  28. 丈夫开始有怨言,想改种果树。

    The husband begins to have complaint, think replant fruiter.

  29. 这无疑是个意外,我没有怨言。

    There is no doubt it was an accident and I bear no grudges.

  30. 孩子们对他们的家庭作业有怨言。

    The children murmured against their homework.


  1. 问:怨言拼音怎么拼?怨言的读音是什么?怨言翻译成英文是什么?

    答:怨言的读音是yuànyán,怨言翻译成英文是 complaint




【拼音】yuàn yán

【基本解释】[word for wongjanjak] 埋怨话 毫无怨言 没有任何埋怨的话。
