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仇恨:~恨。恩~。宿~。~仇。~敌。~府(大家怨恨的对象)。~声载道。不满意,责备:埋(mán )~。抱~。~言。任劳任~。……
汉语拼音:bào yuàn
《晋书·刘毅传》:“诸受枉者,抱怨积直,独不蒙天地无私之德,而长壅蔽於邪人之銓。” 唐 骆宾王 《畴昔篇》:“ 邹衍 衔悲繫 燕 狱, 李斯 抱怨拘 秦 桎。” 宋 范仲淹 《再奏辩滕宗谅张亢》:“陛下深居九重,当须察此物情,知其艰苦,岂可使狱吏为功,而劳抱怨。”
元 杨显之 《潇湘雨》楔子:“船便开,倘若有些不测,只不要抱怨我。”《警世通言·钝秀才一朝交泰》:“ 刘千户 不想自儿死生有命,到抱怨先生带累了。”《红楼梦》第一回:“主僕三人,日夜作些针綫,帮着父亲用度。那 封肃 虽然每日抱怨,也无可奈何了。” 杨朔 《海市·王禄小记》:“有时干脆不回家,守着电镐睡,惹得妻子抱怨他不懂情意。”
If you think after three years, that I always moan, always make excuses and always complain, then there is nothing I can do about that.
(何塞,)假如你认为在过去的三年里,我总是哀叹总是找借口总是抱怨,那么我也没有办法。Here's what I did for my patient: I advised his mother to call the teacher and complain, and I encouraged him to pursue his love of science.
在那时我是这样做的:我告诉他的母亲打电话给老师并提出抱怨,我鼓励他去追求他所爱的科学。Investment in the stock market the best evaluation is you in the stock market whether making money, rather than how much you complain voice.
股市投资最好的评价是你在股市里面是否赚钱,而不是你抱怨的声音有多大。Then they were told the drug had worn off (although it had not), and subsequently complained that the stimulus hurt.
随后当他们被告知药效已过时,一些人就抱怨他感觉到了刺激物带来的疼痛。He was complaining all the way on his way out. However, soon after he left, the family received a bang!
他一边走出去一边抱怨,结果他才出去不久,那户人家就砰!Wheather it is going to bed on time, or finish your homework, think before you start complaining.
不管是按时上床睡觉,还是完成作业,抱怨之前先思考。He demanded to know why she wouldn't give him an interview and wrongly alleged Labor had complained about him to the network.
他要求知道为什么她不会让他接受采访时被错误地指控工党对他抱怨到网络。Since when do not know no longer complain, even the boyfriend, because complaining after he will blame me why to find so many things.
不知道从什么时候起不再抱怨了,即使是对男朋友,因为抱怨完他一定会怪我干嘛给自己找那么多事情。Turkish generals started to mutter that they might have done better in Brussels if they had joined the Warsaw Pact, not NATO.