




1. 苦 [kǔ]苦 [kǔ]像胆汁或黄连的滋味,与“甘”相对:甘~。~胆。~瓜。感觉难受的:~境。~海(原为佛教用语,后喻很苦的环境)。~闷。含辛茹~。吃~耐劳。~恼。为某种事所苦:~雨。~旱。~夏。~于(a.对某种情况感到苦脑;b.表示……



汉语拼音:sù kǔ








  1. 向人诉说自己的困难或痛苦。

    《西游记》第五八回:“弟子无奈,只得投奔 南海 ,见 观音 诉苦。” 清 谭嗣同 《上欧阳中鹄书》之七:“ 娄尚书 回家严信,竟一文不肯捐,惟诉苦满纸而已。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第三部四四:“现在各个车间都在诉苦,许多有问题的人敢于放下包袱了。”



  1. It is so easy to burst out in strong words or to talk to other people about our tragic situation and to indulge in self-pity.

  2. Clinical help may also prevent the child from seeking out friends, lovers, and mentors who share her mother's difficult traits.

  3. She had felt that the changing of the world, the ending of all that echoed in her father's moaning, was the simplest thing on earth.

  4. "Every time I ask Joe to pay back the money he borrowed from me, he sings the blues about all the things at home he needs money for. "

  5. He spent an hour staring at the melting ice that dripped from his refrigerator, and then went next door to complain to his neighbor.

  6. While Sara felt Betty didn't hold up her end of the conversation, Betty complained to Steve that Sara never gave her a chance to talk.

  7. So when a person pours out his or her troubles to a man, the latter hastens to give advice.

  8. Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?

  9. In his hours of despair she soothed him, listened to his complaints and gave him the courage to continue.


  1. 诉苦的藉口

    a peg to hang a grievance on.

  2. 她总是喃喃诉苦!

    She is always grumbling!

  3. 他总是喃喃诉苦。

    He is always grumbling.

  4. 那个妇女哭着诉苦。

    The woman sobbed out her grievances.

  5. 常诉苦情, 无人同情。

    He who makes constant complaint gets little compassion.

  6. 常诉苦情,无人同情。

    He who makes constant complaint gets little compassion .

  7. 父亲诉苦说胸部疼痛。

    Father is complaining of a pain in his chest.

  8. 互不相干地一起诉苦

    Just talking at each other with your hearing aids off.

  9. 她有一肚子的话要诉苦。

    Li has many things to complain about.

  10. 不过,祷告不是向神诉苦

    But prayer is no gripe session with God.

  11. 她向我诉苦说他粗鲁。

    She complained to me about his rudeness.

  12. 以前他听到过这种诉苦。

    He had heard such plaints before.

  13. 她在法官面前大声诉苦。

    She brayed out her grievances before the judge.

  14. 老妇人以颤抖的声音诉苦。

    The old woman bleated her complaints.

  15. 老妇人以颤抖得声音诉苦。

    The old woman bleated her complaints.

  16. 她来找我是向我诉苦的。

    She came to see me just to dump.

  17. 她是不是又向你诉苦了?

    Has she been spilling out her troubles to you again?

  18. 有冤伸冤,有苦诉苦。

    Those who had been wronged stood up and demanded that their wrongs be redressed, and those who had been made to suffer cruelly spoke out against those responsible for their suffering.

  19. 因为工作过度, 工人向老板诉苦。

    Workers complain to the boss of their overwork.

  20. 他吃的时候,你好好诉苦一番

    and while he's eating, tell him your side of the story.

  21. 我叫他还我钱时,他经常诉苦。

    When I asked him to pay back the money he borrowed from me, he often sang blues.

  22. 没有一个愿意听我诉苦的人。

    No one understands me.

  23. 她诉苦她父亲酒喝得太多了。

    She complained that her father drank too much.

  24. 你可以去看看他,好好地诉诉苦。

    You can go see him and have a good old moan.

  25. 她那不断的诉苦真使我受不了。

    Her constant complaining just sticks in my craw.

  26. 不论张三李四,这个醉汉逢人就诉苦。

    The drunkard told his troubles to every Tom, Dick and Harry who passed by.

  27. 教员也诉苦孩子们上学时总是很累。

    Teachers complain about teaching tired kids in the classroom.

  28. 他来此是作为朋友听你诉苦的。

    He's here as a friend to hear your complaints.

  29. 没有什么东西能使她满足,她总是诉苦。

    Nothing contents her; she is always complaining.

  30. 我到这儿来并不是为了听你诉苦。

    I came here not to hear your grievances.


  1. 问:诉苦拼音怎么拼?诉苦的读音是什么?诉苦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诉苦的读音是sùkǔ,诉苦翻译成英文是 complain



诉苦sù kǔ,向人诉说自己的苦衷或自己所受的苦难。