







汉语拼音:shì qì







  1. 军队的斗志。

    《汉书·李陵传》:“连战,士卒中矢伤,三创者载輦,两创者将车,一创者持兵战。 陵 曰:‘吾士气少衰而鼓不起者,何也?军中岂有女子乎?’”《宋书·刘怀肃传》:“流矢伤 怀肃 额,众惧欲奔, 怀肃 瞋目奋战,士气益壮。於是士卒争先,临阵斩 振 首。” 宋 赵彦卫 《云麓漫钞》卷七:“是时先公中流矢,得归朝人参议 马观国 万金良剂,即裹创巡城,士气鼓作,卒保一城生聚。” 清 黄钧宰 《金壶浪墨·汉奸》:“公鼓励兵民,士气方鋭。” 徐迟 《牡丹》:“后来 李印光 指挥了八月攻势,直捣 徐 蚌 。几员赫赫名将都上了阵,士气又旺盛。”

  2. 读书人的节操。

    宋 陆游 《送芮国器司业》诗:“人材衰靡方当虑,士气峥嶸未可非。” 宋 陆游 《寄别李德远》诗:“中原乱后儒风替,党禁兴来士气孱。” 清 李斗 《扬州画舫录·草河录上》:“﹝ 谢啟昆 ﹞出为 扬州 太守,扶养士气,主持风雅者数年。”

  3. 读书人的风气。

    明 刘基 《诸暨州重修州学记》:“於是庙益邃以清,学益隆以严,弦诵蔼然,士气为之一新。”

  4. 士人作品的风格。

    清 王夫之 《薑斋诗话》卷下:“其标格高下,犹画之有匠作,有士气。”



  1. Those that did not lay off any lawyers have frozen hiring and squeezed more work out of their staff. So morale is dismal at many firms.


  2. Perhaps another army, split apart like this behind the enemy's lines, would have become demoralized and disintegrated.


  3. The morale change and a bigger focus on trying to become the best guild.


  4. But as long as the enemy is called Qaddafi, they will pull together. Morale is high.


  5. And morale seems to have hit rock bottom. Everybody seems to be constantly run off their feet.


  6. This demoralized Janos so much that, while he continued to work on mathematical problems, he published no more.


  7. when trying to heighten team harmony, increase morale, improve communication or repair broken trust in an organization.


  8. At the very least, it is a morale booster. Fire can also be used to distill water cook, and provide light for you and your rescuers.


  9. The 'allegation alone causes the company to lose reputation' and 'hurt morale, ' he said.


  1. 士气低落。

    The morale of the troops is sinking lower.

  2. 低落的士气

    the low morale.

  3. 士气大振。

    The martial spirit has been roused greatly.

  4. 当时士气低落。

    Morale was at low ebb

  5. 敌军士气颓丧。

    The enemy is demoralized.

  6. 员工们士气低落。

    Staff are suffering from low morale.

  7. 敌人部队士气2。

    Decreases morale of enemy creatures by 2.

  8. 看见没,毫无士气。


  9. 教师的士气良好。

    The teachers have a good morale.

  10. 未被挫伤的士气

    unbroken morale

  11. 提高士气参见同义词

    boost morale.See also Synonyms at steal

  12. 但士气不是很高。

    Morale there is not high.

  13. 我军士气大振。

    The morale of our troops was greatly boosted.

  14. 敌军士气十分低落。

    The morale of the enemy forces sank to a very low level.

  15. 敌军士气日益低落。

    The morale of the enemy troops is sinking lower every day.

  16. 部队的精神和士气

    Morale and Esprit de Corps.

  17. 失败使军队士气低落。

    Defeat demoralized the army.

  18. 因此士气高涨, 战无不胜。

    As a result, morale is high and our army is invincible.

  19. 他们的士气大有提高。

    Their morale had greatly improved.

  20. 此刻选手们士气很高。

    Morale amongst the players is very high at the moment.

  21. 敌军士气涣散,一触即溃。

    The enemy were demoralized and collapsed at the first encounter.

  22. 新领导大力鼓舞士气。

    The new leader had a galvanic effect on morale.

  23. 新领导大力鼓舞士气。

    The new leader had a galvanic effect on morale.

  24. 敌军的士气不断低落。

    The morale of the enemy troops is continuously sagging.

  25. 防止战斗部队士气涣散

    prevent the loss of morale in a fighting force

  26. 敌军疲劳不堪, 士气低落。

    The enemy troops were exhausted and demoralized.

  27. 公司的士气及工作气氛。

    The morale and ambience in company.

  28. 他尽力鼓舞他们的士气。

    He tried to bolster up their morale.

  29. 它能提高士气和生产率。

    It increases morale and productivity.

  30. 总统的演说提高了士气。

    The presidents speech boosted morale.


  1. 问:士气拼音怎么拼?士气的读音是什么?士气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:士气的读音是shìqì,士气翻译成英文是 morale

  2. 问:士气崩溃拼音怎么拼?士气崩溃的读音是什么?士气崩溃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:士气崩溃的读音是shì qì bēng kuì,士气崩溃翻译成英文是 Morale Break

  3. 问:士气旺盛拼音怎么拼?士气旺盛的读音是什么?士气旺盛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:士气旺盛的读音是shì qì wàng shèng,士气旺盛翻译成英文是 High Morale

  4. 问:士气沮丧拼音怎么拼?士气沮丧的读音是什么?士气沮丧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:士气沮丧的读音是,士气沮丧翻译成英文是 demoralization

  5. 问:士气重整拼音怎么拼?士气重整的读音是什么?士气重整翻译成英文是什么?

    答:士气重整的读音是shì qì chóng zhěng,士气重整翻译成英文是 Morale Rearmament

  6. 问:士气高昂拼音怎么拼?士气高昂的读音是什么?士气高昂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:士气高昂的读音是shì qì gāo áng,士气高昂翻译成英文是 High Spirits

  7. 问:士气鼓舞连拼音怎么拼?士气鼓舞连的读音是什么?士气鼓舞连翻译成英文是什么?

    答:士气鼓舞连的读音是shì qì gǔ wǔ lián,士气鼓舞连翻译成英文是 Morale Support Company

  8. 问:士气鼓舞军官拼音怎么拼?士气鼓舞军官的读音是什么?士气鼓舞军官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:士气鼓舞军官的读音是shì qì gǔ wǔ jūn guān,士气鼓舞军官翻译成英文是 Morale Support Officer


