







汉语拼音:dāo bǐng







  1. 刀的把手。

    《五分律·破僧法》:“不听如刀柄带著腰中。” 鲁迅 《而已集·当陶元庆君的绘画展览时》:“于是向 埃及 坟中的绘画赞叹,对黑人刀柄上的雕刻点头,这往往使我们误解,以为要再回到旧日的桎梏里。”

  2. 比喻兵权或生杀大权。

    梁斌 《红旗谱》第二卷二五:“如今他们有权有势,刀柄在他们手里攥着嘛!” 梁斌 《红旗谱》第二卷二五:“他们也要防备刀柄攥在别人手里的时候。”



  1. Both of his hands reached to the handle, to pull it out, but Alice pushed it in farther and turned it like she had seen done in movies.


  2. He held the holder by the river and can't see the dazzling gleam of the blade anymore. There was no more fire sparks falling into the water.


  3. Even if war were declared, and it were my lot to go, I would grab the bayonet and plunge it, plunge it up to the hilt.


  4. A weapon consisting typically of a long, straight or slightly curved, pointed blade having one or two cutting edges and set into a hilt.


  5. The kind of grip is a little curved. Thick back, sharp blade, fitting length. It's fit for cutting, and is a practical shape.


  6. The only difference was the different patterns on hilt. Japanese sabers were with Japanese national flower cherry blossom!


  7. paraphrase : mishaps , as knives , can be both beneficial and hurtful . it depends on which side we grasp , the blade or the handle.


  8. Catherine reached for a scalpel. The weight of the handle, the contour of steel, felt comfortable in her grasp.


  9. But the deeper his knife went, the deeper the small hand sank until it had caught hold of Georgiana's heart.


  1. 枪刺状刀柄

    bayonet blade holder.

  2. 刀柄平衡器

    Running in reverse silences chatter.

  3. 大锥度刀柄

    steep taper shank.

  4. 月牙键槽刀柄

    shank with woodruff keyseat

  5. 扁钻刀刃和扁钻刀柄

    Spade drill blades and spade drill holders

  6. 猎刀柄雕工精美。

    The handle of his hunting knife was neatly carved.

  7. 我们在找刀柄的瘀青。

    We are looking for hilt mark bruising.

  8. 刀与刀柄的比例刀与刀柄成比例吗

    Bladetohandle ratio. Does the blade look proportional to the handle.

  9. 扁尾月牙键槽刀柄

    shank with tang and woodruff keyseat

  10. 这把刀得刀柄是木做得。

    The knife has a wooden handle.

  11. 这把刀的刀柄是木做的。

    The knife has a wooden handle.

  12. 这把刀的刀柄是木头做的。

    The knife has a wooden handle.

  13. 台湾各种刀柄, 铣刀及机床附件

    GermanyMilling cutter and indexable inserts of AVANTEC.

  14. 和手握刀柄时激动的颤抖

    The thrill of the cut.

  15. 这把刀的刀柄是我自己做的。

    I made the knife handle by myself.

  16. 这把刀的刀柄是我自己做的。

    I made the knife handle by myself.

  17. 这把刀得刀柄是我自己做得。

    I made the knife handle by myself.

  18. 拉刀刀柄和夹紧部的尺寸

    Dimensions of pull and follower ends of broach.

  19. 普通刀柄或扁平刀柄的燕尾铣刀。尺寸

    Dovetail cutters with plain and flatted parallel shanks. dimensions

  20. 看见了吗,这是被刀柄磨的

    See this? This is where the knife handle hits.

  21. 高速切削加工用刀柄的发展现状

    Developing Status of the Tool Shank for High Speed Cutting

  22. 译你的斩魂刀的刀柄是什么颜色的

    What colour would your sword hilt be

  23. 医疗器械。可换刀片的手术刀刀柄。刀柄

    Medical instruments scalpel handles for detachable blades handles

  24. 刀身和刀柄是一把刀的组成部分。

    Blade and handle are the component parts of a knife.

  25. 父母身上有刀柄的瘀青,而儿子身上没有。

    Hilt marks on the parents, no hilt marks on the son.

  26. 我把它完整的利用在刀柄上了。

    I is on the haft the exploitation of its integrity.

  27. 谨记这些溶剂能损坏一些巴克刀柄。

    Keep in mind that these solvents can damage some Buck handles.

  28. 在一把剑的刀柄上的一个装饰的缨子。

    An ornamental tassel on the hilt of a sword.

  29. 刀刃是用优质钢材制造的,刀柄是木制的。

    Blade made of very high quality steel, wooden handle.

  30. 然后关闭刀片并合上刀柄上的保险装置。

    Close the blade and engage the safety on top of the handle.


  1. 问:刀柄拼音怎么拼?刀柄的读音是什么?刀柄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刀柄的读音是dāobǐng,刀柄翻译成英文是 The handle of a sword.