


较量高低、长短、远近、好坏等:~赛。~附。对~。评~。能够相匹:今非昔~。无与伦~。表示比赛双方胜负的对比:三~二。表示两个数字之间的倍数、分数等关系:~例。~值。譬喻,摹拟:~如。~方。~兴(xìng )(文学写作的两种手法。“比”是譬喻……







汉语拼音:bǐ mù yú






  1. 鳒、鲆、鲽、鳎、舌鳎等鱼类的统称。这几种鱼身体皆扁平而阔,成长后两眼逐渐移到头部的一侧,平卧在海底。又名鳒、魪、魼、鞋底鱼、婢簁鱼、奴屩鱼、板鱼、箬叶鱼、偏口鱼、拖沙鱼等。

    《尔雅·释地》:“东方有比目鱼焉,不比不行,其名谓之鰈。”《史记·封禅书》:“东海致比目之鱼。” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·鳞四·比目鱼》:“比,并也。鱼各一目,相并而行也。”

  2. 旧说此鱼一目,须两两相并始能游行,故古代常用以比喻形影不离的情侣或朋友。

    宋 梅尧臣 《八月二十二日回过三沟》诗:“不见沙上双飞鸟,莫取波中比目鱼。” 元 徐琰 《一枝花·间阻》套曲:“再几时能够那柔条儿再接上连枝树?再几时能够那暖水儿重温活比目鱼?” 明 张居正 《答石麓李相公书》:“昔为比目鱼,今作纷飞鸟,人生聚散离合,可胜嘆哉!”



  1. With that he put it back into the clear water, and the flounder disappeared to the bottom, leaving a long trail of blood behind him.


  2. But Austin said he hasn't gone fishing, a sport immortalized by Ernest Hemingway, since he found out that "you can't catch flounder. "


  3. At this point, it is probably safe to call the Toronto season a fluke.


  4. Some poached halibut has arrived, which we agree is the high point of the meal, in culinary terms at least.


  5. Objective To observe the value of soleus muscle flap repairing the wound surface with the bone leaked out on the crus.


  6. As for the left-eyed and right-eyed flatfish, their difference, however striking, appears to be an evolutionary red herring.


  7. Any of several large, edible flatfishes of the genus Hippoglossus and related genera, of northern Atlantic or Pacific waters.


  8. Once the infection is gone, if the ear is excessively moist, use a drying creme every few days to keep the infection from starting up again.


  9. The Achilles tendon that connects with soleus, gastrocnemius muscle and calcaneus behaves like a "three stings system" .


  1. 铁扒比目鱼

    Grilled sole

  2. 咸水比目鱼

    flounder in brine.

  3. 比目鱼调味粉

    Delichef Flounder Fish Seasoning Powder.

  4. 猪肉还是比目鱼

    Pork or sole?

  5. 大型褐色欧洲比目鱼。

    a large brownish European flatfish.

  6. 奶香比目鱼大烤

    Fillet of Halibut with fennel and shallot butter sauce

  7. 产于太平洋的比目鱼。

    a righteye flounder found in the Pacific.

  8. 这是小比目鱼, 你好, 小比目鱼。

    Hes Flounder. Hello, Flounder!

  9. 鱼排,常指大比目鱼。

    fish steak usually cut from a halibut.

  10. 食谱616盎司比目鱼,2杯芦笋

    Meal 6 16 ounces of flounder, 0 cups of asparagus.

  11. 更彻底的还有比目鱼。

    right up there with flat fish.

  12. 意式田园香烤比目鱼

    Pastoral Grilled Flatfish in Italian Style

  13. 我有烧烤比目鱼, 沙拉。

    I had the grilled halibut and veggies.

  14. 我以为比目鱼是扁平的。

    I consider a flounder to be flat.

  15. 我以为比目鱼是扁平的。

    I consider a flounder to be flat.

  16. 产于美国南部的比目鱼。

    flounder of southern United States.

  17. 把大比目鱼拖上船

    to boat a halibut

  18. 我想我来一盘烤比目鱼。

    I think I'll try the broiled sole.

  19. 欧洲非常珍贵的食用比目鱼。

    European flatfish highly valued as food.

  20. 一种欧洲大比目鱼的肉。

    Flesh of a large European flatfish.

  21. 鲽 形目比目鱼的统称,约300种。

    Any of about 300 species of flatfishes.

  22. 北美洲太平洋沿岸普通的比目鱼。

    common flatfish of North American Pacific coast.

  23. 有微黄色尾巴得美洲比目鱼。

    American flounder having a yellowish tail.

  24. 有微黄色尾巴的美洲比目鱼。

    American flounder having a yellowish tail.

  25. 各种美洲和欧洲比目鱼的肉。

    Flesh of any of various American and European flatfish.

  26. 爱丽儿和小比目鱼是朋友。

    Ariel and Flounder are friends.

  27. 产于北美洲东部海岸的比目鱼。

    Flounder of eastern coast of North America.

  28. 被放逐的比目鱼的年龄分布评估

    Estimation of age composition of released flounder

  29. 生煎比目鱼配清炒奶油蛤蜊

    Pan Seared Fillet of Arctic Halibut On a Bed of steamed rice with sauted clams and Garden Herbs

  30. 一种比目鱼, 尤指牙鲆属鲽鱼

    any of various flatfishes, especially a flounder of the genus Paralichthys


  1. 问:比目鱼拼音怎么拼?比目鱼的读音是什么?比目鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:比目鱼的读音是bǐmùyú,比目鱼翻译成英文是 flatfish; flounder

  2. 问:比目鱼拼音怎么拼?比目鱼的读音是什么?比目鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:比目鱼的读音是bǐmùyú,比目鱼翻译成英文是 Flatfish

  3. 问:比目鱼肌拼音怎么拼?比目鱼肌的读音是什么?比目鱼肌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:比目鱼肌的读音是bǐ mù yú jī,比目鱼肌翻译成英文是 soleus, soleus muscle, musculus soleus

  4. 问:比目鱼锅拼音怎么拼?比目鱼锅的读音是什么?比目鱼锅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:比目鱼锅的读音是bǐmùyú guō,比目鱼锅翻译成英文是 Sole Stew

  5. 问:比目鱼之类拼音怎么拼?比目鱼之类的读音是什么?比目鱼之类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:比目鱼之类的读音是,比目鱼之类翻译成英文是 plaice

  6. 问:比目鱼肌线拼音怎么拼?比目鱼肌线的读音是什么?比目鱼肌线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:比目鱼肌线的读音是bǐ mù yú jī xiàn,比目鱼肌线翻译成英文是 soleal line

  7. 问:比目鱼生鱼片拼音怎么拼?比目鱼生鱼片的读音是什么?比目鱼生鱼片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:比目鱼生鱼片的读音是bǐmùyú shēng yú piàn,比目鱼生鱼片翻译成英文是 Sliced Raw Flatfish

  8. 问:比目鱼肌腱弓拼音怎么拼?比目鱼肌腱弓的读音是什么?比目鱼肌腱弓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:比目鱼肌腱弓的读音是bǐ mù yú jī jiàn gōng,比目鱼肌腱弓翻译成英文是 tendinous arch of soleus

  9. 问:比目鱼肌纤维弓拼音怎么拼?比目鱼肌纤维弓的读音是什么?比目鱼肌纤维弓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:比目鱼肌纤维弓的读音是bǐ mù yú jī xiān wéi gōng,比目鱼肌纤维弓翻译成英文是 fibrous arch of soleus muscle

  10. 问:比目鱼生鱼片冷面拼音怎么拼?比目鱼生鱼片冷面的读音是什么?比目鱼生鱼片冷面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:比目鱼生鱼片冷面的读音是bǐmùyú shēng yú piàn lěng miàn,比目鱼生鱼片冷面翻译成英文是 Cold Buckwheat Noodles with Raw Sole