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1. 混 [hùn]2. 混 [hún]混 [hùn]搀杂在一起:~杂。~和。~同。~淆。~为一谈。乱,胡乱:~乱。~世魔王。蒙,充:蒙~。~充。~进。鱼目~珠。苟且度过:胡~。~事。混 [hún]同“浑”。……
汉语拼音:hùn jì
见“ 混迹 ”。
亦作“ 混跡 ”。谓使行踪混杂在大众间。常有隐身不露的意思。
唐 元稹 《代曲江老人百韵》:“毁容怀赤紱,混跡戴黄巾。” 宋 陆游 《好事近》词:“混迹寄人间,夜夜画楼银烛。” 明 屠隆 《綵毫记·访道仙翁》:“正为国家多难,罗网难逃,混迹和光,斯为良策。” 曹亚伯 《黄花岗之役·广州三月二十九日之役》:“此必有奸细混跡党中,为敌侦探。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致姚克》:“但 上海 真是是非蜂起之乡,混迹其间,如在洪炉上面,能躁而不能静。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·惠能和尚的偈语》:“中外都有一些画家、雕塑家,创造出一件作品来之后,悄悄躲在佛寺幕帷后面,或者混迹到群众当中,听取最普通的人的批评意见。”
He said he was a religious man and had wandered through many schools of different so-called holy men.
他说他是个宗教人士,曾经混迹于很多群各种所谓的圣人中。Mr Walker is now a professor of English at a state college in Massachusetts, far from the streets he used to haunt as a thug.
沃克没有在他以往混迹的街头上成为一个恶棍,恰恰相反,现在他是麻省一所州立大学的英语教授。He posed as a privateer for two years, exploring the underworld of the Hapes Cluster in search of his brother's murderer.
在接下来的两年里,他假扮成私掠船船长,混迹于海皮斯星团的黑社会,寻找杀害哥哥的凶手。Roland Chambers, in his new book, investigates Ransome's life in these years as he trod the shadowy border between journalism and espionage.
RolandChambers在他的新书中调查了Ransome那些年的生活,发现他曾混迹于记者和间谍两道。Meanwhile his dark young love is lurking at the other end of the platform in a group of her own people.
同时,他阴郁的年轻情人也混迹在站台另一端她自己那群人中。The other quean seemed to just hang around with the commoners for years until people started using it as a word for a prostitute.
相比之下,另一个单词quean似乎在很多年里都混迹于普通大众,直至人们开始用它来称呼妓女。The concept of gwonxi is important for navigating such a world.
要在这样的一个世界里混迹,关系非常重要。He knew it was a spot in Manhattan where wise guys hung out, and he knew he'd get acquainted eventually.
他知道这里是曼哈顿的大佬们混迹的地方,并且他相信自己最终会与这些人打成一片。Today, gay political groups largely ignore the hundreds of thousands of Americans who spend Saturday night in their local gay bar.
Spent more time with the posse
混迹于所谓得朋友群中, 吃喝玩乐。
You wish hide in a group of so called friends, Chi He Wan Luo.
You wish hide in a group of so called friends, Chi He Wan Luo.
Jackie was running around with all these brilliant people.
We've been hanging out at the same pub for years.
Wretched hives of scum and villainy always have the best music.
If I want to keep that growing, I can't spin at kids'parties.
The nobleman's son was a notoriously vicious soldier, worldly and wicked.
The nobleman's son was a notoriously vicious soldier, worldly and wicked.
He is a planted agent, hiding his identity to the gangsters, and getting a lot of criminal evidence.
He is a planted agent, hiding his identity to the gangsters, and getting a lot of criminal evidence.
Sponges, jellyfish and corals were joined by bony fish, scorpions and trilobites.
汽车和政治一样, 混迹江湖的日子越久, 影响力就越大。
In cars as well as politics, incumbency equals power.
Anthozoan is slash to all mixing at Network for the friend, it is one side banner.
答:混迹的读音是hùnjì,混迹翻译成英文是 To become entwined with a certain crowd or place...