




1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……



汉语拼音:xiǎn yào








  1. 地势险峻而处于要冲的地位。

    《三国志·魏志·徐晃传》:“此阁道, 汉中 之险要咽喉也。”《古今小说·临安里钱婆留发迹》:“﹝ 钱鏐 ﹞乃选弓弩手二十名,自家率领,多带良箭,伏山谷险要之处。” 徐迟 《黄山记》:“它还特意委托风神带来名贵的松树树种,播在险要处。”



  1. When he reached the dragon's lair he saw that the cliffs of the ravine were so far across that building a bridge would take a year.

  2. Due to difficult terrain, known as "two lock and key unparalleled in Beijing, the Great Wall the first hurdle, " said.

  3. Why home is not advantageous to the topography of a battleground of the ancient battlefield?

  4. The Yanmen Pass has glorious history. It has important military strategy status since the ancient times .

  5. Depending on the Changjiang River, the Kuomintang armies fought actively against their enemies, but they were still defeated.

  6. You can give an infantry company three hours to take a pillbox in a tough spot and they'll go in and take it.

  7. Its commanding position, on a hill overlooking the Thames, seems the natural place for the principal building in the area.

  8. The remote location, strategically located and difficult terrain, Preah Vihear Temple is quite well preserved.

  9. Yizhou difficult terrain, there is a vast fertile land, is a fertile place, emperor emperor was established by virtue of its industry.


  1. 地势险要,为关隘重地。

    Topography Xianyao, to pass heavily.

  2. 这里的地势非常险要。

    The terrain of here is strategically situated and difficult of access.

  3. 最险要的地方叫做鲫鱼背。

    and the dangerous point of it is called Carp Back.

  4. 军事关隘的地势都很险要。

    Military strategic passes are all strategically located and hard to reach.

  5. 这座山峰坡势陡峻,极为险要。

    High and precipitous, this mountain is strategically located and difficult of access.

  6. 狗皮岭在关口的东侧,地势险要。

    Dogskin Ridge juncture in the east, the terrain Xianyao.

  7. 该寨有二百余户人家,地形极为险要。

    There were over two hundred households in the village, which occupied a highly strategic position.

  8. 有此也可见祁门地势扼皖赣咽喉的险要。

    Has this also obviously Qi gate topography to clutch Anhui and Jiangxi pharynx and larynx's important.

  9. 有此也可见祁门地势扼皖赣咽喉得险要。

    Has this also obviously Qi gate topography to clutch Anhui and Jiangxi pharynx and larynx's important.

  10. 沱河从西,北,东三面绕城而过,位置颇为险要。

    Protected by Tuo River which skirts it on the north, east and west sides, it is strategically located, more easy to defend than to attack

  11. 这个险必须要冒。

    Well,that's a chance we'll have to take.

  12. 这个险必须要冒。

    Well, that's a chance we'll have to take.

  13. 破碎险是特别险,要收取额外保费。

    Breakage is a special risk, for which an extra premium will be charged.

  14. 我要保全险。

    I want full insurance coverage.

  15. 要冒点险的吗?

    We were gonna have adventures on this trip?

  16. 他险险乎按捺不住,要用尽力气高声骂娘。

    He had an almost overwhelming temptation to shout a string of filthy words at the top of his voice.

  17. 我们要冒这个险。

    We will take the chances.

  18. 我们说要冒点险。

    We tell them to take a risk.

  19. 但为什么要冒这个险?

    why risk it?

  20. 要冒的险太大了。

    There's too much at stake.

  21. 要冒的险太大了。

    There's too much at stake.

  22. 为什么他要冒这个险?

    Why would he do that? Why even risk it?

  23. 希望是必须要冒的险。

    Hope is a risk that must be run.

  24. 但如果我非要冒这个险呢?

    What if I took that risk?

  25. 我认为应该也要投保战争险。

    I think War Risk should be covered to.

  26. 那个进口商想要投保一切险。

    That importer wishes to insure against All Risks.

  27. 哦 可能 但为什么要冒这个险呢?

    Maybe, but why risk it?

  28. 医生说 我们不想要冒任何险

    He said, Well, we don't want to take any chances.

  29. 我宁愿你拒绝而不要冒这个险。

    I would rather you should say no more than run this risk.

  30. 他们将要冒这个险是很清楚的了。

    That they would take the risk was very clear.


  1. 问:险要拼音怎么拼?险要的读音是什么?险要翻译成英文是什么?

    答:险要的读音是xiǎnyào,险要翻译成英文是 strategic location




出处:《三国志·魏志·徐晃传》:“此阁道, 汉中 之险要咽喉也。”《古今小说·临安里钱婆留发迹》:“﹝ 钱鏐 ﹞乃选弓弩手二十名,自家率领,多带良箭,伏山谷险要之处。” 徐迟 《黄山记》:“它还特意委托风神带来名贵的松树树种,播在险要处。” 险要的反义词是平坦 。