







汉语拼音:wèi wǎn







  1. 中医指胃的内腔。其上口叫上脘,中部叫中脘,下口叫下脘。

    《灵枢经·四时气》:“饮食不下,膈塞不通,邪在胃脘。” 宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·药议》:“咽则下入胃脘,次入胃。”《负曝闲谈》第三回:“ 柳国斌 当下被他妻子抢白了一顿,气得哑口无言,后来连鸦片烟都抽不进,把手揉着胃脘,只喊啊唷。”

  2. 犹胃口。比喻对事物的兴趣。




  1. Acupuncture was one of the therapies to treat the epigastric pain. It got effect quickly.


  2. abstract: Objective: To observe the effect of moxibustion and acu-point as an assistant therapy in treating epigastralgia.


  3. Objective: To explore the relationship between gastric abscess differentiation and the concentration of motilin.


  4. The common chronic pneumonia, according to its symptom, belongs to the category of abdomen ache of TCM.


  5. Objective: To observe the clinical effects of Sini san on gastralgia with liver-stomach disharmony syndrome.


  6. Conclusion: Sini san has a definite effect for gastralgia with liver-stomach disharmony syndrome.


  7. its overuse may result in discharge of red blood as well as dry throat and burning stomach; ? Rhizoma Coptidisand ?


  8. Methods: 46 patients who suffered stomachache cause by disharmony between liver and stomach were treated with Sini san.


  9. Conclusion: There is a close relation between gastric abscess differentiation and the concentration of motilin.


  1. 阴虚胃脘痛

    stomachache with yin asthenia

  2. 百合汤加减治疗胃脘痛53例

    Treatment of Cardiac acge by Lily decoction in 53 cases

  3. 捏脊治疗胃脘痛96例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Chiropractic Therapy inTreatment of96 Patients with Epigastralgia

  4. 胃脘痛辨证与胃镜相关性探讨

    Study on the Relativity of Zheng and Gastroscope Diagnosis of Epigastric pain

  5. 加味理中汤治疗胃脘痛58例58

    Cases of curing epiagstric pain with jiawei lizhong decoction

  6. 中医中药治疗胃脘痛120例临床观察

    Clinical observation on120 cases of epigastric pain treated with TCM

  7. 荜拨穴位敷贴治疗胃脘痛46例观察

    Observation on Stomachache Treated with Point Application with Fructus Piperis

  8. 健脾和胃汤加味治疗胃脘痛72例

    Treating 72 Cases of Epigastralgia witn Jian Pi He Wei Tang

  9. 加味黄芪建中汤治疗胃脘痛26例26

    Cases of treating stomachache with modified huangqi jianzhong decoction

  10. 胃灵颗粒治疗胃脘痛的临床观察

    The Clinical Observation of Epigastric Pain Treated by WEILING Granules

  11. 胃宁合剂治疗胃脘痛得临床研究

    Clinical Study on Stomach Peace Mixture in the Treatment of Epigastric Pain

  12. 胃宁合剂治疗胃脘痛的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Stomach Peace Mixture in the Treatment of Epigastric Pain

  13. 穴位注射治疗急性胃脘痛118例疗效观察

    Clinical Observations on the Treatment of 118 Patients with Acute Gastralgia by Acupoint Injection

  14. 疏肝和胃汤治疗慢性胃脘痛44例疗效分析

    Treating44 cases of chronic stomach ache with Shuganheweitang

  15. 普鲁卡因合剂加中药治疗胃脘痛102例

    Treatment of 102 Patients with Pain in Epigastric Region by Procaine Mixture Combined with Chinese Drugs

  16. 基于胃脘痛方剂整理的数据仓库建模研究

    Research on the Data Warehouse Modeling Based on the Collation of Epigastric Pain Prescription

  17. 主治食欲不振,消化不良,胃脘冷痛,满闷嗳气。

    It can treat the inappetence, dyspepsia, fullness in the stomach and epigastralgia.

  18. 结论温针灸至阳穴治疗寒性胃脘痛疗效确切。

    Conclusion The treatment of cold epigastralgia with warm moxibustion at Zhiyang has a reliable curative effect.

  19. 胃脘舒冲剂叶酸胶体果胶铋胶囊治疗萎缩性胃炎疗效观察

    Clinical Efficitncy of Wei Wanshu Granules Folacin and Colloidol Bismuth Pectin Capsules Combination Treatment Atrophic Gastritis

  20. 中药经方配合壮医药线点灸治疗脾虚型胃脘痛

    Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Moxibustion of Zhuang Medicated Thread on Stomachache of Spleen Deficiency Syndrome

  21. 胃痛又称胃脘痛, 是以胃脘近心窝处常发生疼痛为主的疾患。

    The stomach ache calls the epigastric pain, is often has the ache primarily illness by the stomach cavity near pit of the stomach place.