







汉语拼音:pāng tuó







  1. the land in sheets, and lightning played like jagged snakes in the air. High above the roar of the wind crashed and burst the thunder.


  2. Have no use for rain in torrents which like a flood of tears. My friends said it is very good to run in the rain at the moment.


  3. a moderate to heavy rainfall , moving with the wind and lasting for nearly an hour , developed from the cloud mass.


  4. and "whistling of the wind, " "torrential heavy rain, " just to exercise your muscles, temper your will, make you stronger incomparable!


  5. the other my future, an empty gray page, a cloudy sea image on which rain was falling and no boats were in sight.


  6. AS RUSSIA burns to a crisp, thousands of kilometres to the south-west torrential storms visit unprecedented flooding on Pakistan.


  7. Nobody had caught sight of it, the never coming Summer Solstice. The drencher started and the flood approached.


  8. The clouds above opened up and let it out.


  9. The last two days of her stay there it rained like fury.


  1. 大雨滂沱。

    It's raining in torrents.; The rain poured down in torrents.

  2. 此刻大雨滂沱。

    The rain now was pelting down.

  3. 大雨滂沱而下。

    The rain was coming down in sheets.

  4. 下倾盆大雨, 大雨滂沱。

    It never rains, but it pours. It rains cats and dogs.

  5. 你可畏惧大雨滂沱?

    Do you fear the slash of the rain?

  6. 现在真在下滂沱大雨。

    It’s pouring right now.

  7. 大雨滂沱。一张金属板。

    The rain fell in sheets.

  8. 庄稼被滂沱大雨浸没了。

    The crops were drowned by the heavy rainfall.

  9. 大雨滂沱击打着挡风玻璃。

    The rain drove across the windshield in sheets.

  10. 大雨滂沱, 球场变成了泥沼。

    The heavy rain had turned the pitch into a quagmire.

  11. 大雨滂沱,造成了很大损害。

    It rained heavily, causing great damage.

  12. 整天大雨滂沱,我们不能外出。

    It rained cats and dogs all day and we could not go out.

  13. 大雨滂沱,我浑身都湿透了。

    The rain sheeted down, and I was soaked through.

  14. 大雨滂沱,我们全身都湿透了。

    The rain fell in torrents, insomuch that we were wet through.

  15. 在滂沱的大雨中感觉你的碰触

    I feel you touch me in the pouring rain

  16. 大雨滂沱,造成了那个国家洪水泛滥。

    It rained heavily, causing severe flooding in that country.

  17. 这儿刮风则阴风怒号,下雨则大雨滂沱。

    The wind up here blew unmistakably when it did blow, and the rain hit hard whenever it fell

  18. 昨日, 或是更久以前, 太阳清冷, 大雨滂沱。

    Yesterday, and days before, sun is cold and rain is hard.

  19. 瞬间, 雷鸣电闪, 滂沱大雨倾盆而降。

    Instant, thunder lightning, torrential rain poured down flying.

  20. 在大雨滂沱中, 可信赖的形象出现在屏幕上。

    During the downpour, predictably, the trusty trenches appeared onscreen.

  21. 她在那儿逗留的最后两天里大雨滂沱。

    The last two days of her stay there it rained like fury.

  22. 很多时候,只有滂沱大雨才足以将火扑灭。

    Frequently, only heavy rain will provide the amount of water necessary to extinguish the flames.

  23. 该国南部大雨滂沱而北部却滴雨未落。

    The heavy rain missed the north of the country altogether, and the south copped the lot.

  24. 滂沱大雨挽救了局面, 让伦敦免于臭气熏天。

    Heavy rain saved the day and rid London of its smell.

  25. 让眼泪隐藏在滂沱的雨水中,拥着我的这份伤痛

    Hide my tears in the pouring rain, had my share of hurt and pain

  26. 大雨滂沱,1号在麦当劳里遇见神经兮兮的5号,随她回家。

    Taiyupangtuo, on the1st, met at McDonalds on the5th of the screwy tournament, as she returned home.

  27. 我应该在滂沱大雨中,在这条满溢的河上享受我的旅程。

    I shall enjoy my trip along this brimful river at the height of the rains.

  28. 大雨滂沱之中他伸出手臂似乎在迎接新鲜空气和自由。

    He extended his arms in front of him in the heavy rain as if he were welcoming the fresh air and the freedom.

  29. 大雨滂沱,水气弥漫,能见度越来越小,费伯不得不放慢车速。

    Faber seemed to be driving more and more slowly, and the rain and mist became more impenetrable.

  30. 大雨滂沱,肆意地往水塘里跑,让雨声沉没我的大声欢笑。

    Heavy rain is torrential, wanton ground runnings in past pond, let pitterpatter flood my loud mirth.


  1. 问:滂沱拼音怎么拼?滂沱的读音是什么?滂沱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滂沱的读音是pāngtuó,滂沱翻译成英文是 torrential



1. [pouring;torrential] 2. 形容雨下得很大 3. 比喻眼泪流得很多,哭得厉害