


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……







汉语拼音:bù guò rú cǐ








  1. 只是这样,谓并不怎么特出。

    《论语·为政》“ 子张 问十世” 宋 朱熹 注:“大约世数不过如此。” 元 陈栎 《勤有堂随录》:“虽大儒教人,亦不过如此而已。” 茅盾 《小巫》:“想想花了三百大洋弄来的这个‘ 菱姐 ’,好象也不过如此,并没比镇上半开门的 李二姐 好多少,这钱真花得有点冤枉。”



  1. Her care of me in my travail, and after in my lying in, was such, that if she had been my own mother it could not have been better.


  2. That may not sound like much, but remember a person with TB can infect another dozen or so people over the course of a year.


  3. Why, it's just as easy! If I'd a knowed this was all, I'd a learnt long ago.


  4. And for all the rest of my life, as I know now, I shall have to shave every morning in order to be ready for no more than this!


  5. " Now know it too late? " Cheng Yakun smiled, he thought he would be so smart, but also so.


  6. If philosophy can be, at best, only what Hegel called 'its time held in thought', still, that might be enough.


  7. You think, use what kind of vocabulary to laud all not in order to lead, the human life fairyland or utopia also only so-so.


  8. She had been saving every penny she could for months , with this result.


  9. So much for the wisdom of that grand planner.


  1. 也不过如此。

    would be this.

  2. 科技也不过如此

    So much for technology.

  3. 人生也不过如此!

    Life is also much better than this!

  4. 我想原因不过如此。

    I tthink the reasons are no more than as follows.

  5. 欧洲的团结不过如此。

    So much for European solidarity.

  6. 我看过了,不过如此。

    I've watched it, just so so.

  7. 他的知识也不过如此。

    So much for his knowledge!

  8. 人生不过如此,该收场了。

    So much for the game of life. It's time to call a stop.

  9. 突然觉得,生命也不过如此。

    Suddenly feel that life is also much better than this.

  10. 韩佳,天堂也不过如此吧。

    Han Jia, the paradise won't be better than this.

  11. 人与车的关系不过如此。

    That was all there was to the relationship between man and rickshaw.

  12. 天大的仁慈也不过如此了。

    Even clemency can go only so far.

  13. 我要说的答案也不过如此。

    I couldn't have given a better answer myself.

  14. 最多再有几英里, 也不过如此。

    Its a matter of a few more miles, thats all.

  15. 也许让你如此愉悦的和尚不过如此!

    Perhaps this is the kind of monk who pleases you so much!

  16. 不过如此一来又出现了新问题。

    A new problem emerged, however.

  17. 有时候, 无意中看见永恒不过如此而已。

    Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.

  18. 你可以坐我的车,虽然它不过如此。

    You can take my car, such as it is.

  19. 他们逐渐感到所谓民主制度也不过如此。

    Theyve grown rather cynical about democracy.

  20. 他们虽然是人才,但在我看来也不过如此。

    They are talent, but not excessively so.

  21. 牧师劝告人们学习篱雀的生活方式不过如此。

    So much for the reverends exhortations to emulate the ways of the dunnock.

  22. 人生不过如此, 我应该笑着看, 而不是哭着说。

    Life is but I should smile, rather than crying.

  23. 上学拿钱混日子,上班拿日子混钱。诶人生也不过如此。

    53 go to school take money dawdle, work with mixed day money. Hey its just life.

  24. 如此高强度的征战, 就算英超顶级球员也不过如此。

    So high strength an expedition, even if the FA Premier League top player is also mediocre.

  25. 果真奥运冠军得到金牌后的兴奋也不过如此了。

    After really the Olympic Games champion obtained the gold medal excited to be also mediocre.

  26. 许仙大夫, 你这间药铺真是漂亮, 我想皇宫也不过如此吧。

    X Your drugstore is great. Its like the palace.

  27. 承诺减少碳排放或许会使我们显得高尚, 但其意义不过如此。

    Promising to cut carbon emissions may make us feel virtuous, but that is all it does.

  28. 他在我的记忆里可能是个最可爱的朋友,但也不过如此而已。

    He may live in my memory as the most amiable man of my acquaintance, but that is all.

  29. 第二天,切罗基人莎被草草地埋了,咆哮营能提供的不过如此。

    The next day Cherokee Sal had such rude sepulture as Roaring Camp afforded.

  30. 不过难道如此简单吗?

    Could it be so simple though?