


1. 仅 [jǐn]2. 仅 [jìn]仅 [jǐn]不过,才:不~如此。绝无~有。~只(仅仅)。仅 [jìn]将近,几乎:士卒~万人。……




1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……





汉语拼音:jǐn cǐ ér yǐ








  1. Good genes are a blessing that some should be grateful for, but they can help only so much. The rest, for better or worse, is all up to you.


  2. with all this talk of a generation gap. We're all contemporaries. There's only a.


  3. But I feel very sad at the moment that a player I held up as high as the King himself, may be about to leave this famous club.


  4. "This was an honest mistake, and it was corrected as soon as it was realized, " one official said. "There is nothing more to this. "


  5. Partial nationalisation of the banking system may be part of that process but any nationalisation should be regarded as a means to an end.


  6. He'll known how much it cost rape somebody and get away with it, that's all?


  7. No, of course not. I just don't want you to have to rack your brain to think of the perfect gift, that's all.


  8. I was relieved. It was what I had been thinking, but I needed him to confirm just how incredibly compassionate he was to all of us.


  9. He said that he had been referring simply to his "first visit" to the studio.


  1. 显然,仅此而已。

    Apparently that's all we're having.

  2. 权力只是权力,仅此而已。

    It just is.

  3. 喝慢一点,仅此而已

    take it easy, that's all.

  4. 我只想谈谈,仅此而已

    I just wanna talk,is all.

  5. 我只想谈谈,仅此而已。

    I just wanna talk, is all.

  6. 但它不单单仅此而已。

    But it doesn't stop there.

  7. 它是非卖品,仅此而已!

    It is not for sale, simple as that!

  8. 他们是酒肉朋友,仅此而已。

    They were drinking companions, that is all.

  9. 什么,不是吧,仅此而已吗

    What? No, come on. You don't know anything else?

  10. 我能帮你的仅此而已。

    I can only help you so far.

  11. 我只想要她, 仅此而已。

    I only want her, nothing more.

  12. 她待我不好, 仅此而已

    She has served me ill, and only that.

  13. 她待我不好,仅此而已

    She has served me ill, and only that.

  14. 不要太排外,仅此而已

    hadn't been so exclusive, that's all.

  15. 我们的确认识,但仅此而已。

    it strue we were acquainted, but no more than that.

  16. 主厨是我的上司,仅此而已

    Chef is my boss. That's it.

  17. 我只是有点恶心,仅此而已。

    I'm just a little grossed out, that's all.

  18. 我只是不敢看你, 仅此而已。

    I just have trouble looking at you. that's all.

  19. 我只是想看望我姐姐, 仅此而已。

    I just want to visit my sister. that's it.

  20. 我只是让她进去, 仅此而已。

    I just let her in man, that's it.

  21. 我希望我的看起来这样。仅此而已。

    I wanted mine to look like that. End of story.

  22. 我得作点预防措施,仅此而已

    I'm just taking precautions, that's all.

  23. 公司要把卡收回来,仅此而已。

    The company wants the card back, period.

  24. 我只是想做个好人,仅此而已。

    I was just trying to be a good guy. That's all.

  25. 我只是想做个好人,仅此而已。

    I was just trying to be a good guy. that's all.

  26. 我只是想做个好人,仅此而已。

    I was just trying to be a good guy. that's all.

  27. 只是不想和你吵架,仅此而已。

    I just didn't want to get into a fight. that's all.

  28. 只是不想和你吵架,仅此而已。

    I just didn't want to get into a fight. that's all.

  29. 只是不想和你吵架,仅此而已。

    I just didn't want to get into a fight. That's all.

  30. 只能拿一把尺量一量仅此而已。

    Aside from taking a ruler and starting to measure it.


  1. 问:仅此而已拼音怎么拼?仅此而已的读音是什么?仅此而已翻译成英文是什么?

    答:仅此而已的读音是jǐn cǐ ér yǐ,仅此而已翻译成英文是 that is all; not much else



仅此而已 (jǐn cǐ ér yǐ)

解释:只是这样。表示一种可以内心的满足。 出处:路遥《平凡的世界》第一卷第11章:“不过,一切也都仅此而已了。” 示例:太多的事,都仅此而已。 用法:作谓语、状语、分句;指唯独如此