


1. 冒 [mào]2. 冒 [mò]冒 [mào]向外透或往上升:~烟(a.烟往上升;b.发怒)。~汗。~尖。不顾(恶劣的环境或危险等),顶着:~雨。~险。~死。不加小心,鲁莽,冲撞:~失。~昧。~进(不顾具体条件,急躁进行)。用假的充当……





汉语拼音:mào pái








  1. 冒充名牌。多指商品等。比喻以假充真。

    瞿秋白 《文艺杂著·荒漠里》:“廉价的旧小说,冒牌的新小说--他们的思想虽旧,他们的话却是 中国 话。” 张锲 《热流·在焦裕禄工作过的地方》:“历史是一面无情的镜子,它公正地照出各种各样乔装打扮的冒牌英雄的原形。”



  1. It was my third day at Melwood but I still felt like a bit of an imposter driving through the gates and parking up in the visitor bays!


  2. But the army will surely have told the president he cannot attempt to stay on in what would be another sham election due this September.


  3. And the young Fisherman grew pale and clenched his hands and cried, `She was a false Witch in that she told me not that.


  4. It is an industry that connoisseurs prefer to see as a calling, where snobbery abounds and where priorities can get confused.


  5. EBay won an important victory in a French court, which found that it was not responsible for the sale of counterfeit items on its website.


  6. But if a young guy tries to wear a bow tie in the same way, he will be considered a bit of an impostor.


  7. "We discovered after the spectacle that this singer was, in fact, an impostor, " the Potions master whispered under his breath.


  8. Even my friends think I can't get a real girlfriend, and need a fake one to feel better.


  9. US again began to ship the counterfeit machines for the Afghan war, this time for the fight against al-Qaida and the Taliban.


  1. 他是个冒牌教授。

    He's a false professor.

  2. 他是个冒牌医生。

    He was an imposter, who masqueraded as a doctor.

  3. 冒牌圣诞老人撒了谎。

    Narrator The fake Santa Clause lied.

  4. 冒牌手表和真正的伤疤

    Counterfeit watches and genuine scars

  5. 把锆石当成钻石冒牌出售

    fobbed off the zircon as a diamond.

  6. 当冒牌医生或江湖郎中。

    To act as a medical quack or a charlatan.

  7. 他是一个冒牌哲学家。

    He is a pretender to philosophy.

  8. 这些冒牌手机主要来自国外。

    These bastard cell phones mostly come from outside the country.

  9. 这些冒牌手机主要来自国外。

    These bastard cell phones mostly come from outside the country.

  10. 他上了冒牌保险业务员的当。

    He was taken in by the fake insurance salesman.

  11. 圣他一定是冒牌的,有可疑。

    He must be the impostor. Hes definitely suspicious.

  12. 正好我也需要一个冒牌新娘。

    I'm sort of in need of a fake bride myself.

  13. 这拳是为冒牌荷尔蒙打的!

    This is for the fake hormones!

  14. 你是个非常粗鲁的冒牌男友。

    You're a very rude fake boyfriend.

  15. 这拳是为冒牌荷尔蒙打得!

    This is for the fake hormones!

  16. 我会为拥有冒牌商品而感到羞愧。

    I will be ashamed to own a counterfeit item.

  17. 这男的卖冒牌手表占观光客的便宜。

    The man took advantage of the tourists and sold them fake watches.

  18. 这男得卖冒牌手表占观光客得便宜。

    The man took advantage of the tourists and sold them fake watches.

  19. 我认为冒牌商品的表现和我期望的一样。

    Counterfeits are normally as good as I expect.

  20. 冒牌社会福利工作员不断坑害独居老人。

    Bogus social workers have been preying on old people living alone.

  21. 我愿意购买冒牌奢侈商品给自己使用。

    I am willing to buy counterfeit luxury products for my own use.

  22. 我认为购买冒牌商品会为我带来风险。

    It is risky to purchase counterfeit luxury item.

  23. 他们总比一个冒牌哥哥要好的多吧。

    They're better than a fake brother.

  24. 我会建议我的亲属和朋友购买冒牌商品。

    I recommend to friends and relatives that buy a counterfeit product.

  25. 他还给了你其它什么,新的冒牌头衔?

    What else did he offer you? A bogus new title?

  26. 警察剥掉了那个冒牌军官偷来得制服。

    The police divested the pretended officer of his stolen uniform.

  27. 警察剥掉了那个冒牌军官偷来的制服。

    The police divested the pretended officer of his stolen uniform.

  28. 比起疾病,那个冒牌医生对我得伤害更深。

    That quack caused me more harm than the disease did.

  29. 比起疾病,那个冒牌医生对我的伤害更深。

    That quack caused me more harm than the disease did.

  30. 这辆车还不是一个真正得克隆, 只是一个冒牌。

    This one is not a true clone, but a clone impostor.


  1. 问:冒牌拼音怎么拼?冒牌的读音是什么?冒牌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冒牌的读音是màopái,冒牌翻译成英文是 pirate

  2. 问:冒牌商品拼音怎么拼?冒牌商品的读音是什么?冒牌商品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冒牌商品的读音是màopái shāngpǐn,冒牌商品翻译成英文是 pirated goods

  3. 问:冒牌货拼音怎么拼?冒牌货的读音是什么?冒牌货翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冒牌货的读音是màopáihuò,冒牌货翻译成英文是 pirated goods

  4. 问:冒牌的拼音怎么拼?冒牌的的读音是什么?冒牌的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冒牌的的读音是,冒牌的翻译成英文是 pinchbeck

  5. 问:冒牌者拼音怎么拼?冒牌者的读音是什么?冒牌者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冒牌者的读音是,冒牌者翻译成英文是 pretender

  6. 问:冒牌贸易拼音怎么拼?冒牌贸易的读音是什么?冒牌贸易翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冒牌贸易的读音是mào pái mào yì,冒牌贸易翻译成英文是 trade of imitations




拼音:mào paí 基本解释 [bogus;counterfeit;phoney;foist] 冒充名家的牌子 详细解释 冒充名牌。多指商品等。比喻以假充真。 瞿秋白 《文艺杂著·荒漠里》:“廉价的旧小说,冒牌的新小说--他们的思想虽旧,他们的话却是 中国 话。” 张锲 《热流·在焦裕禄工作过的地方》:“历史是一面无情的镜子,它公正地照出各种各样乔装打扮的冒牌英雄的原形。”