




1. 假 [jiǎ]2. 假 [jià]假 [jiǎ]不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。……




与客观事实相符合,与“假”、“伪”相对:~诚。~谛。~挚。~心。逼~。认~。~才实学。~知灼见。确实,的确:~好。~正。~切。清楚,显明:看得~。咬字很~。本性,本原:纯~。天~。人的肖像:传(chuán )~。写~。汉字的楷书:~字。~书……



汉语拼音:yǐ jiǎ luàn zhēn








  • 【解释】:以:用;乱:混乱。用假的东西去冒充或混杂真的东西。
  • 【出自】:北齐·颜之推《颜氏家训》:“馀分闰位,谓以伪乱真耳。”
  • 【示例】:如此办法,势必~,以少报多。


  1. A majority of the volunteers told lies but it is the children with better cognitive abilities who can tell the best lies.


  2. But by setting up similar doppelganger domains, the researchers were able to receive messages that would otherwise be bounced back.


  3. Our color of the bamboo slips from both the body and can be reached confused as real ones.


  4. The fresh milk is not cannot adulterate, but must achieve confuses falsehood with the truth, is not easy.


  5. Perhaps China could make a just-as-good fake treaty instead.


  6. Apple's software is tuned to respond to our hand gestures in a way that makes an impression of interaction with the physical object.


  7. But for an old woman with bad eyes, it would do.


  8. This bald eagle named Beauty was fitted with a remarkably life-like prosthetic beak.


  9. This is what psychologists call the illusion of truth effect and it arises at least partly because familiarity breeds liking.


  1. 那坏蛋拿它以假乱真。

    The rogue passed it off as genuine.

  2. 桥牌中的以假乱真打法

    Snares and Swindles in Bridge

  3. 你可以加点面粉以假乱真。

    You can cheat by adding a little flour.

  4. 好的模仿品足以以假乱真!

    A good imitation is sometimes mistakable for the real thing.

  5. 印件做得很精细, 简直可以以假乱真。

    The printed version is very exquisite, and can mix the spurious with the genuine.

  6. 印件做得很精细,简直可以以假乱真。

    The printed version is very exquisite, and can mix the spurious with the genuine.

  7. 迪斯尼启动太空之旅模拟飞船以假乱真

    New Disney Space Ride So Real

  8. 肉眼看上去, 我的假钻戒可以以假乱真。

    My fake diamond ring can pass for a genuine diamond to the naked eye.

  9. 肉眼看上去,我的假钻戒可以以假乱真。

    My fake diamond ring can pass for a genuine diamond to the naked eye.

  10. 其制作如此精巧, 几乎可以以假乱真。

    The sloth pays such little attention to its personal hygiene that green algae grow on its coarse hair and communities of a parasitic moth live in the depths of its coat producing caterpillars which graze on its mouldy hair. Its muscles are such that it is quits incapable of moving at a speed of over a kilometer an hour even over the shortest distances and the swiftest movement it can make is a sweep of its hooked arm.

  11. 鲜奶并不是不能掺假, 但是要做到以假乱真则不容易。

    The fresh milk is not cannot adulterate, but must achieve confuses falsehood with the truth, is not easy.

  12. 在香港, 一个女孩画着以假乱真的妆容去参加一个慈善舞会。

    Women in fancy dress attend a charity Halloween parade in Hong Kong.

  13. 但对于一位眼睛不大好的老妇人来说, 已经足够以假乱真了。

    But for an old woman with bad eyes, it would do.

  14. 不法商人常利用这一特征。在皮壳上做假, 以假乱真, 谋取暴利。

    According to this condition, some unlawful business men often fake the crust in order to reap, immense profits.

  15. 宁可态度粗暴说实话,不要说假话以乱真。

    Better speak truth rudely than lie correctly.

  16. 尽管这些实物改变的效果足可以假乱真,但它们还是仿真的。

    As artificial as the results of these physical alterations may be,they are done to imitate nature.

  17. 许多假货可以乱真,商家无法一下子识破。

    Many fake the real thing, merchants can not see through at once.

  18. 你的美, 以或真或假之情

    And loved your beauty with love false or true

  19. 其思想与禅宗的以自身为假我而追求真我的道理相同。

    Thought and Zen Buddhism its regard oneself as false I pursue reason of real self the same.

  20. 天马行空的胡思乱想,有真有假。

    This is my unconstrained woolgather, some are true, some are false.

  21. 他们以假货充真货硬塞给他。

    They imposed a false article upon him as genuine.

  22. 真笑完了,继以假笑,好把心里的痛吓退。

    When his real laughter had subsided, he continued with simulated laughter in order to scare away the pain in his heart.

  23. 真或假并不重要,以调查测试后你是否可以。

    True or False It is not important to survey a test before you take it.

  24. 我们要活的书,不要死的书;要真的书,不要假的书;要动的书,不要静的书;要用的书,不要读的书。总体来说,我们要以生活为中心的教学做指导,不要以文字为中心的教科书。

    We need books which are alive but not dead; real but not fake; active but not static; for using but not only for reading. In a word, we should be guided by life-based education but not by text-based textbooks.


  1. 问:以假乱真拼音怎么拼?以假乱真的读音是什么?以假乱真翻译成英文是什么?

    答:以假乱真的读音是yǐjiǎluànzhēn,以假乱真翻译成英文是 to mix the false with the true


