







汉语拼音:biān zhuàn








  1. 编辑撰著。

    明 张居正 《纂修事宜疏》:“盖编撰之事,必草创修饰,讨论润色,工夫接续不断,乃能成书。” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》二八:“最近十几年来,很有人提倡阅读文学史,跟着就有人需求文学史,有人编撰文学史。”



  1. The Shredder Clock is just a concept, but it's a pretty good idea, and a new spin on the notion that money is a great morning motivator.


  2. In 10 of these countries, two children in five will not reach the age of 40, said the compilers at the UN Development Program.


  3. Instead, he hunkered down in his tiny home office here and channeled whatever remaining energy he could muster into a slim paperback.


  4. It had been put together by lawyers and executives who supervised investigations at Fortune 500 companies.


  5. Confucian school of thought is one of the classics, by the disciples of Confucius and his disciples compiled from longer.


  6. A printed and bound dictionary starts going out of date the moment the text is sent to the typesetters.


  7. As the compilation of time constraints, the level editor is limited, please correct me, for future revision and improvement.


  8. An early dictionary compiler defined mouse as "an animal well known, " which assumes perhaps more prior knowledge than can be justified.


  9. Mr. Jean-Pierre said this was a compilation of what local governments from outside Port-au-Prince had reported.


  1. 文学史编撰

    compilation of literary history.

  2. 事实编撰物

    compilations of facts.

  3. 历史编撰元小说

    historiographic metafiction

  4. 编撰评估名册的步骤

    Steps Involved in Compiling An Assessment Roll

  5. 词典的属于或关于词典编撰的或词典的。

    Of or relating to lexicography or a lexicon.

  6. 字典编撰者整天忙忙碌碌。

    Lexicographers drudge all day long.

  7. 转型期历史统计资料的编撰

    Compilation of historical statistics in transition period

  8. 编撰词典需要做大量 得工作。

    Compiling a dictionary involves a large amount of work.

  9. 隋唐五代图书编撰考略

    The Book Compilation in Sui, Tang and the Five Dynasties

  10. 编撰神话,评论神话解释或写作神话或神话学

    To interpret or write about myths or mythology.

  11. 那么宪法应当实际编撰成典吗?

    And should the constitution in fact be codified?

  12. 第四,史籍编撰的原则和方法。

    Fourth, it includes the principles and methods of compiling the history books.

  13. 词典编撰词典的编纂或撰写的过程或工作

    The process or work of writing or compiling a dictionary.

  14. 编撰一本词典是一个缓慢的过程。

    Producing a dictionary is a slow process.

  15. 他们基于此研究编撰了一份报告。

    They wrote a paper based on their research.

  16. 后汉纪的编撰特色及其史学地位

    Editorial Features and Historical Contribution of Chronicles of the Later Han Dynasty

  17. 我父亲在死之前编撰了一份名单。

    Before his death, my father compiled a list.

  18. 埃及编撰了最早的炼金术著作。

    Earliest known work on alchemy, forerunner of chemistry, compiled in Egypt.

  19. 事实编撰物著作权保护之实证分析

    Positive Analysis on the Copyright Protection of Compilation of Facts

  20. 我们必须加强编撰文献和公布事实活动。

    We must increase our activities to document and to publicize the facts.

  21. 神话学家,神话编撰者神话学的学生或学者

    A student or scholar of mythology.

  22. 文献提要的嬗变及其编撰形式结构分析

    The Changes of the Documental Summary and Structural Analysis on its Compiling Form

  23. 浅谈古籍伪书的编撰意图及其价值挖掘

    On the Intention of the Compilation of Spurious Ancient Works and the Excavation of Their Values.

  24. 论中古墓志对辞书编撰的重要价值

    A Discussion on the Important Value of Medieval Epitaph to the Compilation of Dictionary

  25. 这份报告是受法国政府的委托而编撰的。

    The report was commissioned by the French government.

  26. 编撰新得法律, 并进行游说使它们能生效

    Write New Laws and Lobbied for Their Enactment

  27. 编撰新的法律, 并进行游说使它们能生效

    Write New Laws and Lobbied for Their Enactment

  28. 为了编撰条约报告,已经开始了资料收集工作。

    Work has begun on data gathering for the treaty reporting.

  29. 这位作家根据她对童年的记忆编撰故事。

    The writer constructed the story from memories of her childhood.

  30. 编撰一本字典要耗费很多得时间和精力。

    It will take a long time and energy to compile a dictionary.


  1. 问:编撰拼音怎么拼?编撰的读音是什么?编撰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:编撰的读音是biānzhuàn,编撰翻译成英文是 compile




【拼音】biān zhuàn 编撰古书

【词性】 动词 

【基本解释】[compile] 撰写,编纂。包含编纂的意思,主要强调在编辑整理的过程中,可以添加自己的观点。