


向前或向上移动、发展,与“退”相对:前~。上~。推~。跃~。~退。~取。~击。~驻。~行(xíng )。~而。入,往里去:~见。~谒。~谗。吃,喝:~食。~餐。滴水未~。收入或买入:~账。~货。日~斗金。奉上,呈上:~言。~奉。~献。旧式房……





汉语拼音:jìn shì






  1. 古代指贡举的人才。

    《礼记·王制》:“大乐正论造士之秀者,以告於王,而升诸司马,曰进士。” 郑玄 注:“进士,可进受爵禄也。”

  2. 荐举贤士。


  3. 科举时代称殿试考取的人。

    明 清 时,举人经会试及格后即可称为进士。 唐 姚合 《寄旧山隐者》诗:“名在进士场,笔毫争等伦。”《儒林外史》第三回:“到京会试,又中了进士,殿在三甲,授了部属。” 沈从文 《从文自传·我上许多课仍然不放下那一本大书》:“多久以来,文人只出了个翰林即 熊希龄 ,两个进士,四个拔贡。”



  1. As a Jinshi in the imperial examination system, his interpretation of A Dream of Red Mansions has not been surpassed in some aspects.


  2. Scholars frequently cite not the first, never intended to officialdom after, a poem of self-entertainment, life-long seclusion.


  3. He turned into an advanced scholar in HongZhi RenXu (1520), shaanxi first song dynasty scholar, for one of the former seven scholars.


  4. Fan Zhongyan examination before the test in a study in Pomiao, Zhuzhou morning bowl of cold after four zoned for a day's rations.


  5. Chin dynasty, twenty-five years, granted the Imperial Academy editing, resign in return Xianfeng four years.


  6. Luo Yue, Fujian Fujian Province County (now Minhou County) who Jiajing twenty-three years jinshan Leizhou know.


  7. Therefore refused to guests, governance Jinshi, then board the first , Macheng Wei stressed.


  8. The seminar began with talks by Mr. Zhong Jia-zhih, director of the Pingtung Civil Affairs Bureau, and Mayor Wang.


  9. Word Yan Yau, Ru Xu (Hefei today) people, publicity, and Scholars, served Chao Feng doctor.


  1. 进士同年录

    social influence and documental value

  2. 进士登科录

    record of successful candidates in the highest examinations

  3. 两个人走进士多

    Two guys came into his store.

  4. 明万历进士, 授检讨。

    Ming Wanli jinshi, grant review.

  5. 明万历进士,授检讨。

    Ming Wanli jinshi, grant review.

  6. 唐进士乞旧衣略考

    On Begging the Old Clothes of Jinshi in the Tang Dynasty

  7. 唐代新进士樱桃宴考

    Cherry Banquet of New Jinshi in the Tang Dynasty

  8. 明代登科进士总数考

    A Study on the Total Number of Jinshi of the Ming Dynasty

  9. 明代新科进士的凄清岁月

    Gloomy Years of Newly Presented Scholar in Ming Dynasty

  10. 张濯, 登上元进士第。诗二首。

    Zhang Zhuo, boarded the Block section. Two Poems.

  11. 论宋初的进士行卷与文学

    Jing Shi Xing Juan and Literature in Early Song Dynasty

  12. 范传质, 元和进士第。诗一首。

    Fan mass, dollar and Scholars section. Write a poem.

  13. 樊阳源, 贞元进士第。诗一首。

    Fan Yang Yuen, Zhen Yuan Chin article. Write a poem.

  14. 柴夔, 太和中登进士第。诗一首。

    Cai Kui, Tai Wo Tang Scholars in the first. Write a poem.

  15. 张季略, 大历进士第。诗一首。

    Zhang quarter slightly, the first large calendar Scholars. Write a poem.

  16. 元和元年登进士第, 为皇太子僚属。

    First Year Scholars yuan and registered the first, for the Crown Prince Liao Shu.

  17. 当年的进士居这是古代的大官人家。

    The residence of metropolitan graduate at that time This is an old official family.

  18. 他60岁才考上了进士,真是大器晚成啊!

    People in the Bronze Age generally used copper to make all kinds of tools.

  19. 登贞元元年进士第, 累至宣歙巡官。

    The first year of the first Chin Tang Zhen Yuan, tired to declare Xi inspector.

  20. 他60岁才考上了进士,真是大器晚成啊!

    He passed the highest imperial examination at the age of 60. It's true that great minds mature slowly!

  21. 唐代进士入仕的主要途径及特点

    Principal Approaches Through Which Successful Candidates in the Highest Imperial Examinations in Tang Dynasty Became Officials and Characteristics of Such Approaches

  22. 宋绍兴八年登进士,授泉州观察推官。

    Song Shaoxing eight years Tang Scholars, grant officer pushed Quanzhou observed.

  23. 论唐代进士科与社会文化发展的关系

    On the Relations between the Highest Imperial Examination of Tang Dynasty and the Development of Social Culture

  24. 明代进士登科录的文献价值及其局限性

    Literature value and limitations of list of jinshi passing civil examinations in Ming Dynasty

  25. 姚发, 天宝十二年登进士第。诗一首。

    Yao hair, Tempo section Chin Teng years. Write a poem.

  26. 郑愕,天宝十二年登进士第。诗一首。

    Zheng palate, Tempo section Chin Teng years. Write a poem.

  27. 乾隆七年,中武进士,授兰翎三等侍卫。

    Qianlong seven years , ZhongWu Jinshi, granted thirdLan Ling bodyguard.

  28. 进士我说,你是不可能在约定时间做好的。

    I don't think u can make it in time, I said.

  29. 刘虚白, 竟陵人, 擢元和进士第。诗一首。

    Liu virtual white, Jingling people, pull out the first element and Scholars. Write a poem.

  30. 嫁进士金诚立,丈夫死于国难,遂为女道士。

    Jin Li Jinshi married, her husband died of national calamity.


  1. 问:进士拼音怎么拼?进士的读音是什么?进士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进士的读音是jìnshì,进士翻译成英文是 a successful candidate in the highest imperial...



“进士”是个多义词,它可以指进士(科举考试最高等级), 进士(百度百科等级头衔)。