







汉语拼音:sān lún







  1. 佛教语。谓佛以身、口、意三净业碾摧众生之惑业。

    宋 知礼 《金光明经文句记》卷一下:“身业现化,名神通轮;口业説法,名正教轮;意业鑑机,名记心轮。三皆摧碾众生惑业。”

  2. 即三轮车。安装三个轮的脚踏车,装置车厢或平板,用来载人或装货。

    老舍 《茶馆》第三幕:“蹬三轮一定比当小学教员强!” 邓友梅 《在悬崖上》:“雪花大片大片的往下落着,我不坐三轮,也不坐电车,昏头昏脑的在街上乱走。”



  1. Lately, there have been other implementations of the lean steer trike that allow the front wheels to lean into the direction of the turn.


  2. I had always been a skilled mechanic, and after several bent wings, I built my own ultralight with steerable tricycle landing gear.


  3. When you'd rather be in a car, say on the highway for instance, it lies on its side and uses 3 wheels as sort of a car.


  4. The company, which is still minority-owned by Pabst, has undertaken three rounds of financing, and is set to turn a profit in 2011.


  5. But in two thousand four the Center for Rural Development had the idea for a bank to help self-employed workers buy their own rickshaws .


  6. In the corner, you seem to back in the era of tricycles, as well as to see groups of the rain into La Tangji, and a panic like people.


  7. Besides al his films with Wong Kar Wai and John Woo, I saw him in 'A Chinese Ghost Story III' and Cyclo.


  8. The rusty iron chain that double-locked the cart to the front wheels of the cycle began to squeal as he rode.


  9. Since the usage of these bearings allows very loose tolerances, extreme trike frame alignment will not be a critical issue.


  1. 三轮摩托车

    motor tricycle.

  2. 三轮运货车

    carrier tricycle.

  3. 边斗三轮摩托车

    motorcycle combination

  4. 他得到了一辆边三轮摩托。

    He's got that motorcycle sidecar.

  5. 比赛使用独轮,两轮和三轮自行车。

    The events are conducted using single bicycles, tandem bicycles and tricycles.

  6. 他在三轮击球中都击空了。

    He went hitless for three innings.

  7. 他在三轮击球中都击空了。

    He went hitless for three innings.

  8. 三轮赛程过后, 比赛结果已成定局。

    After three rounds of competition, the match was all over but the shouting.

  9. 经过三轮调解, 原告终于答应息诉了。

    After three mediations, the prosecutor finally agreed to appeal no more.

  10. 经过三轮调解,原告终于答应息诉了。

    After three mediations, the prosecutor finally agreed to appeal no more.

  11. 经过三轮投票, 杰克终于膺选校学生会主席。

    After three rounds of voting, Jack was finally elected the president of the school's Student Union.

  12. 经过三轮投票,杰克终于膺选校学生会主席。

    After three rounds of voting, Jack was finally elected the president of the school's Student Union.

  13. 大得足以让孩子们骑三轮脚踏车的后院。

    A back yard big enough for trike riding.

  14. 曾经拉黄包车的男孩子们现在蹬三轮人力车了。

    Boys who once pulled rickshaws now pedal pedicabs.

  15. 曾经拉黄包车的男孩子们现在蹬三轮人力车了。

    Boys who once pulled rickshaws now pedal pedicabs.

  16. 曾经拉黄包车得男孩子们现在蹬三轮人力车了。

    Boys who once pulled rickshaws now pedal pedicabs.

  17. 那个男孩踩着他得三轮脚踏车走了。

    The boy pedalled away on his tricycle.

  18. 那个男孩踩着他的三轮脚踏车走了。

    The boy pedalled away on his tricycle.

  19. 我有我的小拖车,而且我们都有自己的三轮自行车。

    I have my wagon, and we both have our tricycles, the little boy answered.

  20. 这可怜得小家伙从他得三轮童车上摔下来了。

    The poor little fellow fell off his tricycle.

  21. 这可怜的小家伙从他的三轮童车上摔下来了。

    The poor little fellow fell off his tricycle.

  22. 他还得再做三轮化疗,但是我们知道他能恢复。

    He still had three more rounds, of chemotherapy to go, but we knew he would recover.

  23. 我们得儿子刚刚从骑三轮自行车过渡到骑普通自行车了。

    Our son have just graduate from a tricycle to a proper bicycle.

  24. 我们的儿子刚刚从骑三轮自行车过渡到骑普通自行车了。

    Our son have just graduate from a tricycle to a proper bicycle.

  25. 载货三轮脚踏车底板轮船卸下了所载的煤。

    The ship discharged its cargo of coal.

  26. 正如同骑三轮自行车, 骑车倾覆得危险和风险都很低。

    It's like riding a tricycle. There's not much danger of tipping over, not much risk.

  27. 正如同骑三轮自行车,骑车倾覆的危险和风险都很低。

    It's like riding a tricycle. There's not much danger of tipping over, not much risk.

  28. 有根据对冲是他的三轮摩托车的一个严重凹陷的挡泥板。

    There under the hedge was his motorcycle with one badly dented fender.

  29. 琳达在他们之间机动着,端平她得狙击步枪,射了三轮。

    Linda maneuvered between them, leveled her sniper rifle, and squeezed off three rounds.

  30. 琳达在他们之间机动着,端平她的狙击步枪,射了三轮。

    Linda maneuvered between them, leveled her sniper rifle, and squeezed off three rounds.


  1. 问:三轮车拼音怎么拼?三轮车的读音是什么?三轮车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮车的读音是sānlúnchē,三轮车翻译成英文是 tricycle; pedicab

  2. 问:三轮拼音怎么拼?三轮的读音是什么?三轮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮的读音是Sānlún,三轮翻译成英文是 Miwa

  3. 问:三轮寺拼音怎么拼?三轮寺的读音是什么?三轮寺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮寺的读音是Sānlúnsì,三轮寺翻译成英文是 Miwadera; Sanrinji

  4. 问:三轮山拼音怎么拼?三轮山的读音是什么?三轮山翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮山的读音是,三轮山翻译成英文是 Mount Miwa

  5. 问:三轮庄拼音怎么拼?三轮庄的读音是什么?三轮庄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮庄的读音是Sānlúnzhuāng,三轮庄翻译成英文是 Miwashō

  6. 问:三轮江拼音怎么拼?三轮江的读音是什么?三轮江翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮江的读音是Sānlúnjiāng,三轮江翻译成英文是 Miwae; Miwanoe

  7. 问:三轮草拼音怎么拼?三轮草的读音是什么?三轮草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮草的读音是sānlúncǎo,三轮草翻译成英文是 Cyperus orthostachyus

  8. 问:三轮万治拼音怎么拼?三轮万治的读音是什么?三轮万治翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮万治的读音是Sānlún Wànzhì,三轮万治翻译成英文是 Miwa Manji

  9. 问:三轮休和拼音怎么拼?三轮休和的读音是什么?三轮休和翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮休和的读音是Sānlún Xiūhé,三轮休和翻译成英文是 Miwa Kyūwa

  10. 问:三轮列式拼音怎么拼?三轮列式的读音是什么?三轮列式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮列式的读音是sān lún liè shì,三轮列式翻译成英文是 tricycly

  11. 问:三轮列的拼音怎么拼?三轮列的的读音是什么?三轮列的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮列的的读音是sān lún liè de,三轮列的翻译成英文是 tricyclic

  12. 问:三轮博秀拼音怎么拼?三轮博秀的读音是什么?三轮博秀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮博秀的读音是Sānlún Bóxiù,三轮博秀翻译成英文是 Miwa Hirohide

  13. 问:三轮和敏拼音怎么拼?三轮和敏的读音是什么?三轮和敏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮和敏的读音是Sānlún Hémǐn,三轮和敏翻译成英文是 Miwa Kazutoshi

  14. 问:三轮大作拼音怎么拼?三轮大作的读音是什么?三轮大作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮大作的读音是Sānlún Dàzuò,三轮大作翻译成英文是 Miwa Daisaku

  15. 问:三轮寿壮拼音怎么拼?三轮寿壮的读音是什么?三轮寿壮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮寿壮的读音是Sānlún Shòuzhuàng,三轮寿壮翻译成英文是 Miwa Jusō

  16. 问:三轮引田拼音怎么拼?三轮引田的读音是什么?三轮引田翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮引田的读音是Sānlúnyǐntián,三轮引田翻译成英文是 Miwanohikita

  17. 问:三轮晁势拼音怎么拼?三轮晁势的读音是什么?三轮晁势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮晁势的读音是Sānlún Cháoshì,三轮晁势翻译成英文是 Miwa Chōsei

  18. 问:三轮机车拼音怎么拼?三轮机车的读音是什么?三轮机车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮机车的读音是sān lún jī chē,三轮机车翻译成英文是 tricycle

  19. 问:三轮栗隈拼音怎么拼?三轮栗隈的读音是什么?三轮栗隈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮栗隈的读音是Sānlúnlìwēi,三轮栗隈翻译成英文是 Miwanokurikuma

  20. 问:三轮清三拼音怎么拼?三轮清三的读音是什么?三轮清三翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三轮清三的读音是Sānlún Qīngsān,三轮清三翻译成英文是 Miwa Seizō