








1. 体 [tǐ]2. 体 [tī]体 [tǐ]人、动物的全身:身~。~重。~温。~质。~征(医生在检查病人时所发现的异常变化)。~能。~貌。~魄(体格和精力)。~育。~无完肤。身体的一部分:四~。五~投地。事物的本身或全部:物~。主~。群……



汉语拼音:sān wèi yī tǐ








  • 【解释】:比喻三个人、三件事或三个方面联成的一个整体。
  • 【出自】:毛泽东《为争取千百万群众进入抗日民族统一战线而斗争》:“为什么提出'巩固和平'、'争取民主'、'实现抗战'这样三位一体的口号? 张
  • 【示例】:我俩没儿没女,洁琼常来,可以说是~,宛如一家
  • 【语法】:联合式;作宾语、定语;含褒义


  1. It is not the water that has the power but the Word of God applied with water in the name of the Triune God.


  2. New Orleans has something of a holy trinity, says Kenneth Schwartz, dean of Tulane University's architecture school.


  3. Plato taught a trinity of the soul, in which it is easy to see analogies, pointing to a higher form of the doctrine.


  4. My light-verse joke about the Trinity could seem disrespectful, I suppose; but it is a hard concept , as you say, and that's all I meant.


  5. Plus, the Trinity has no roots in Hinduism. It is purely superficial and there is no semblance at all.


  6. Throughout the Koran the belief in Allah as one and universal is emphasized, as distinct from the Christian concept of the Trinity.


  7. Project Eagle Triad welcomes YOU with open starship hatches! Our global lightworker Eagle family would LOVE for you to join us!


  8. The control group was used by routine emergency lavage and ward drug treatment, with which the trinity is the treatment of the method.


  9. This energy is shining down in the Triad Portals through the emerging 144-Crytsalline Grid. Employ them, it is how the Ascension occurs!


  1. 三位一体之一

    Any of the persons of the Trinity.

  2. 都柏林三位一体学院

    Trinity College, Dublin

  3. 表示土气水三位一体。

    The trinity of earth,air,and water.

  4. 我们相信三位一体的真神。

    We believe in the trinity true God.

  5. 主宰神和三位一体的概念。

    Concepts of istadevata and Trimurti.

  6. 那是三位一体的完全的合一。

    That is a total unity in the Trinity.

  7. 现代对基督教三位一体的解释。

    A modern day account of the Holy Trinity.

  8. 信奉基督教三位一体教义的人

    one who believes in the Christian doctrine of the Trinity

  9. 如今聚一人身上才三位一体。

    Which three till now never kept seat in one.

  10. 不是信三位一体说的基督教徒

    A Christian who is not a Trinitarian.

  11. 三位一体的属于或关于基督教三位一体的

    Of or relating to the Christian Trinity.

  12. 否认三位一体学说的新教教派。

    The Protestant denomination that rejects the doctrine of the Trinity.

  13. 上帝基督教的上帝, 尤指三位一体的象征

    The Christian God, especially the Trinity.

  14. 神若非三位一体,将无幸福可言。

    Unless God were trine, there would not be happiness.

  15. 体制上已从三位一体走向政企分设。

    On system already from Trinitarian trend cent of politics look forward to sets.

  16. 三突出、三位一体医学科技管理系统设计

    Three. Three Units Manage System Design

  17. 信奉三位一体论者信奉基督教三位一体教义的人

    One who believes in the Christian doctrine of the Trinity.

  18. 三位一体的研究显露出,他性是绝对性的。

    Study of the Trinity reveals that otherness is absolute.

  19. 我对现代的基督教三位一体的解释不理解。

    I don't understand a modern day account of the Holy Trinity.

  20. 开展设备系统竞赛促用、修、管三位一体

    Develop Equipment System Competition Make Use Maintenance and Administration Three in Together

  21. 向贫穷,文盲,疾病这邪恶的三位一体开战

    carry on war against the unholy trinity of poverty, illiteracy, and disease

  22. 这就是我在三位一体教堂体验到得情形。

    That has been my experience at Trinity.

  23. 这就是我在三位一体教堂体验到的情形。

    That has been my experience at Trinity.

  24. 这是三位一体的方针, 三者不可缺一。

    The three form an organic whole, and not one of them can be dispensed with.

  25. 这是三位一体得方针, 三者不可缺一。

    The three form an organic whole, and not one of them can be dispensed with.

  26. 三位一体分配理论就是一个很好的说明。

    Trinitarian allocating theory is a very good specification.

  27. 公司集生产服务,网络营运,系统集成三位一体。

    It'sets production services, network operators, system integrators asinteger.

  28. 构建三位一体的高校思想政治教育环境系统

    Constructing a Trinitarian Environmental System of Ideological and Political Education in University

  29. 于是,实践,现实生活,大众成为三位一体的东西。

    Then the practice, the living world and the populace are something like Trinitarian.

  30. 三数真神, 三位一体感恩赞美, 尽献座前。

    Three is for the Trinity, We give our greatest thanks to Thee.


  1. 问:三位一体拼音怎么拼?三位一体的读音是什么?三位一体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三位一体的读音是sānwèiyìtǐ,三位一体翻译成英文是 the Trinity; three in one

  2. 问:三位一体核试拼音怎么拼?三位一体核试的读音是什么?三位一体核试翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三位一体核试的读音是,三位一体核试翻译成英文是 Trinity


“三位一体”常用来比喻三个人、三件事或三个方面联成的一个紧密不可分的整体,常与“三合一”、“一变三”等词汇混淆“前者如印度教的梵天、毗湿奴、湿婆与梵的关系,后者如道教的一气化三清。 在基督教中,把圣父、圣子、圣灵称为三位一体,也就是三个位格、一个本体;本体又称为本原、本质等。同时,三位一体,也被用于游戏名、电影名。