


光明,早晨太阳才出来的样子:~日东升。朝(zhāo )~。姓。……





汉语拼音:xù rì








  1. 初升的太阳。

    《诗·邶风·匏有苦叶》:“雝雝鸣雁,旭日始旦。” 元 黄溍 《晓行湖上》诗:“晓行重湖上,旭日青林半。” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第九章:“山头正罩在旭日的玫瑰色红光里。”



  1. I sat there in the boat listening to the gentle lapping of the water and watched the sun rise.


  2. I climbed out of the tent and sat cross-legged on the gravel, my face turned toward the warmth, my eyes closed, bathed in pink light.


  3. For Obama to succeed, they argued, the country needed to see his Inauguration as a clean break, a new sunrise.


  4. But former Japanese Finance Minister Makoto Utsumi insists this sun will rise once more for the Japanese economy.


  5. The morning sun greeted us as we came out on deck. F.


  6. These names translate to mean "The Sources of the Sun" or "Land of the Rising Sun. "


  7. We regret to have to complain of the bad quality of shipment of sugar per "Asahi Maru. " .


  8. Rising of the sun rising, mapping out the soft, tranquil's Zhaohui, Zhi Jiaoren mood excitement, the spirit of hearty.


  9. "Manmi" Orange Rising Sun said the Chinese original animation material inexhaustible.


  1. 旭日初升。

    The sun is just rising.

  2. 旭日上的暗影。

    Shadows on the Rising Sun.

  3. 旭日染红了天空。

    Sunrise dyed the sky red.

  4. 旭日升湖南分公司

    Hunan Branch of Rising Sun Company

  5. 微风拂煦,旭日临窗。

    A gentle breeze brings warmth, and the rising sun lights up the windows.

  6. 旭日东升, 光芒四射。

    The morning sun rises in the east, shedding its rays in all directions.

  7. 旭日东升,光芒四射。

    The morning sun rises in the east, shedding its rays in all directions.

  8. 旭日照红了城堡。

    The rising sun kindled the castle.

  9. 他的面庞亮如旭日。

    His face shone like the sun.

  10. 烟台旭日工艺钟表有限公司。

    Yantai Risesun Art And Craft Timepiece Co., Ltd.

  11. 旭日染红了东边的天空。

    The rising sun ensanguined the east sky.

  12. 见到旭日点燃思想的顶峰!

    And see the peaks of thought kindle with sunrise!

  13. 扉页上是一轮灿烂得旭日。

    Sunburst on the titlepage.

  14. 扉页上是一轮灿烂的旭日。

    Sunburst on the titlepage.

  15. 他的双眼象旭日,炯炯有神。

    His eyes are as glorious as the sun at its rising.

  16. 旭日、丝雨,神州的土地苏醒了。

    Xuri, silk, bound up land.

  17. 旭日从这个角度看起来特别美。

    The rising sun is especially beautiful to look at from this angle.

  18. 去看思想的顶峰被旭日点燃!

    And see the peaks of thought kindle with sunrise!

  19. 旭日映红了苍翠得山顶。

    The rising sun flushed the green mountain tops.

  20. 旭日映红了苍翠的山顶。

    The rising sun flushed the green mountain tops.

  21. 旭日的灿灿金光照在窗子上。

    The golden rays of the rising sun light up the windows.

  22. 人都向旭日膜拜, 不向夕阳顶礼

    More worship the rising than the setting sun

  23. 伦敦交响乐团。旭日东升之家。

    London Symphonic Orchestra. House of rising sun.

  24. 正见就好比黑夜的黎明旭日。

    It is as the dawn after the dark night.

  25. 空中的灰尘在旭日中变成了金黄色。

    The dust in the air was golden in that first sun.

  26. 空中得灰尘在旭日中变成了金黄色。

    The dust in the air was golden in that first sun.

  27. 文化的神秘土地的实际旭日仍然是一个。

    The culture of the Land of the Rising Sun is still a real mystery.

  28. 你曾经是一个傻瓜的阳光, 一个傻瓜的旭日东生!

    You were once a fool's sunlight, a fool life's rising sun!

  29. 她设计了一个巨大的旭日东升形窗户。

    She designed a huge sunburst window.

  30. 真爱,是旭日每一次升起给予的见证。

    True love is the witness that the morning sun rises to give every time.


  1. 问:旭日拼音怎么拼?旭日的读音是什么?旭日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旭日的读音是xùrì,旭日翻译成英文是 the rising sun

  2. 问:旭日旗拼音怎么拼?旭日旗的读音是什么?旭日旗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旭日旗的读音是,旭日旗翻译成英文是 Rising Sun Flag

  3. 问:旭日章拼音怎么拼?旭日章的读音是什么?旭日章翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旭日章的读音是,旭日章翻译成英文是 Order of the Rising Sun

  4. 问:旭日企业有限公司拼音怎么拼?旭日企业有限公司的读音是什么?旭日企业有限公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旭日企业有限公司的读音是Xùrì qǐyè yǒuxiàn gōngsī,旭日企业有限公司翻译成英文是 Glorious Sun Enterprises Limited



“旭日”是个多义词,它可以指旭日(植物名), 旭日(词语释义), 旭日(陈巴尔虎旗人大副主任)。