




阳光(多指早晨的):~光。~轩(指太阳)。~微(日光微明)。晨~。朝(zhāo )~。春~。……



汉语拼音:chén xī








  1. 亦作“ 晨羲 ”。清晨的阳光。

    晋 陶潜 《闲情赋》:“悲晨曦之易夕,感人生之长勤。” 南朝 宋 王韶之 《宋四厢乐歌·食举歌》:“晨羲载曜,万物咸覩。” 唐 皎然 《效古》诗:“日出天地正,煌煌闢晨曦。” 艾青 《吹号者》诗:“穿着灰布衣服的人群,从披着晨曦的破屋中出来。”



  1. Small first sun rays in the morning obviously still would not like to leave Tashan, the Chen east deliberates how to untie her heart knot.


  2. Just as the first ray of the rising sun shot like a golden arrow athwart this desolation we gained the further gateway of the outer wall.


  3. The pale pink light of dawn found her still out on her terrace asleep upon the grass beneath a blanket of fine dew.


  4. Morning greets me with your love which liberates me to appreciate the simple beauties of the starlit sky.


  5. Ears as if funneled streams, as if the leaves of her complaisant, immigrant moist Dawn was turned into my mind space Lane CHARMS sunshine.


  6. when i got to the top the dawn was come , there was no sign of the brig.


  7. Then with a bag of toys and books we walked across the garden in the gray light of dawn.


  8. But when I am alone in the half-light of the canyon. All existence seems to fade to a being with my soul and memories.


  9. The dense mist slow dissipates as the sun rises . I see you are gazing at me , smiling softly at dawn .


  1. 浅灰色的晨曦

    the thin grey light of dawn

  2. 晨曦中的凌云楼

    Lingyunlou Building in early morning

  3. 是晨曦遗漏的珠子么?

    Is bead which the dawn omits?

  4. 露珠在晨曦中闪光。

    Dewdrops glistened in the morning light.

  5. 微弱的晨曦惊醒了他。

    Gray dawn awoke him.

  6. 晨曦是我的亚述古国。

    The dawn is my Assyria.

  7. 晨曦偷溜到了山谷上。

    The morning light stole over the valley.

  8. 当晨曦亲吻我的五彩窗

    A lovely skylark will be welcome,.

  9. 对着晨曦笑叹人生沧桑

    Face to morn laugh and feel that life is hard

  10. 晨曦微露, 我们就启航了。

    We sailed at the first light of day.

  11. 我见过库萨山巅晨曦的分娩。

    And wooed on Coosa's side Aurora's beam.

  12. 晨曦轻拂其眼中的睡意,

    Told, whilst the morn kissed the sleep from her eyes,.

  13. 你像绽放在晨曦里的花朵。

    You're as lovely as a morning flower.

  14. 要用盛大的排场来迎接晨曦。

    And so the dawned light in pomp receive.

  15. 新世纪的晨曦, 一个新时代的开始。

    The dawn of a new century, time for a new beginning.

  16. 降自晨曦的朦胧,降自蟋蟀的歌吟。

    Dropping from the veils of he morning to where the cricket sings.

  17. 晨曦中的群山是多么雄伟壮观啊!

    How grand the mountains look in the early light.

  18. 沙漠在晨曦中泛出蜂蜜的光泽。

    At sunrise the sand is the color of honey.

  19. 玫瑰色的晨曦渐渐染红了东方。

    How the rosy blush of morn began to mantle in the east.

  20. 玫瑰色得晨曦渐渐染红了东方。

    How the rosy blush of morn began to mantle in the east.

  21. 晨曦中得群山是多么雄伟壮观啊!

    How grand the mountains look in the early light.

  22. 晨曦灿烂, 预示了一个大好的晴天。

    The day began promisingly with bright sunshine.

  23. 轻轻颤抖,如音符旋律下晨曦的脉动?

    Quiver like pulses beneath the melodious dawn?

  24. 现在第一道晨曦已经跳出了地平线。

    The first lights of dawn are on the horizon.

  25. 屠杀之血蔽日天乱伦之秽染晨曦。

    Fornication veils the morning just like carnage veils the day.

  26. 我们坐在窗前,看着晨曦的微光。

    We sat before the window watching the paleness of light of dawn.

  27. 晨曦中显露出远处一连串的江河湖泊。

    Daylight disclosed a chain of lakes and rivers in the distance.

  28. 但地上的影却像黄昏或晨曦时的。

    But the shadow on the ground is more like late afternoon or early morning.

  29. 晨曦没有阳光, 灰色的天透着点蓝。

    Dawn is no sunlight, the gray days glows with blue spots.

  30. 晨曦没有阳光,灰色得天透着点蓝。

    Dawn is no sunlight, the gray days glows with blue spots.


  1. 问:晨曦拼音怎么拼?晨曦的读音是什么?晨曦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晨曦的读音是chénxī,晨曦翻译成英文是 the first rays of the morning sun; first gl...

  2. 问:晨曦集团拼音怎么拼?晨曦集团的读音是什么?晨曦集团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晨曦集团的读音是,晨曦集团翻译成英文是 Chenxi Group

  3. 问:晨曦体育会拼音怎么拼?晨曦体育会的读音是什么?晨曦体育会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晨曦体育会的读音是,晨曦体育会翻译成英文是 Sun Hei SC



“晨曦”是个多义词,它可以指晨曦(篮球队名称), 晨曦(汉语词语), 晨曦(第一O一医院副主任医师), 晨曦(纪录片), 晨曦(周而复始的小说《晨曦》), 晨曦(贵州省美术家协会会员), 晨曦(黎明海小说《晨曦》), 晨曦(电影《晨曦》), 晨曦(杭州电视台主持人晨曦), 晨曦(西安碑林区文化馆副研究馆员)。