




阳光,亦泛指光辉:~映。春~。朝(zhāo )~。斜~。……



汉语拼音:yú huī








  1. 傍晚的阳光。

    《文选·王粲<从军诗>之三》:“白日半西山,桑梓有餘暉。” 李善 注:“餘暉,言将夕也。” 唐 戴叔伦 《山居即事》诗:“巖云掩竹扉,去鸟带餘暉。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第二三章:“第二天,他们把扫帚肩到 汤河口 交货的时候,落日的余暉已经映红 终南山 的峰颠了。”

  2. 充足的光辉。

    《文选·陆机<拟明月何皎皎>诗》:“安寝北堂上,明月入我牗。照之有餘暉,揽之不盈手。” 吕延济 注:“明月入於我牎牗之中……照则光暉有餘。” 晋 张华 《中宫所歌》:“遗荣参日月,百世仰餘暉。”

  3. 比喻天子恩泽。

    《文选·王俭<褚渊碑文>》:“曖有餘暉,遥然留想。” 刘良 注:“餘暉,天子恩光。”



  1. As the sun begins to set on some of the most spectacular scenery of the whole trip, we race to reach Gouda before nightfall.


  2. I can still see the light at the end of the tunnel shine through the dark times even when I lose my mind.


  3. As he sat there, he looked back from where he just came, where the sunset turned the windows on his home to gold.


  4. Scotland's final flourish was a flaming sunset over the North Sea, oil rigs like Aladdin's lamps staked across the horizon.


  5. The next scenic view is also to be appreciated in the evening glow. It is called Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow.


  6. In particular the lamp on the Nazhi carrier pigeon, with its pointed beak, long tail, white feathers shine in the light of twilight.


  7. As the sun was gilding the distant spires of Dragonstone, Dany stumbled onto a low stone wall, overgrown and broken.


  8. In a last gleam of light, I read on the front of a villa: "In magnificentia naturae, resurgit spiritus. "


  9. The sun is just setting as the aircraft takes off, bathing St. John's in a golden hue.


  1. 最后的余晖

    the last dregs of daylight.

  2. 落日余晖染红了天边。

    The setting sun kindled the sky.

  3. 整个山谷被落日余晖照亮。

    The whole valley glowed in the sunset.

  4. 落日余晖微染那片云层。

    The setting sun tinged the clouds.

  5. 我们沉浸在胜利的余晖中。

    We basked in the afterglow of victory.

  6. 窗户上闪耀着落日的余晖。

    The windows were shining in the reflected rays of the setting sun.

  7. 直到生命余晖最后那一线闪烁。

    Until the final flicker of life's ember.

  8. 夕阳的余晖照射到塔尖上。

    The pinnacle of the pagoda caught the last of the sun.

  9. 落霞的余晖映红了那个山头。

    The evening glow colors the hill red.

  10. 落霞得余晖映红了那个山头。

    The evening glow colors the hill red.

  11. 落霞的余晖映红了那个山头。

    The evening glow colors the hill red.

  12. 拥起落落余晖任你采摘

    Crowd about remainning sunshine and let you collect

  13. 落日的余晖从油罐上折射出来。

    The light from the setting sun glanced off the oil tanks.

  14. 窗子在落日得余晖中金光闪闪。

    The windows gleamed gold in the shine of the setting sun.

  15. 落日得余晖从油罐上折射出来。

    The light from the setting sun glanced off the oil tanks.

  16. 窗子在落日的余晖中金光闪闪。

    The windows gleamed gold in the shine of the setting sun.

  17. 驾车离开驶入落日的余晖中。

    And drove off into the sunset.

  18. 花园沐浴在夕阳暖融融的余晖里。

    The late afternoon sun shone warmly across the garden.

  19. 落日余晖照射在她的胸针上。

    Her brooch caught the rays of the setting sun.

  20. 落日余晖照射在她得胸针上。

    Her brooch caught the rays of the setting sun.

  21. 我喜欢在夏天的傍晚在余晖中散步。

    I like in the summer evening walk in the twilight.

  22. 落日余晖离开了峰顶, 谷内暮色苍茫。

    The flame of the sunset lifted from the mountain tops and dusk came into the valley.

  23. 在夕阳余晖下,它看来好象是活的。

    In the light of the sunset it seemed alive.

  24. 橙色落日余晖渐渐融化成紫褐的暮色。

    The last orange tint of sunset dissolved into lilacgrey twilight.

  25. 我们望着天空, 落日的余晖渐渐地被吞没。

    We looked at the sky where the last of the sunlight was verging into darkness.

  26. 古希腊后期的希腊的宁静只能是一片落日的余晖?

    And could the Greek serenity of later Greek periods be only a red sunset?

  27. 渐渐地、渐渐地,在天空中只留下了一些夕阳的余晖。

    Gradually, gradually, in the sky leaving behind a number of sunset afterglow.

  28. 落日的余晖洒在石像上, 为石像镀了一层金边。

    The light of the setting sun spreads on the stone figure and gilds it.

  29. 落日的余晖洒在石像上,为石像镀了一层金边。

    The light of the setting sun spreads on the stone figure and gilds it.

  30. 落日得余晖洒在石像上,为石像镀了一层金边。

    The light of the setting sun spreads on the stone figure and gilds it.


  1. 问:余晖拼音怎么拼?余晖的读音是什么?余晖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:余晖的读音是yúhuī,余晖翻译成英文是 sunset glow; twilight; evening glow



“余晖”是个多义词,它可以指余晖(汉语词语), 余晖(中国气象局研究员), 余晖(原西泠印社主任), 余晖(中国社科院研究员)。