







汉语拼音:chén guāng








  1. 曙光;阳光。

    晋 陶潜 《归去来辞》:“问征夫以前路,恨晨光之熹微。”《文选·何晏<景福殿赋>》:“晨光内照,流景外延。” 李善 注:“晨光,日景也。日光照於室中而流景外发。” 唐 杜甫 《甘林》诗:“晨光映远岫,夕露见日晞。” 郭沫若 《女神·晨安》:“醒呀!……快来享受这千载一时的晨光呀!”



  1. Do not you forget, your life is nothing but the shadow of our pre-dawn light it?


  2. I squeezed her hand, then walked into the dim morning light. Behind me, a door shut. It was the sound of the closing of a life.


  3. At this time of my parting, wish me good luck, my friends! The sky is flushed with the dawn and my path lies beautiful.


  4. clare arose in the light of a dawn that was ashy and furtive , as though associated with crime.


  5. Later, as I stood above the tide near the entrance to the pool, the promise of that rosy light was sustained.


  6. The whiteness of her skin under the caress of this hale vigorous morning light was dazzling, pure, of a fineness beyond words.


  7. The white cloud floats humbly at the corner of the sky covered with the rosy morning light.


  8. When the young man awoke at the first light of morning, he got up and wanted to put on the donkey skin, but he could not find it.


  9. In the flat and dim morning light, I do not see it in time. I have no way to evade it or to slow Miss Daisy down.


  1. 民用晨光始

    Beginning of civil morning twilight.

  2. 航海晨光始

    Beginning of nautical morning twilight.

  3. 天文晨光始

    Beginning of astronomical morning twilight.

  4. 所以早上要迎接晨光。

    So seek out morning light.

  5. 晨光集团的电力管理

    Chenguang Group Power Management

  6. 晨光中我看到你。

    By Leonard Cohen I saw you this morning.

  7. 北京东方晨光青年旅馆

    Beijing Eastern Morning Sun Youth Hostel

  8. 自第一道晨光中诞生

    Born of the one light, Eden saw play

  9. 晨光与黎明满了乐园。

    Praise with elation, Praise every morning.

  10. 北京东方晨光青年旅舍

    Eastern Morning Sun Youth Hostel

  11. 晨光悄悄地穿过百叶窗。

    Dawn through the shutter stealthily.

  12. 晨光给它戴上霞彩。

    The morning crowned it with splendour.

  13. 灿烂晨光泻进卧室。

    The bright morning sun flooded into the bedroom.

  14. 像晨光中的溪流一样流淌

    Flowed like a rill in the morning beam

  15. 南京晨光集团有限责任公司

    China Nanjing Chenguang Machinery Manufacturer

  16. 我的宝贝, 直到晨光微泛

    Slumber my darling till morns blushing ray

  17. 晨光中我看见山峦和平原

    Reveals her hills and plains

  18. 我却更喜欢宁静的晨光。

    Me, I prefer the peacefulness of the morning light.

  19. 在晨光中腐蚀着那些月亮

    Corrupt it with the mornings and the moons

  20. 晨光驱散不了阴霾和严寒。

    The morning light could not free itself from gloom and frost.

  21. 开起门来, 让晨光进入吧!

    Open the doors, make room for the morning light.

  22. 晨光悄悄穿过了百页窗。

    The morning light was stealing through the shutters.

  23. 熹微得晨光照在他们脸上。

    The early light of dawn is on their faces.

  24. 熹微的晨光照在他们脸上。

    The early light of dawn is on their faces.

  25. 但是姗姗来迟的晨光终于露面了。

    But at last the lagging daylight asserts itself

  26. 眼下正是5月中旬,晨光异常静谧。

    It was now the middle of May,and the morning was remarkably serene.

  27. 呼魂异能在晨光系列复出。

    The evoke ability makes a return appearance in the Morningtide set.

  28. 金色晨光照耀下的房子的白墙。

    White walls of houses gilded by the morning sun

  29. 金色晨光照耀下得房子得白墙。

    White walls of houses gilded by the morning sun

  30. 对晨光体育活动的审度与思考

    Estimation and Consideration for Chenguang Sports Activities


  1. 问:晨光拼音怎么拼?晨光的读音是什么?晨光翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晨光的读音是chénguāng,晨光翻译成英文是 dawn

  2. 问:晨光出版社拼音怎么拼?晨光出版社的读音是什么?晨光出版社翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晨光出版社的读音是Chénguāng Chūbǎnshè,晨光出版社翻译成英文是 Morning Light Press



“晨光”是个多义词,它可以指晨光(唯美度国际美容连锁集团董事长), 晨光(北京市八十中晨光文学社), 晨光(晨光seo培训机构), 晨光(原鞍山市科学技术委员会党组书记), 晨光(汉语词语), 晨光(深圳市晨光乳业有限公司), 晨光(动画片《小马驹》中角色), 晨光(上海电视台播音员贺海林播名), 晨光(钢琴家), 晨光(中国作家协会会员)。