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日出或日落时天空云层因受日光斜射而呈现的光彩:朝(zhāo )~。晚~。彩~。云~。~帔。~光。……
汉语拼音:wǎn xiá
唐 卢照邻 《长安古意》诗:“龙衔宝盖承朝日,凤吐流苏带晚霞。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·闺房记乐》:“炊烟四起,晚霞烂然。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第一幕:“她觉得自己的夏天已经过去,生命的晚霞就要暗下来了。”
This moment, enjoy sunset blooming all its beauty, the sky has become a piece of her orange smear .
这一刻,晚霞尽情地绽放了它所有的美丽,天空被她涂抹成了一片橘红色。Sunset clouds are covering the sky of our minds at the moment that we are going to graduate.
在毕业一刻,晚霞覆盖了我们心的天空。Though it is actually gray-blue limestone, the surface of the cliff has been stained to a sunset hue by iron salts washing out of the rocks.
虽然它实际上是灰蓝色的石灰石,但是从岩石里渗出的铁盐却把悬崖表面染成了晚霞般的色彩。Tomorrow ought to be a nice day for we have such a fine sunset today .
今天有如此好的晚霞,明天准是个晴天。It's midnight and I lie awake watching the sky - only just dark now with streaks of pink still in it - through the crack in the curtains.
已经是午夜了,我躺着没有入睡,透过窗帘的缝隙观望天空,天才刚刚变黑,还有一线粉红色的晚霞留驻在空中。"My heart is like the golden casket of the kiss" , said the sunset cloud to the sun.
晚霞对落日说:“被你亲吻后,我的心好像那黄金宝箱。”All over my garden I've planted nothing but roses, fragrant and--If looked at from afar--ablaze with color like sunset clouds.
我在花园里种满了芬芳的玫瑰花,远远望去,像一片燃烧的晚霞。the sea was wonderfully calm and now it was rich with all the color of the setting sun. in the sky already a solitary star twinkled.
大海平静得出奇,晚霞映照的绚丽多彩,天空已有孤星闪烁。(英语原文两句译成汉语合为一句。)All of a sudden, sunset filled half the sky, like the spread of a huge, magnificent, and Xiong-Wen spectacular natural color pictures.