


1. 券 [quàn]2. 券 [xuàn]券 [quàn]古代的契据,常分为两半,双方各执其一,现代指票据或作凭证的纸片:债~。国库~。入场~。证~。稳操胜~。券 [xuàn]〔拱~〕门窗、桥梁等建筑成弧形的部分。……


1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……



汉语拼音:quàn yào






  1. 契约。

    宋 叶适 《忠翊郎致仕蔡君墓志铭》:“君感涕,累月不忍,田货更推逊,迄不立券要。”



  1. I made sure my client's coupons would be delivered in the mail on the exact day we discussed, though it was never as easy as it sounded.


  2. What's the admission charge?


  1. 你的停车券要盖章

    Do you need your parking stub validated.

  2. 只有傻瓜才会放弃金奖券要钱那种俗气的东西

    Only a dummy would give this up for something as common as money.

  3. 麦克斯要是中彩券得话,他就会辞职。

    Were Max win the lottery, he would quit his job.

  4. 想要证明食品券领取者不配领取救济同样是件难事。

    It is also hard to argue that foodstamp recipients are undeserving.

  5. 我要用这月工资购买公债券。

    I will spend my salary of this month buying government bonds.

  6. 我要用这月工资购买公债券。

    I will spend my salary of this month buying government bonds.

  7. 不,我要去看一出国剧。比利昨天给我一张招待券。

    No, I'm going to see a Chinese opera. Billy gave me a complimentary ticket yesterday.

  8. 我要优惠券,请发送给我。

    I want to coupon Please sent to me.

  9. 我要2张面额50元的礼券。

    I will take two of twenty five dollars gift certificates.

  10. 麦克斯要是中彩券的话, 他就会辞职。

    Were Max win the lottery, he would quit his job.

  11. 你可以拿起手中的优惠券,购买你想要的午餐。

    You can use the coupon and buy what you want.

  12. 想要订购此商品,请填好第54页上的优惠券。

    To order, fill out the coupon on page 54.

  13. 女销售员好的,没问题。您要买多少钱的礼券?

    SALESLADY Alright, thats no problem. How much would you like in gift certificates

  14. 我这儿有张优惠券,可以免费要一小袋炸薯条。

    Oh, and here's my coupon for a free small order of fries.

  15. 证券持有者还要雇用一个政券委托人监督这些条款的实施。

    Bondholders also hire a bond trustee to oversee compliance with these covenants.

  16. 如果你在机场等了很久,你就去要一张饮食优惠券和名片。

    If you have a long wait in the airport, ask for a meal voucher and a calling card.