







汉语拼音:shì liàn






  1. 检验和锻炼。

    鲁迅 《三闲集·现今的新文学的概观》:“十月革命开初,也曾有许多革命文学家非常惊喜,欢迎这暴风雨的袭来,愿受风雷的试炼。” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》三十:“我近来常从坏的文章中试炼自己的鉴赏力。” 老舍 《牛老爷的痰盂》:“真金不怕火炼,我的属员得经得住我的试炼。”参见“ 试练 ”。

  2. 試鍊:考验和锻炼。

    太平天囯 洪仁玕 《英杰归真》:“今之事业晚成,生灵荼毒,固是众罪所召,亦是天公试鍊耳。”参见“ 试练 ”。



  1. Abraham would never have been called the Father of the Faithful if he had not been proved to the uttermost.


  2. Khan Hawker's Diamond Shark forces did not fair well in the Trials and was forced to accept a position as a reserve Clan.


  3. The gods do not spoil a good man by too much tenderness; they prove him, harden him, and prepare him for Themselves.


  4. It may be that we shall see Him only when the trial is passing; but we must dare to believe that He never leaves the crucible.


  5. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days.


  6. Pet. 1: 6 In which time you exult, though for a little while at present, if it must be, you have been made sorrowful by various trials.


  7. Were those horrendous spiritual tests in line with Satan's usual method of trying to make people sin?


  8. I say to myself that this is the last test, if he still don't understand me, I'll leave quietly. . .


  9. A PRAYER: Lord help me trust you today even if I cannot see the reason behind the testing.


  1. 这是烈火的试炼

    It's my trial by fire.

  2. 知道我的心思, 试炼我, 知道我的意念。

    See if there is any offensive way in me.

  3. 我通过烈火和死亡的试炼。

    I have not passed through fire and death.

  4. 亲爱的,你的试炼不是太重么

    Are you in peril through some crushing, heavy trial.

  5. 忍耐是爱受试炼时的坚持。

    LONGSUFFERING is love on trial.

  6. 这是烈火给我的公司的试炼

    It's my company's trials by fire.

  7. 勇敢地, 无畏地去忍受试炼的日子,

    Manfully, fearlessly, The day of trial bear, For gloriously, victoriously, Can courage quell despair!

  8. 试炼和危难是我们大家难以避免的。

    Trials and distresses will come to all of us.

  9. 在试炼的沙漠中, 上帝预备安慰的绿洲。

    In every desert of trial, God has an oasis of comfort.

  10. 鼎为炼银, 炉为炼金, 人得称赞也试炼人。

    The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but man is tested by the praise he receives.

  11. 这些接二连三得试炼, 是对我们信心得考验。

    The rapid succession of trials is one of the sorest tests of faith.

  12. 这些接二连三的试炼,是对我们信心的考验。

    The rapid succession of trials is one of the sorest tests of faith.

  13. 鼎为炼银,炉为炼金,人的称赞叶试炼人。

    The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but man is tested by the praise he receives.

  14. 鼎为炼银,炉为炼金,人的称赞也试炼人。

    The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but man is tested by the praise he receives.

  15. 因着永生的喜乐, 我们可忍耐今生的试炼。

    We can endure life's trials because of the next life's joys.

  16. 在最痛的试炼中,神常给你们的最甜。

    In the sorest trials God often makes the sweetest discoveries of Himself. Gems.

  17. 在最痛的试炼中,上帝常给你他的最甜。

    In the sorest trials God often makes the sweetest discoveries of Himself.

  18. 忍耐只能在似乎不堪忍受的试炼中求得的。

    Patience can be acquired only through just such trials as now seem unbearable.

  19. 看似痛苦得试炼往往是被掩盖了得得福之事。

    What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.

  20. 在你一切猛烈的试炼中,的同在是你的慰藉和平安。

    In all thy fiery trials, His presence is both thy comfort and safety.

  21. 在你一切猛烈的试炼中,祂的同在是你的慰藉和平安。

    In all thy fiery trials, His presence is both thy comfort and safety.

  22. 约伯经历试炼,并不是因为神要惩罚他的罪。

    These trials were not God's punishment of Job.

  23. 我们所忍受的这些试炼能够且理该引发我们的力量。

    The trials we endure can and should introduce us to our strengths.

  24. 看似痛苦的试炼往往是被掩盖了的得福之事。

    What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.

  25. 试炼虽然围困我们, 仍有许多隙缝可以透光进来的。

    Through the leaves of every trial there are chinks of light to shine through.

  26. 此外,上帝会约束忿怒并让我们在试炼中暂时缓解。

    Furthermore, there will be a restraint and respite.

  27. 我们租位得诗人肯定对痛苦和试炼不感到陌生。

    Our psalmist is certainly no stranger to afflictions and trials.

  28. 我们租位的诗人肯定对痛苦和试炼不感到陌生。

    Our psalmist is certainly no stranger to afflictions and trials.

  29. 如果你从未经历火的试炼, 你怎能变得纯全?

    If you never went through the fire, then how would you become pure?

  30. 撒但虽来侵, 诸试炼虽来临, 我有主保证在我心。

    Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, let this blest assurance control.