







汉语拼音:sān liǎng






  1. 约数,表示少量。

    《汉书·萧何传》:“诸君独以身从我,多者三两人, 萧何 举宗数十人皆随我,功不可忘也。” 唐 白居易 《琵琶行》:“转轴拨弦三两声,未成曲调先有情。” 宋 苏轼 《惠崇春江晚景》诗:“竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。” 元 纪君祥 《赵氏孤儿》第三折:“三两下打死了呵,你就做的箇死无招对。” 马烽 《三年早知道》:“他三两步就跑到我跟前,热情地和我握手。”



  1. Ballard shunned the gossipy London literary circuit, preferring the company of a few close friends and family.


  2. NPC slayers sometimes travel in bands of two or three and enjoy identifying their group with a grisly name.


  3. The history of Susan Henchard's adventures in the interim can be told in two or three sentences.


  4. Known as a sprite, this lightning appears in the sky often in the shape of a huge carrot or jellyfish in groups of two or more.


  5. A classified ad is usually only a few lines long. It is really a notice or announcement that something is available.


  6. Three two fill the stomach, with Deng Yi and two men turned a few like the winding alleys, with respect to a called lucky star hotel.


  7. My greatest wish is having fun traveling around all the interesting places with two or three of my best friends in my spare time.


  8. But it needs to be done long-term. It needs to be a decade-long approach, rather than just a couple of years.


  9. Continue to fry Bacheng dry red pepper into small fire fry thirty-two minutes, and then the next bit of sesame oil and toss evenly.


  1. 三两半药酒

    sanliangban yaojiu.

  2. 我们还剩下三两张票。

    We've got a couple of tickets left over.

  3. 三两片在寒风中索索发抖。

    Upon those boughs which shake against the cold.

  4. 我期待他过三两天会来这儿。

    I expect him here in a couple of days.

  5. 三两笔就能勾画出一片竹林

    Three strokes, you get the whole bamboo forest.

  6. 但你看这个地图 看上三两分钟

    but look at this map, and you can watch this for, you know, two or three minutes.

  7. 女生不雅照三两张2,值得一看。

    The girl student is inelegant 2,is worth taking a look on according to three two.

  8. 他吃准王先生过三两天就会回来。

    He is quite sure Mr Wang will be back in a couple of days.

  9. 草木浓绿一片,点缀着三两朵红花,相映成趣。

    The green grass and a few red flowers formed a delightful contrast.

  10. 窗明几净,一杯茶,三两人在笑谈天下大事。

    The window is bright several only, cup of teas, with your friends at joke world important matter.

  11. 在这块硗瘠的土地上, 住着三两户人家。

    Two or three families live on the barren land.

  12. 在这块硗瘠的土地上,住着三两户人家。

    Two or three families live on the barren land.

  13. 不过任什么歌曲, 他记得的从不超过三两行。

    But he could never recall more than a few lines of any one rhyme.

  14. 他也跟其中的三两个人随便搭过几句话,打过两个哈哈。

    He had talked to a few casually, joked with them.

  15. 他的妻子很高兴,便做了一道沙拉,三两下就把它吃个精光。

    His wife is happy. She makes a salad and eats it up quickly.

  16. 约三两个好友在临湖的水阁上喝茶谈天儿,这样的聚会绝对优雅。

    Drinking tea and chatting with some friends in a waterside pavilion is an really elegant kind of party.


  1. 问:三两拼音怎么拼?三两的读音是什么?三两翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三两的读音是Sānliǎng,三两翻译成英文是 Sanliang