


1. 臭 [chòu]2. 臭 [xiù]臭 [chòu]不好闻的气味,与“香”相对:~味儿。~氧。恶~。香气:“左佩刀,右备容~,烨然若神人”。惹人厌恶的:~钱。~美。~架子。~名远扬。狠狠地:~骂一通。指子弹、炮弹坏,失效:~火。臭 [……


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……





汉语拼音:chòu bù kě wén







  • 【解释】:臭得使人受不了。比喻人名声极坏。
  • 【出自】:见:“臭不可当”
  • 【示例】:呕出黑渖数斗,~。


  1. Spend just opened, a little fragrance, less than a few days, entice some renuzit flies and beetles for it pollination.


  2. After flushing the US economy down the toilet this year, however, these folks deserve anything but outrageous compensation.


  3. As a result, claim executives and investors, returns on capital stink like the drains in Kolkata.


  4. They had actually forced their way out and released a cloud of that smelly poisonous blue stuff.


  5. Dirty diapers are disgusting. Rotten eggs smell rancid . But skunks really stink!


  6. To folks in Silicon Valley and those that share their business values, a big payday for steering your company into catastrophe smells.


  7. colony of China? It already stinks so bad with their cousins being the majority here.


  8. "You . . . . . . " Joe master asthma hiss hiss way, "you this what inborn does the Gang annoy? Absolutely being smelly can not smell! "


  9. The air today is more fetid.


  1. 今日的气氛臭不可闻。

    The air today is more fetid.

  2. 而且他们臭不可闻, 于是只好统统丢掉。

    They had to throw them away because they gave out a awful stink.

  3. 穿过臭不可闻的黑暗也毫不心惊胆战。

    Without horror, through gloom that stinks.

  4. 穿过臭不可闻得黑暗也毫不心惊胆战。

    Without horror, through gloom that stinks.

  5. 以前,成天有万人唾面,铁像周身臭不可闻。

    In the past, many people vented their disgust and hate for the traitors by spitting on them, which created a bad smell and an ugly sight.

  6. 在造成既成事实后编造的各种理由和借口臭不可闻。

    Rationalizations and excuses made after a fait accompli stink to high heaven.

  7. 这个人得名声真是臭不可闻, 人们对他骂声不断。

    This man has a bad reputation. People continually fling curses at him.

  8. 这个人的名声真是臭不可闻, 人们对他骂声不断。

    This man has a bad reputation. People continually fling curses at him.

  9. 这个人的名声真是臭不可闻,人们对他骂声不断。

    This man has a bad reputation. People continually fling curses at him.

  10. 我除掉了走廊上这只臭不可闻的捕蝇器啦。

    I have cleared my piazza of that unsavory flytrap.

  11. 穿过米德尔斯伯勒的那条河变得污秽不堪,臭不可闻。

    The river that runs through Middlesbrough became ugly on the eye and hard on the nose.

  12. 他们当真夺门而出,把那阵臭不可闻的蓝色的毒气放了出来。

    They had actually forced their way out and released a cloud of that smelly poisonous blue stuff.

  13. 此时相望不可闻。

    She sees the moon, but her beloved is out of sight.

  14. 她臭不可当, 但是我肯定会想她的。

    She stinks like ass, but I'll sure miss her.

  15. 我尽量压低声音, 唱得细不可闻, 不过还是没能幸免, 被挑出来。

    I tried to sing as quietly as possible, but of course I got singled out, anyway.

  16. 关键字闻起来臭,吃起来香的英文翻译

    It smells bad terrible, but tastes nice savory.

  17. 你去洗个澡吧,你闻起来臭死了

    You need to shower. you smell like a distillery.

  18. 但都是闻起来臭, 吃起来香, 这是臭豆腐的特点。

    But are smells rotten, eat sweet, this is the stinky tofu.

  19. 瑞典腌鲱鱼是一种闻起来臭,味道有点酸的罐装食品。

    The Swedish pickled herring is a stinky smell, taste sour canned food.

  20. 你闻起来真臭,你到底洗过澡没有?

    You got some bad funk dont you ever shower

  21. 臭豆腐闻起来是臭得但吃起来却很好吃。

    Stinky tofu smells rotten but it tastes great.

  22. 臭豆腐闻起来是臭的,但吃起来却很好吃。

    Stinky tofu smells rotten, but it tastes outstanding.

  23. 他闻起来一身汗臭。

    He smelled of perspiration.

  24. 他闻起来一身汗臭。

    He smelled of perspiration.

  25. 不给糖就捣蛋,让你闻我的臭脚丫,给我一些好东西吃。

    Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat.

  26. 它们仍然没有声音, 但是现在闻上去却特别臭!

    They still dont make any noise, but now they stink terribly!

  27. 我要闻起来不是那么臭的。

    I want that shit that don't smell bad.

  28. 30小时在实验室后,我闻起来可能满身汗臭。

    After 28 hours in the lab, I probably smelled horrible.

  29. 从13楼电梯出来, 就闻到了一股臭脚的恶臭。

    Got out of the lift on floor 13 to be met with the stench of stale feet.

  30. 当他带著我们来到房屋旁边,就闻到一股很臭的味道。

    When they brought us to the side of the house, we smelled a very strong stench.


  1. 问:臭不可闻拼音怎么拼?臭不可闻的读音是什么?臭不可闻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:臭不可闻的读音是chòubùkěwén,臭不可闻翻译成英文是 Smelly; having a bad, disgusting reputation....



臭不可闻 ( chòu bù kě wén ) 解 释 臭得使人受不了。比喻人名声极坏 出 处 明·罗贯中《三国演义》第90回:“大半被铁炮打的头脸粉碎,皆死于谷中,臭不可闻。” 用 法 主谓式;作谓语、定语;比喻人名声极坏 示 例 哪个告小状,哪个就~