







汉语拼音:pīn bó








  1. 全力搏斗;拼命争取。

    何慧娴 李仁巨 《<中国女排奋斗记>后记》:“ 中国 女排夺取第三次世界冠军的拼搏精神,更给了我们极大的鼓舞。”



  1. Daughter just want to tell you, no matter when her daughter did not give up the effort and fight.


  2. I believe that if I do not fear hardship, hard work, must be able to realize my life dream.


  3. Back in Maotai, population 49, 000, the entire town seems to be in the throes of baijiu fever.


  4. It's a critical time for you to get ahead, so give your career all you've got to give in the second half, even though it's holiday time.


  5. Will the game, as far as you know, keep the "real adventure" , mystery and struggle feel of the original Cold War Crisis?


  6. She may also feel a strong desire to do more for herself, and her career, after decades of caretaking, explains Brizendine.


  7. If I can get in the England squad then that's great but I can only put in my performances for United and see how far that takes me.


  8. I have to admit the bike was a bit of a struggle, especially in the hot sun, and I finished near last place (maybe 3-4 people behind me).


  9. The audience were on the edge of their seats as the heavyweights soloed it out in the final round.


  1. 生活即拼搏。

    Life is nothing but struggle.

  2. 自强拼搏精神

    the spirit of struggling

  3. 昂扬拼搏之骨

    hardworking and striving for excellence.

  4. 去拼搏才能胜利

    Strives for success can win

  5. 摔跤者奋力拼搏。

    The wrestlers strained and struggled.

  6. 勇于拼搏, 挑战极限。

    Dare to strive for success, dare to challenge limit.

  7. 我正在拼搏,逆流而上。

    I am swimming against the tide.

  8. 勇于拼搏,挑战极限。

    Dare to strive for success, dare to challenge limit.

  9. 两个队之间的拼搏

    the struggle between the two teams

  10. 拼搏向上, 自强不息的精神

    striving and unremitting spirit

  11. 尽力拼搏的摔交运动员

    wrestlers heaving and straining

  12. 球队正在做最后的拼搏。

    The team were at their last gasp.

  13. 让我们团结起来,合作拼搏。

    Let's pull together and work together.

  14. 是否我曾今为自由拼搏?

    Will I ever break free?

  15. 我将为我的梦想拼搏努力!

    I will dream of my hard work!

  16. 经过激烈拼搏, 他胜过对手。

    After a fierce struggle, he got the upper hand of his opponent.

  17. 第四是敢于创新, 拼搏奉献。

    Fourth, flair for innovation, hard work sacrifice.

  18. 他鼓励他的运动员们更努力拼搏。

    He spurred his players to fight harder.

  19. 她已经对于奋斗与拼搏已经疲倦。

    She was tired of fighting and struggling.

  20. 奋勇前进,永不停止,继续拼搏!

    Keep your Momentum, Never Stop, Keep Moving!

  21. 但是女排队员们仍然是顽强拼搏

    These women volleyball players tenaciously

  22. 这支队伍奋力拼搏,表现出色。

    The team fought hard and gave a good account of themselves.

  23. 他们竭尽全力拼搏,结果还是输了。

    They fought tooth and nail but lost.

  24. 我们大声助威, 激励校队拼搏。

    We urged the school team on with loud cheers.

  25. 我要好好拼搏,为了让她幸福!

    I will have a good fight, in order to make her happy!

  26. 不要为成功而拼搏,而要为具有价值而拼搏。

    Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.

  27. 亲爱的我要努力拼搏迎接我的未来。

    Darling I want to strive hard to meet my future.

  28. 继往开来任重道远立足岗位拼搏进取

    With heavy responsibilities and for boundless prospects, Chinese pediatricians continue to forge ahead

  29. 同样,艺术也需要牺牲和拼搏精神。

    Art, too, draws on sacrifice and struggle.

  30. 大多数体育项目是靠个人的拼搏。

    Most athletic activities are about individual effort.


  1. 问:拼搏拼音怎么拼?拼搏的读音是什么?拼搏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拼搏的读音是pīnbó,拼搏翻译成英文是 go all out

  2. 问:拼搏精神拼音怎么拼?拼搏精神的读音是什么?拼搏精神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拼搏精神的读音是pīn bó jīng shén,拼搏精神翻译成英文是 fighting spirit; spirit of hard struggle




【拼音】[ pīn bó ]

【英译】 (v) struggle; wrestle[ all out in work] 尽全力去争夺
