







汉语拼音:qiān shè








  1. 连累。

    清 黄钧宰 《金壶浪墨·辛学使》:“因人牵涉,及事无左证,横被詆诬者,庇之必力。” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷十三:“ 康熙 丁丑状元 李蟠 ,以科场事流徙……探花 姜宸英 亦以科场事牵涉,卒於请室。”

  2. 犹言关系到。

    清 王韬 《淞滨琐话·金玉蟾》:“适境中出一鉅案,牵涉某大僚,生惟一秉至公,絶无瞻徇。” 徐迟 《大场的一夜》:“有许多事牵涉军事秘密,只好不告诉你了。”



  1. Extradition involves the political and judicial systems of two countries, each with its own concept of law enforcement.


  2. It was a system of impersonality; it made no difference who you were, so long as you could master its rules.


  3. However, due to the technical nature of the proposals, it could be judiciously commented upon only by experts from the capitals.


  4. It's my belief neither of you gentlemen know what you are about; but I'll tell you my way of it - life or death, and a close run. '


  5. The fact that this still encompasses around 1m employees speaks to the size of the federal government.


  6. In this case, he said, "the land issue goes much deeper because of the involvement of corrupt local officials" .


  7. Perhaps more significantly, a host of other nations are also becoming more involved in trying to calm the two nuclear-armed rivals.


  8. Do not be caught up in any of this or react strongly to it.


  9. Before you know it a child is waiting months.


  1. 地缘政治牵涉

    geopolitical implication

  2. 往往会牵涉到车

    A lot of them had to do with a car.

  3. 牵涉关于,有关或重要

    Reference, relation, or importance.

  4. 申请是否牵涉法律诉讼

    Is this application involved in legal proceedings.

  5. 不知怎的,他也牵涉在内。

    Somehow or other he's involved.

  6. 某人被牵涉进某事中

    Sb be involved in sth

  7. 申请批准牵涉许多繁文缛节。

    Applying for approval involves a great deal of red tape.

  8. 你不能牵涉进这些事。

    You should keep out of these things.

  9. 他与该阴谋牵涉颇深。

    He was deeply implicated in the plot.

  10. 发行成本发行新证券牵涉的成本。

    Flotation Cost The costs associated with the issuance of new securities.

  11. 这项计划牵涉到许多部门。

    This project concerns many departments.

  12. 首先,实现牵涉的内容较多。

    First, its a bit of implementation bleedthrough.

  13. 牵涉到一个苦役犯和一个娼妇。

    A convict and a woman of the town.

  14. 比莉牵涉进了一场暴力冲突。

    Billie was involved in a violent confrontation.

  15. 我还以为我们不牵涉其中的!

    I thought we weren't getting involved!

  16. 我不愿意牵涉在欺诈行为里。

    I don't want to get involved in a swindle.

  17. 牵涉到了有权势的商业势力。

    There are powerful business interests involved.

  18. 我想说清楚其中牵涉的问题。

    I want to bring out clearly the issue that is involved.

  19. 我不牵涉进他的麻烦中去。

    I keep out of his troubles.

  20. 而毒品, 谁牵涉进去, 谁就要遭殃。

    But drugs are dangerous for everyone connected with them.

  21. 这都牵涉到很多的科技因素。

    And it involves a great deal of technique.

  22. 我的忠告就是不要牵涉进去。

    My own advice would be not to become involved.

  23. 我明白,可这牵涉到一名学生

    Yeah, I understand that, but it involves a student.

  24. 这并不牵涉到勇敢和怯懦问题。

    Courage and cowardice are not involved.

  25. 每一个问题似乎都牵涉到生存问题。

    Every issue seems to bear on the question of survival.

  26. 连副总统都牵涉在这件事里。

    The vice president's involved in this.

  27. 不让警方牵涉进来也许会更有利

    Well, on the plus side, hope hasn't involved the police.

  28. 我不愿被牵涉到那些事中去。

    I don't want to be mixed up in the affairs.

  29. 这里头牵涉到文化和观念的问题。

    Herein one can find differences in culture and ideas.

  30. 他被牵涉到了一宗政治丑闻中。

    He was involved in a political scandal.


  1. 问:牵涉拼音怎么拼?牵涉的读音是什么?牵涉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牵涉的读音是qiānshè,牵涉翻译成英文是 involve

  2. 问:牵涉痛拼音怎么拼?牵涉痛的读音是什么?牵涉痛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牵涉痛的读音是qiān shè tòng,牵涉痛翻译成英文是 referred pain

  3. 问:牵涉图解拼音怎么拼?牵涉图解的读音是什么?牵涉图解翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牵涉图解的读音是,牵涉图解翻译成英文是 implication diagram

  4. 问:牵涉性痛拼音怎么拼?牵涉性痛的读音是什么?牵涉性痛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牵涉性痛的读音是qiān shè xìng tòng,牵涉性痛翻译成英文是 telalgia

  5. 问:牵涉观念拼音怎么拼?牵涉观念的读音是什么?牵涉观念翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牵涉观念的读音是qiān shè guàn niàn,牵涉观念翻译成英文是 idea of reference

  6. 问:牵涉性感觉拼音怎么拼?牵涉性感觉的读音是什么?牵涉性感觉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牵涉性感觉的读音是qiān shè xìng gǎn jué,牵涉性感觉翻译成英文是 referred sensation

  7. 问:牵涉性投射拼音怎么拼?牵涉性投射的读音是什么?牵涉性投射翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牵涉性投射的读音是qiān shè xìng tóu shè,牵涉性投射翻译成英文是 eccentric projection

  8. 问:牵涉性疼痛拼音怎么拼?牵涉性疼痛的读音是什么?牵涉性疼痛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牵涉性疼痛的读音是qiān shè xìng téng tòng,牵涉性疼痛翻译成英文是 referred pain

  9. 问:牵涉痛定律拼音怎么拼?牵涉痛定律的读音是什么?牵涉痛定律翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牵涉痛定律的读音是qiān shè tòng dìng lǜ,牵涉痛定律翻译成英文是 Law of referred pain




【读音】qiān shè


【出处】清·黄钧宰 《金壶浪墨·辛学使》:“因人牵涉,及事无左证,横被诋诬者,庇之必力。” 清·陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷十三:“ 康熙丁丑状元李蟠,以科场事流徙……探花姜宸英亦以科场事牵涉,卒於请室。”

【示例】清·王韬 《淞滨琐话·金玉蟾》:“适境中出一钜案,牵涉某大僚,生惟一秉至公,绝无瞻徇。”