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清 陈确 《答张考夫书》:“夫道若大路,本无他谬巧,真是农、工、商、贾,皆可涉足。” 鲁迅 《坟·寡妇主义》:“自从我涉足社会, 中国 也有了女校。” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》三十:“如果世间真有这么一种境界,涉足其间的人将要应接不暇,终于陶醉了吧。”
A trader at a rival firm said the Morgan Stanley trader had been involved in short-term trading over credit index options on the CDX index.
一家对手公司的交易员表示,这位摩根士丹利交易员涉足的是CDX指数信贷指数期权方面的短线交易。The scene of the crime is at once arbitrary and crucial: this place, to which they have never been, changed their lives forever.
犯罪现场立刻就变得任意和至关重要:这个他们不曾涉足的地方,永远改变了他们的生活。It's about trying to find answers and trying to dabble with the concept of time.
它是试图找到答案,并尝试涉足这一概念的时间。But he seems to have tapped on the brake. He no longer talks about increasing the number of new markets the firm enters to 50 and beyond.
不过他似乎已踩了刹车,不再谈论要将新涉足市场数目增至50个或更多。Then start networking like mad, says Walsh: "Talk to as many people as you can in the field you're trying to get into, or get back into. "
之后,求职者就要尽全力利用自己的人际关系网。沃什说:“明确了自己希望涉足或重返的行业后,求职者要尽一切可能,与这些行业中的人多交流。”He had grown up in Shanghai and had ventured into real estate just as the local market was surging.
他是土生土长的上海人,在本地市场迅猛发展的时候涉足房地产业。She did not want the students involved in the world of joy, her sense of inferiority, not for the parents and the inferior.
她不想涉足同学们欢天喜地的世界,她自卑,为父母的不和而自卑。ICBC is staying away from exotic products like derivatives because 'we are unable to see through the risks, ' Mr. Wu says.
吴斌说,工商银行没有涉足衍生品等奇特产品,因为我们无法看透风险。The surge in trading volumes is all the more remarkable because Beijing has imposed rules to keep inexperienced investors out of the market.