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1. 刷 [shuā]2. 刷 [shuà]刷 [shuā]用成束的毛棕等制成的清除或涂抹的用具:~子。毛~。板~。擦拭,涂抹,清洗:~牙。~墙。~洗。印~。~耻(洗雪耻辱)。剔除,淘汰:~选(剔除)。~掉。刷 [shuà]〔~白〕色白而略……
汉语拼音:yá shuā
The company is promoting its new sort of toothbrush on television.
该公司正在电视上推销他们的新牙刷。Move the brush in small circular motions across the surface of the teeth. Don't press too hard on the teeth, or you could damage your gums.
刷牙齿表面时牙刷轻轻的转圈,不要把牙刷太用力压在牙齿上,否则可能损伤牙龈。The other things I took were shampoo and a toothbrush, because I needed them, and I took some of his underpants and some of his wife's.
我取走的其他东西是洗发香波和一把牙刷,因为我需要它们,我还取走了他和他妻子的一些内衣。One of its boutiques sells a bejewelled object adorned with a butterfly for $269. Closer inspection reveals it to be a toothbrush-holder.
在酒店内的一处精品店里,一件带有蝴蝶图案、镶满珠宝的东西标价269美元,可仔细一看才发现是个牙刷架。Consider buying an electric toothbrush that will time it out for you.
考虑下买一把电牙刷,它可以计时。I kept half-expecting to be jabbed through the kidney with a toothbrush shiv, and I regretted having ever watched an episode of Oz.
(作者潜台词都是亡命徒)。我是不是想到被牙刷捅到肾,我遗憾还没看过一集《Oz》。I took the dog around the block to get out of the house, and I came back to see her leaving her room. my electric toothbrush in her hand.
我回来的时候正巧碰见她出来,手里拿的东西是——我的电动牙刷。I really will need just a suitcase and toothbrush in the beginning, but soon enough I imagine I'll be wanting things like furniture.
在一开始我的确可能只需要一个旅行箱和牙刷,但我想很快就会需要家具之类的东西。Third, a number of easy to lose sight of the personal life of items such as toothbrushes, razors and razor, towels used to be their own.