


1. 臂 [bì]2. 臂 [bei]臂 [bì]从肩到手腕的部分:~力。~腕。~肘。左膀右~。助你一~之力。臂 [bei]〔胳~〕见“胳”。……


1. 膀 [bǎng]膀 [bǎng]胳膊的上部靠肩的部分:~臂。肩~。~阔腰圆。鸟类和昆虫的飞行器官:翅~。~儿。……



汉语拼音:bì bǎng








  1. 胳膊。

    丁玲 《水》一:“火光里晃动着那些宽阔的臂膀,那些使她们熟悉的爱着的一些厚道的农人的臂膀。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第五章:“当她正要纵身扑向大海时,一双温暖的臂膀抱住了她。”



  1. From my birth to life continues, mothers to use water time nurturing my future, with a solid arm smooths the children's wounds.


  2. When Cosette went out with him, she leaned on his arm, proud and happy, in the plenitude of her heart.


  3. "Every once in a while, " Rich says, "she'd reach out with her arm . . . smile and nod . . . and then go back to pulling weeds. "


  4. Beliveing that, I pray that God may allow him to have strong shoulders enough to withstand any severe streaks of rain.


  5. I tell you, meet this kind of woman, must use commanding eyes, with a powerful arm, her from desire rescue comes out among the sea!


  6. He stretched out his arm and said, "Grandpa, let me take you across. "


  7. And he lifted me up in his strong, gentle arms, and said something I will never forget.


  8. I confess I pray still to feel the touch of my lover's lips. His hands upon me, his arms enfolding me. . . Such surrender has been mine.


  9. the angel gabriel came and grabbed me by my arm . he took me to that ugly black door that i didn t even want to look at.


  1. 让你的臂膀包容我们

    Let your arms enfold us

  2. 子弹穿过他的臂膀。

    The bullet went clean through his arm.

  3. 表示他拥抱我得臂膀。

    A means his arms he's hugging me.

  4. 那个铁匠的臂膀很健壮。

    The blacksmith has brawny arms.

  5. 苏珊抚摸着我的臂膀。

    Susan touched my arm.

  6. 苏珊抚摸着我得臂膀。

    Susan touched my arm.

  7. 苏珊抚摸着我的臂膀。

    Susan touched my arm.

  8. 从我钟情的臂膀中离开。

    Taken from my loving arm.

  9. 躺在上帝选民的臂膀中。

    In the arms of one of god's chosen people.

  10. 皎洁的月光映照着你的臂膀

    A rocky moon light in your arms

  11. 一只狗咬了他的臂膀。

    A dog bit him on his arm.

  12. 你的头下枕着我的臂膀!

    This arm beneath your head!

  13. 就像左右一双臂膀, 在这儿,

    Like right and left arms, here

  14. 他的一只臂膀失去了知觉。

    He could feel no sensation in his arm.

  15. 那握紧的臂膀,宛如攀爬的藤

    Clasping my arms like a climbing plant

  16. 那握紧得臂膀,宛如攀爬得藤

    Clasping my arms like a climbing plant

  17. 我支起我的臂膀遮住所有的答案。

    I curled my arm around my answers.

  18. 格雷厄姆伸出臂膀,搂住男孩。

    Graham put an arm around the boy.

  19. 杰拉尔德把她的臂膀挽起来。

    Gerald took her arm and passed it through his.

  20. 杰拉尔德把她得臂膀挽起来。

    Gerald took her arm and passed it through his.

  21. 受惊骇的孩子紧紧抓住他母亲的臂膀。

    The frightened child gripped its mother's arm.

  22. 一只手伸出来抓住了我的臂膀。

    A hand reached out and seized my arm.

  23. 他有着结实的臂膀和粗壮的脖颈。

    He has thick arms and a thicker neck.

  24. 它没有臂膀,但它的手却能转啊转的。

    It has no arm, but its hands turn round and round.

  25. 我走过草坪,把你怀抱在臂膀里。

    I walk through the grass, holding you in my arms.

  26. 她站起身, 凯旋地张开臂膀。

    She stood up, stretching out her arms in triumph.

  27. 举重会使臂膀和肩部的肌肉发达。

    Lifting weights will build arm and shoulder muscles.

  28. 你的臂膀定会是我温暖的怀抱。

    Bosom your arm is fixed may be that I am warm.

  29. 与其颤抖着远离它, 不如敞开臂膀欢迎它。

    Instead of cowering away from it, welcome it with open arms.

  30. 她安慰地拍拍思嘉的臂膀,思嘉凝视着她。

    She stroked Scarlett's arm appealingly and Scarlett stared at her.


  1. 问:臂膀拼音怎么拼?臂膀的读音是什么?臂膀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:臂膀的读音是bìbǎng,臂膀翻译成英文是 arm



臂膀 : bì bǎnɡ ①胳膊。②比喻助手。 ③手臂,胳膊。人身体器官之一。