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恭敬地用手捧着:~觞(举杯祝酒)。~献。~祀。~承(恭维,讨好。“承”读轻声)。尊重,遵守:~公守法。~为圭臬(把某些言论或事物当作准则)。~行故事(按老规定办事)。敬辞,用于自己的举动涉及对方时:~告。~还(huán )。~陪。~劝。~迎……
汉语拼音:fèng sòng
《穀梁传·僖公三十一年》:“免牲者,为之緇衣熏裳,有司玄端,奉送至於南郊。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·沔水》:“乃觉城崩,半许沦水,出铜鐘十二枚,刺史 索邈 奉送 洛阳 ,归之 宋 公府。”
汉 班固 《白虎通·崩薨》:“有始死先奔者,有得中来尽其哀者,有得会丧奉送君者。”
《西游记》第九六回:“﹝员外﹞遂此出了经堂,吩咐书办,写了百十个简帖儿,邀请邻里亲戚,明早奉送 唐 朝老师西行。”《儒林外史》第二二回:“ 牛浦 攀留不住,説道:‘晚上即刻就来船上奉送。’”
《后汉书·朱穆传》:“宜时易宰守非其人者,减省第宅园池之费,拒絶郡国诸所奉送。”《儿女英雄传》第八回:“不但不领他的情,还不愁他不双手奉送!” 老舍 《茶馆》第一幕:“我就先给您相面吧!手相奉送,不取分文!”
Now I would like to express my thanks for your warm hospitality with a little gift that you will shortly receive.
现在我愿奉送一件小小的礼物以示敬意,您不久就会收到。The store gave me a necklace for good measure of buying a pair of earrings and a ring.
商店给了我一条项链作为买一对耳环和一只戒指的额外奉送。Surely we should be able to take the same kind of character attacks that we "dish out" to outsiders.
当然,我们应该能够接受我们“奉送”给外界人士的相同类型的人格抨击。Those brave enough to ride it were offered a stiff brandy at the top.
那些足够勇敢的顾客若能坐到顶层,便有货真价实的白兰地奉送。Upon arrival, I found advertising material at the main reception stating that they 'throw in' free breakfast with all rooms.
但到后,总接待处的宣传资料上赫然标明酒店所有房间都“免费奉送”早餐!Certainly. But we only have distilled water and there will be a charge. There will be complimentary coffee or tea after your meal.
当然可以。但我们只有蒸馏水而且是要收费的。餐后会奉送咖啡或茶。Woo! Oh, and I read and returned the neighbor's newspaper before he woke up.
哇哦!更棒的是,在我们邻居醒来之前,我已经看完并奉送回了他的报纸。He occupies four rent-controlled apartments in New York, courtesy of a developer.
他占据了开发商奉送的纽约四个租金受管制的公寓。Iran's main shoemaking federation also offered to supply a lifetime of shoes to Zaidi, who remains in a Baghdad jail awaiting trial.
We'd like you to accept this book in payment for your kindness.
There will be complimentary coffee or tea after your meal.
Complimentary of two American breakfast on following day
We will fling in a few more cans of gravy.
We will fling in a few more cans of gravy.
这是我们奉送得菜, 拔丝苹果。
This is our complimentary dish, toffee apple.
This is our complimentary dish, toffee apple.
He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer.
我买这双鞋时, 要求售货员额外奉送鞋油。
When I bought the shoes I asked the salesman to throw in some shoe polish.
如果你购买家具, 商店将会奉送一台电视机。
If you buy the furniture, the shop will chuck in a television set.
You can have the piano for 60,and I ll throw in the stool as well.
我给你免费刮脸, 还奉送一杯饮料, 你以为如何?
What do you think I shave you for nothing and give you a drink?
我买他的车时, 他额外奉送一个收音机和一盒工具。
When I bought his car he threw in the radio and a box of tools.
约翰把自行车卖给比尔时, 还额外奉送了两只轮胎。
John threw in a couple of tires when he sold Bill his bicycle.
要两个人一起, 才能把奖品带回家哦!恕不奉送单身贵族!
You two must be together for getting award! No gift to the single!
她送给王的香料, 以后奉来的不再有这样多。
Never again were so many spices as those the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.
There again came such abundance of spices as the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.
There arrived certain messengers from the king, who were empowered by him to confer upon Macbeth the dignity of thane of Cawdor.
It was clear to all of us that you had been sent to do god's work.
I don't mean the company has to give it away.
答:奉送的读音是fèngsòng,奉送翻译成英文是 offer as a gift; give something to somebody fo...
fènɡ sònɡ 1.犹护送。《谷梁传·僖公三十一年》:“免牲者,为之缁衣熏裳,有司玄端,奉送至於南郊。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·沔水》:“乃觉城崩,半许沦水,出铜钟十二枚,刺史 索邈 奉送 洛阳 ,归之 宋 公府。” 2.指送葬。 汉 班固 《白虎通·崩薨》:“有始死先奔者,有得中来尽其哀者,有得会丧奉送君者。” 3.恭送;送行。《西游记》第九六回:“﹝员外﹞遂此出了经堂,吩咐书办,写了百十个简帖儿,邀请邻里亲戚,明早奉送 唐 朝老师西行。”《儒林外史》第二二回:“ 牛浦 攀留不住,说道:‘晚上即刻就来船上奉送。’” 4.赠送;敬献。《后汉书·朱穆传》:“宜时易宰守非其人者,减省第宅园池之费,拒绝郡国诸所奉送。”《儿女英雄传》第八回:“不但不领他的情,还不愁他不双手奉送!” 老舍 《茶馆》第一幕:“我就先给您相面吧!手相奉送,不取分文!”