




1. 给 [gěi]2. 给 [jǐ]给 [gěi]交付,送与:~以。~予。送~。献~。把动作或态度加到对方:~他一顿批评。替,为:~大家帮忙。被,表示遭受:房子~火烧掉了。把,将:请你随手~门送上。给 [jǐ]供应:供~。补~。~养。自~……



汉语拼音:zèng gěi







  1. His wife had died and he had followed Dounias, as he explained, to atone for his sins against her by settling upon her.


  2. All these books , which had been donated by visiting professors , are to be used by the postgraduates.


  3. let me ask you this: if you could give someone you know or even a total stranger a $100 gift and get back $400, would you do it?


  4. After the war began in Europe in 1914, he gave his home, Skibo Castle in Scotland, to the British Governmentfor use as an army hospital.


  5. On his retirement, colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs .


  6. Some of the crops will be served to the Obamas and to White House staff and guests, while some will be donated to a local soup kitchen.


  7. King Jaume II persuaded the Pope to permit him to reform Templar properties and bestow them upon a new Order based at the castle of Montesa.


  8. No. I gave it to ease the suffering of the children of this war.


  9. Facebook argued in court papers that Zuckerberg couldn't have given Ceglia a share of a project he didn't conceive of until a year later.


  1. 赠给孤儿院大量钱财

    to shower an orphanage with money

  2. 把某物赠给某人。

    Present something to somebody.

  3. 赠给救济基金的捐款

    contributions to relief fund

  4. 赠给他叔叔一些小礼物

    to potlatch a little stuff to his uncle

  5. 赠给她一条叭喇狗。

    A bulldog was given to her.

  6. 把一本书题赠给朋友

    inscribe a book to a friend

  7. 把一张照片题赠给朋友

    to inscribe a photo to a friend

  8. 赠给玛丽一个荣誉学位。

    An honorary degree was conferred on Mary.

  9. 赠品赠给的或保存的东西纪念品

    Something given or kept a memento.

  10. 大自然赠给小小的意外精雕细工。

    Nature gives us the little surprise with a delicate touch.

  11. 她赠给我们一幅画作结婚礼物。

    She gave us a picture as a wedding present.

  12. 他把他所有的书都赠给了图书馆。

    He gave all his books away to the library.

  13. 他把所有的书都赠给了国家图书馆。

    He has given away all his books to the National Library.

  14. 他把所有的书都赠给了这家图书馆。

    He gave away all his books to the library.

  15. 他惊讶地环顾着朋友们赠给他的那些礼物。

    He gazed around at the gifts that his friends had showed upon him.

  16. 国王还将土地赠给他所宠信的大臣和官员。

    The king also made gifts of land to favoured officials and courtiers.

  17. 花儿分根了,一棵分为数棵,就赠给朋友们一些

    When the cereuses have branched out, we will pick some of the flowers and give them as a present to our friends

  18. 那家商店在顾客购货后赠给顾客一个免费品。

    The store gives customers a freebie with their purchases.

  19. 她从不会以他赠给她的新娘礼物来衡量他的爱。

    Never would she measure his love by the dowry he gave her.

  20. 老妇人立遗嘱将她得一半财产赠给这所学校。

    The old woman willed half her fortune to the school.

  21. 老妇人立遗嘱将她的一半财产赠给这所学校。

    The old woman willed half her fortune to the school.

  22. 但绿衣骑士原谅了他, 并把腰带赠给他做礼物。

    But the Green Knight forgives him and gave him the girdle as a gift.

  23. 他赠给荷兰海牙和平官一百五十万美元。

    He gave one million, fivehundred thousand dollars to the Peace Palace at the Hague in theNetherlands.

  24. 精工妙品工艺音乐首饰盒,赠给心上人的最佳选择。

    The elegant musical jewel case, a wonderful article made with clever workmanship, is the best present for your sweet heart.

  25. 那位老人已把他得财产移赠给了一所医院。

    The old man has made over his property to a hospital.

  26. 那位老人已把他的财产移赠给了一所医院。

    The old man has made over his property to a hospital.

  27. 将财产、钱等,但不包括完全保有的土地赠给某人

    Give of property, money, etc. but not freehold land to someone in a will

  28. 为了表彰他为公司所做的贡献,公司赠给他一块金表。

    He was given a gold watch in acknowledgement of his work for the company.

  29. 若在遗嘱中将完全保有的地产赠给某人,就是不动产遗赠。

    Freehold land given in a will is a devise.

  30. 他们用自己美丽的心灵赠给对方的是一件无价之宝。

    They with the own beautiful mind present is a priceless treasure for the other party.


  1. 问:赠给拼音怎么拼?赠给的读音是什么?赠给翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赠给的读音是zènggěi,赠给翻译成英文是 To present.