




1. 与 [yǔ]2. 与 [yù]3. 与 [yú]与 [yǔ]和,跟:正确~错误。~虎谋皮。生死~共。给:赠~。~人方便。交往,友好:相~。~国(相互交好的国家)。〔~其〕比较连词,常跟“不如”、“宁可”连用。赞助,赞许:~人为善。与 ……



汉语拼音:shòu yǔ








  1. 亦作“ 授予 ”。给予。

    汉 王充 《论衡·初禀》:“朋友彼我,无有授与之义。”《百喻经·小儿得欢喜丸喻》:“时有一人持欢喜丸授与小儿,小儿得已,贪其美味,不顾身物。”《易·咸》“二气感应以相与” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“今兑柔在上,而艮刚在下,是二气感应以相授与,所以为咸亨也。”《文汇报》1989.9.28:“荣誉奖也授予影片《开国大典》、《巍巍昆仑》、《百色起义》。”



  1. After the closing ceremony was the flag-giving ceremony, in which the committee transferred the flag of the Olympic Games to the next host.


  2. Code can also be granted special permissions if it is loaded into a sandbox.


  3. Grant EXECUTE permissions on the stored procedures for database roles you want to be able to access the data.


  4. No license , express or implied , by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document .


  5. You will be granted the Manager role on this space, which allows you to manage and perform every operations you want.


  6. October 1991: Suu Kyi is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her peaceful struggle against the regime.


  7. Spirit of the wind! May you consume your power, to grant us the speed of the wind.


  8. It's a great honor for me to be the third member of my family to receive an honorary1 doctorate from this great university.


  9. So shall I give thanks to you in the name of the majesty which ordained your birth.


  1. 授与某人财产

    vest with.

  2. 平均授与能量

    mean energy imparted

  3. 授与某人荣誉

    award an honor to sb.

  4. 授与某人勋章

    decoratesb. with a medal.

  5. 授与某人奖章

    honor a person with a medal.

  6. 财产授与协议

    property settlement agreement

  7. 授与荣誉勋章

    the bestowal of Medals of Honor.

  8. 为什么授与权力知识工人?

    Why empower the knowledge worker ?

  9. 我授与我的律师全权代理我。

    I invested my lawyer with complete power to act for me.

  10. 名誉会员身分将授与他。

    An honorary membership will be conferred on him.

  11. 国会通过授与总统紧急命令权。

    Congress voted the president emergency powers.

  12. 我们的方针是不授与专卖权。

    Our policy is not to grant exclusivity.

  13. 董事会被授与管制生产的权力。

    The board of directors is vested with the power to regulate production.

  14. 董事会被授与管制生产得权力。

    The board of directors is vested with the power to regulate production.

  15. 受益人可以放弃被授与的权利。

    The beneficiary may renounce a right conferred on it.

  16. 我授与你的是有较好的质量。

    I grant that yours are of better quality.

  17. 授与勋位是女王的一项行为。

    Conferment of an honor is an act of the Queen.

  18. 授与勋位是女王得一项行为。

    Conferment of an honor is an act of the Queen.

  19. 选民把他们得权力授与这些官员。

    The voters delegate their authority to these officials.

  20. 选民把他们的权力授与这些官员。

    The voters delegate their authority to these officials.

  21. 勇气是生命强制授与和平的价码。

    Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace.

  22. 对拒绝授与证书之裁定不服的上诉。

    Appeals against decisions for the refusal to grant a variety certificate.

  23. 威廉老伯将被授与人文学荣誉博士。

    Williams will receive an honorary doctorate in humane letters.

  24. 女王因探险家们的勇敢而授与他们勋章。

    The Queen decorated the explorers for bravery.

  25. 其飘忽手掌将授与毕生与干戈为伍的经验。

    Its ethereal hand confers a lifetime of experience with combat and steel.

  26. 他们慎重而稳步地扩大授与公民权的范围。

    They extended their citizenship cautiously but steadily.

  27. 由美国合约管理协会所授与的专业认证。

    Certification designation offered by the National Contract Management Association.

  28. 所有未经授权人明示授与得权利,于此加以保留。

    All rights not expressly granted by Licensor are hereby reserved.

  29. 所有未经授权人明示授与的权利,于此加以保留。

    All rights not expressly granted by Licensor are hereby reserved.

  30. 授与得品种证书,由专利局在正式公报上公布。

    A publication for a granted variety certificate is made in the Official Bulletin of the Patent Office.


  1. 问:授与拼音怎么拼?授与的读音是什么?授与翻译成英文是什么?

    答:授与的读音是,授与翻译成英文是 indue

  2. 问:授与者拼音怎么拼?授与者的读音是什么?授与者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:授与者的读音是,授与者翻译成英文是 investor

  3. 问:授与信贷拼音怎么拼?授与信贷的读音是什么?授与信贷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:授与信贷的读音是shòu yǔ xìn dài,授与信贷翻译成英文是 granting of credit

  4. 问:授与天上之荣光拼音怎么拼?授与天上之荣光的读音是什么?授与天上之荣光翻译成英文是什么?

    答:授与天上之荣光的读音是,授与天上之荣光翻译成英文是 glorify



shòu yǔ ㄕㄡˋ ㄧㄩˇ授与(授与)