




与客观事实相符合,与“假”、“伪”相对:~诚。~谛。~挚。~心。逼~。认~。~才实学。~知灼见。确实,的确:~好。~正。~切。清楚,显明:看得~。咬字很~。本性,本原:纯~。天~。人的肖像:传(chuán )~。写~。汉字的楷书:~字。~书……



汉语拼音:guǒ zhēn









  1. 确实,当真。

    明 徐渭 《问韩信破赵用背水阵策》:“於是水上军知 信 之败也为诈,而阴寓取胜之计;见帜之立也果真,而益 信 取胜之验。”《红楼梦》第六一回:“﹝ 平儿 ﹞悄悄的来访 袭人 ,问他可果真 芳官 给他玫瑰露了。” 杨朔 《秘密列车》:“爬上小山一看,果真变成一片小树林了。”



  1. I do not believe a word of it, my dear. If he had been so very agreeable, he would have talked to Mrs. Long.

  2. And then we look over the body and we find like an old cigarette lighter and we say, "Jesus, it was dark. "

  3. If that day comes, the United States and China could end up in a trade war that only worsens the situation for both countries.

  4. He said he'd never seen anyone work that way, and it really started his solo career.

  5. But, if that was true, why did some of the fossils look like "mistakes" which had failed to change and, for that reason, died out?

  6. I suspected there was no quality control whatsoever in the factory. After making observations for a week I found this was indeed the case.

  7. But until now researchers have been unable to establish whether it had happened and, if so, how.

  8. After making observations for a week I found this was indeed the case.

  9. Jim was just a store clerk, until he decided he could probably impress more girls by telling them he was a Green Beret, which he became.


  1. 他果真来了。

    He came as expected.

  2. 但情况果真如此吗?

    But is it really?

  3. 果真,他按时到了。

    Sure enough, he arrived on time.

  4. 这个消息果真可靠吗?

    Is the news really reliable?

  5. 果真如此, 那太好了。

    If so, that will be wonderful.

  6. 果真如此,那太好了。

    If so, that will be wonderful.

  7. 而他们果真这样做了。

    And that's what they did.

  8. 那部电影果真很成功。

    That film's really clicked.

  9. 他说他将退休,果真吗?

    He says he is going to retire,but quaere,is it true?

  10. 果真如此,我就放心了。

    If this is really true, it'll take a load off my mind.

  11. 我们果真在收银台回合了。

    We will meet at the checkout counter.

  12. 如此重复果真有说服力吗?

    Can all this repetition really be persuasive

  13. 果真你请我们,我们会来的。

    We will have come if you have asked us.

  14. 这种恶果真是始料未及。

    The downside had not been anticipated.

  15. 神果真为我们行了大事!

    Indeed he is doing great things among us!

  16. 他果真遇到了有趣之人。

    The people he meets are certainly interesting.

  17. 果真是虎父无犬子啊。

    Spoken like a true dubaku.

  18. 他果真是个勤奋的年轻人。

    He really is a very hard-working young man.

  19. 果真我有错,这错乃是在我。

    And be it indeed that I have erred, mine error remaineth with myself.

  20. 果真他会迟到, 他会被处分的。

    If he is to come to school late, he will be punished.

  21. 他果真又向她要钱了。

    sure enough, he asked her for money again.

  22. 果真你有许多许多钱, 你怎么办?

    What will you do if you have lots and lots of money?

  23. 西西弗斯果真在地狱中醒来

    Sisyphus woke up in the underworld.

  24. 天上人间如果真值得歌颂

    Heaven or earth, if theres someone to extol

  25. 如果情况果真如此,你不妨试。

    If that's the case, you may as well have a try.

  26. 果真如此的话,真是令人难以置信。

    If so, it is hard to believe.

  27. 我看了一下我的手表, 果真如此。

    I looked at my watch. It was true.

  28. 他们果真全是死了的人吗?

    Were they all dead?

  29. 果真如此的话,那可是个新发现。

    If that were true it would be a revelation.

  30. 很多说他笨, 但果真如此吗?

    Many people say he is stupid, but is that so?


  1. 问:果真拼音怎么拼?果真的读音是什么?果真翻译成英文是什么?

    答:果真的读音是guǒzhēn,果真翻译成英文是 really; if




拼音:guǒ zhēn 基本解释 1. [really; as expected;indeed]∶同“果然” 进屋一看,果真小王还在 2. [if really]∶表示假设关系,有“如果确实”的意思 果真你愿意帮助,那我太高兴了 详细解释 确实,当真。 明 徐渭 《问韩信破赵用背水阵策》:“於是水上军知 信 之败也为诈,而阴寓取胜之计;见帜之立也果真,而益 信 取胜之验。”《红楼梦》第六一回:“﹝ 平儿 ﹞悄悄的来访 袭人 ,问他可果真芳官 给他玫瑰露了。”杨朔《秘密列车》:“爬上小山一看,果真变成一片小树林了。” 果真家具服务 果真家具服务全称杭州果真家具服务有限公司,位于杭州余杭区勾庄农贸市场三楼,果真旗舰店为淘宝网首批淘宝商城家装馆TP服务合作商,专门从事家具送货、上门、安装等三包业务。