







汉语拼音:yǎn móu



泛指眼睛。梁斌《播火记》三四:“﹝ 贾湘农 ﹞觉得身上热烘起来,两只又大又黑的眼眸闪着黝黑的光亮。”《小说选刊》1981年第9期:“他那栗色的卷发,微黑的短髭,加上一双不停地述说着无声语言的深邃的眼眸,透出一种美男子的魅力。”



  1. 泛指眼睛。

    梁斌 《播火记》三四:“﹝ 贾湘农 ﹞觉得身上热烘起来,两只又大又黑的眼眸闪着黝黑的光亮。”《小说选刊》1981年第9期:“他那栗色的卷发,微黑的短髭,加上一双不停地述说着无声语言的深邃的眼眸,透出一种美男子的魅力。”



  1. I could be any part of you, I'd be your tears. To be conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.


  2. It was the Galaxy, hanging in the sky, calm and collected, very like a ditch Stephen Wang, serenity is a sharp pair of eyes.


  3. It was not a color most women would wear, but it brought out the reckless gleam in her long straight hair and the green of her eyes.


  4. The large and watery blue eyes were always shining brightly like a pair of gems, as he held in his memory all these years.


  5. You come to me quietly with gorgeous clothes and a smile, like a tree in the wind washing away my years with deep or shallow footsteps.


  6. Karen: Who asked you? ! Look at him: he's got dark eyes and a strong chin. I'll bet he's got a cute smile, too.


  7. Diana came down the walk to meet Anne. Even in the moonlight you saw that her hair was still black and her cheeks rosy and her eyes bright.


  8. He could not see the anger in her eyes, and it was just as well for it was an anger he would not have understood.


  9. His eyes, blue as the summer sky, gave away his fierce devotion to his friends, even when he tried to feign nonchalance.


  1. 眼眸中泛着白光

    With the daylight in his eyes

  2. 永远活在莉莉的眼眸之中!

    To live at last in Lily's Eyes!

  3. 我在画家的眼眸之前闪现。

    I flash on the painter's eye.

  4. 深邃的眼眸,倒影出笑容的清澈

    Abstruse eyes, a smile in the clear reflections.

  5. 男人会沉醉在你的眼眸里

    and a guy could just drown in those eyes.

  6. 从你的眼眸中我看见关于我的事

    Look in your eyes to see something about meLes Space

  7. 消除黑眼圈, 晦暗, 创造明亮的眼眸。

    Valuably diminishes dark circle and discoloration for clear eyes.

  8. 那眼眸抛下了我并永远得阖上。

    Those eyes that closed and left me all alone.

  9. 那眼眸抛下了我并永远的阖上。

    Those eyes that closed and left me all alone.

  10. 那卑微的笑容,葬送在了你冷漠的眼眸。

    The humble smile, buried in your cold eyes.

  11. 她有明亮的眼眸,和微微翘起的嘴唇。

    For her bright and limpid eyes, for her perceptual warped lips.

  12. 凝视你的眼眸, 见你正在搜寻一个讯息

    I look in your eyes and see you searching for a sign

  13. 是不是震撼的眼眸,才传出绵绵的情意。

    Eyes is not shocking, it came rain, affection.

  14. 踏过枯黄的草地。清澈的溪流是你的眼眸。

    Stepping over the yellow grass. Limpid streams are the eyes of you.

  15. 这个女孩有着我的莉莉一样淡褐色的眼眸。

    She has my Lilys hazel eyes.

  16. 那眼眸让我感觉到我永远不能摆脱掉!

    Those eyes I feel will never ever let me go!

  17. 那双明亮的眼眸,出现在远处,花的缝隙里。

    Pair of bright eyes, appears in the distance, the gap in spending.

  18. 两人互相凝视着对方的眼眸, 良久无言。

    The man and the woman looked into each other's eyes for a longtime without saying a word.

  19. 我能从你眼眸的深处察觉到你想哭的冲动。

    I can see it in your eyes, deep inside you want to cry.

  20. 爱之感觉始于眼眸,而喜欢的感觉则始于耳畔。

    The feeling of love starts from the eyes, but the feeling of like starts from the ears.

  21. 那种黑, 早已成了我眼眸里最深邃的颜色。

    That kind of black, has already become in my eye pupil the profoundest color.

  22. 那种黑,早已成了我眼眸里最深邃得颜色。

    That kind of black, has already become in my eye pupil the profoundest color.

  23. 我可以从你眼眸中洞察到,深深的想哭的冲动。

    I can see it in your eyes, deep inside you want to cry.

  24. 我可以从你眼眸中洞察到,深深得想哭得冲动。

    I can see it in your eyes, deep inside you want to cry.

  25. 希罗正在沉默的望着他, 眼眸变成了淡蓝色。

    Hiro was looking at him silently, his eyes growing light blue.

  26. 然而, 仇恨的火焰却并没有从他的眼眸中褪去。

    However, the hatred flame actually has not removed from his eye pupil.

  27. 他瞥了一眼她,黑色眼眸似乎流连在她的胸上。

    He glanced across at her, his dark eyes seeming to linger on her breasts.

  28. 他瞥了一眼她,黑色眼眸似乎流连在她的胸上。

    He glanced across at her, his dark eyes seeming to linger on her breasts.

  29. 在你们深深的眼眸中,我们看到了你们内心真诚的爱。

    In you deep eyes, we see your gentle love in heart.

  30. 晴天总是那么短,暗灰色早已侵占了眼眸里的天空。

    It is always so short, dark gray had encroached on eyes in the sky.



眼眸 yan móu

【名】 指眼睛。

(形声。从目,牟声。本义:瞳仁,眼珠) 同本义〖pupiloftheeye〗 眸,目童子也。——《说文新附》 胸中正,则眸子了焉。——《孟子·离娄上》 清之为明,杯水见眸子。——《淮南子·说山》 回眸一笑百媚生。——白居易《长恨歌》 又如:眸子(瞳人。泛指眼睛);眸瞯(瞳人和眼白) 眼睛。视觉器官〖eye〗。如:眸光(眼光);明眸皓齿;凝眸 眸 ①人体生理名词。指瞳神。《说文》:“目童(瞳)子也。”详见瞳神条。
