







汉语拼音:yì biàn




1.谓变化不同。汉 贾谊《过秦论上》:“然而成败异变,功业相反,何也?”

2.奇妙的变化。《三国志·魏志·杜夔传》“其好古存正莫及 夔”裴松之 注引 晋 傅玄《赠扶风马钧序》:“其奇文异变,因感而作者,犹自然之成形,阴阳之无穷。”

3.灾异变故。明 沉德符《野获编·禨祥·弘治异变》:“又 弘治 十二年己未,曲阜 孔庙 灾,柏树被焚,枝干俱尽,尤为异变。”



  1. 谓变化不同。

    汉 贾谊 《过秦论上》:“然而成败异变,功业相反,何也?”

  2. 奇妙的变化。

    《三国志·魏志·杜夔传》“其好古存正莫及 夔 ” 裴松之 注引 晋 傅玄 《赠扶风马钧序》:“其奇文异变,因感而作者,犹自然之成形,阴阳之无穷。”

  3. 灾异变故。

    明 沉德符 《野获编·禨祥·弘治异变》:“又 弘治 十二年己未, 曲阜 孔庙 灾,柏树被焚,枝干俱尽,尤为异变。”



  1. "A CNV in the same location could give rise to any number of different conditions, " he said.


  2. In age-related hearing loss (presbycusis), changes in the inner ear that occur as you grow older cause a gradual but steady hearing loss.


  3. Byeshk weapons are able to overcome the damage reduction of the daelkyr, which are resistance to all other weapons.


  4. The grown girl in a such cities, should be small jasper type, but go up personally to Dong Mingzhu, appear " different changes " .


  5. Third, the result of the harmony is the extraordinary changes. That is, an organic whole is formed on the basis of the harmony.


  6. In this piece, Huang creates a parallel world, capturing the constant motion and change of the Beijing landscape.


  7. "We are moving in a direction where CNVs are playing a role in a number of different neurobehavioral conditions, " Cuccaro said.


  8. The cause of the alteration comes from the curriculum itself.


  9. Then I will analyze the generation mechanism of variation, and category it to intend creation and accidental misinterpret.


  1. 超越性异变

    surpassed alteration.

  2. 停止观察档案异变。

    Stop watching for changes on filename.

  3. 显然, 天气也同样异变。

    Apparently, weather is similarly vulnerable.

  4. 这样得症状是咳嗽异变型哮喘吗

    Is such symptom cough different asthmatic

  5. 这样的症状是咳嗽异变型哮喘吗?

    Is such symptom cough different asthmatic

  6. 从道德泛化到道德虚无的异变逻辑

    The Logic of the Alteration from Generalization of Morality to Nothingness of Morality

  7. 引起课程异变的原因,主要来自课程自身。

    The cause of the alteration comes from the curriculum itself.

  8. 观察档案异变。档案异动时会触发监听函数。

    Watch for changes on filename. The callback listener will be called each time the file changes.

  9. 危岩的形成是多因子异变耦合的结果。

    Perilous rock formation is the result of multiple correlated factors coupling.

  10. 论云南红河哈尼族民俗文化的现代异变

    On the Modern Aliention of Hani's Folk Culture in Honghe, Yunnan

  11. 腐败问题, 其实质是权力的异变, 核心是权力的滥用。

    The essential matter of the corruption is the aberrance and abuse of power.

  12. 腐败问题,其实质是权力得异变,核心是权力得滥用。

    The essential matter of the corruption is the aberrance and abuse of power.

  13. 五行说由经验性认识向先验信念的异变

    From an Empirical Knowledge to a Priory Belief the Evolution of Wu Xing

  14. 我们希望不会有异变而成为新的致命病毒。

    We hope that it will not mutate into a more virulent virus.

  15. 蒙自,绿春读音异变所体现的汉语语音演变规律

    The Linguistic Evolution Law of Speech Soud nations in Mengzi and Luchun Counties

  16. 修磨轮双自由度修磨圆柱蜗杆齿形的异变分析

    Analyses of tooth profile changes of cylinder worms finished by dressing gears in two freedom degrees

  17. 语文教学知识目的论的现实体现了训练异变的内在逻辑。

    Chinese teaching knowledge teleology demonstrates the inner logic of training change.

  18. 并对标志同位异变理论的未来前景进行了客观的分析。

    And it gives objective analysis for the prospect of allotrope theory.

  19. 结果表明颅内组织异变对头皮边界节点电位的影响明显。

    The result shows the encephalic pathological tissues have effect on the scalp boundary nodes potential.

  20. 结果表明颅内组织异变对头皮边界节点电位得影响明显。

    The result shows the encephalic pathological tissues have effect on the scalp boundary nodes potential.


  1. 问:异变形藻拼音怎么拼?异变形藻的读音是什么?异变形藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:异变形藻的读音是yì biàn xíng zǎo,异变形藻翻译成英文是 Chloramoeba

  2. 问:异变抗体拼音怎么拼?异变抗体的读音是什么?异变抗体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:异变抗体的读音是yì biàn kàng tǐ,异变抗体翻译成英文是 heteroclitic antibody

  3. 问:异变美苔蛾拼音怎么拼?异变美苔蛾的读音是什么?异变美苔蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:异变美苔蛾的读音是yìbiànměitáié,异变美苔蛾翻译成英文是 Miltochrista variata