




1. 那 [nà]2. 那 [nǎ]3. 那 [nèi]4. 那 [nā]那 [nà]指较远的时间、地方或事物,与“这”相对:~里。~个。~样。~些。~时。~么。那 [nǎ]同“哪”(一)(中国大陆地区已不用)。那 [nèi]义同(一),“……


1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……










  1. Less than a nanosecond to attain it, a lifetime of passionate pursuit to maintain it.


  2. During a dressage lesson, my beloved horse tripped, fell down, panicked, jumped up and launched me into a wall all in a matter of seconds.


  3. When the wind blows , it changes from a sleeping giant into a terror .


  4. A tolerance that the Xinmiao the beginning of winter climbing upward, making the quiet pastures between into a crowded market Denggao game.


  5. Emotional trauma is one of the quickest and easiest ways to deplete your energy reserves in an instant.


  6. An instant; cloudy with a torrential rain storm and the next folder and then thunder and lightning!


  7. At that instant, with the shotgun pointed at his belly and David's finger curling around the trigger, Faber felt very close to death .


  8. Each teacher will these sweet flowers placed in the most conspicuous place, the entire office suddenly becomes singular beauty.


  9. For an instant, a sigh of regret for "great aspirations difficult to fulfill" overwhelmed me!


  1. 一霎那间魔术师从杯中取出一只鸟。

    In the twinkling of an eye, the conjuror pulled a bird out of a cup.

  2. 霎那间, 一种壮志难酬的慨叹控制了我!

    For an instant, a sigh of regret for great aspirations difficult to fulfill overwhelmed me!

  3. 霎那间,一种壮志难酬得慨叹控制了我!

    For an instant, a sigh of regret for great aspirations difficult to fulfill overwhelmed me!

  4. 霎那间数以万计的人失去了家园, 失去了家人。

    Shana between tens of thousands of people lost their homes, lost family members.

  5. 只有在拍照之前一霎那间才可撤去隔热物。

    The insulation should only be removed immediately before photographing.

  6. 霎那间, 眼泪流过我的双颊, 也溶化了我的心。

    Tears streamed down my cheeks and melted my heart. I was quite puzzled at what happened.

  7. 霎那间,眼泪流过我得双颊,也溶化了我得心。

    Tears streamed down my cheeks and melted my heart. I was quite puzzled at what happened.

  8. 霎那间她巨人般的伟岸融化为对那个婴儿的温柔。

    Suddenly her gigantic power melted into softness for the baby.

  9. 霎那间她巨人般的伟岸融化为对那个婴儿的温柔。

    Suddenly her gigantic power melted into softness for the baby.

  10. 风起时, 球场从一位沉睡得巨人霎那间变得恐怖。

    When the wind blows, it changes from a sleeping giant into a terror.

  11. 霎那间她巨人般得伟岸融化为对那个婴儿得温柔。

    Suddenly her gigantic power melted into softness for the baby.

  12. 霎那间就能实现,但要用一世的热情追求才能保持。

    Less than a nanosecond to attain it, a lifetime of passionate pursuit to maintain it.

  13. 霎那间就能实现,但要用一世得热情追求才能保持。

    Less than a nanosecond to attain it, a lifetime of passionate pursuit to maintain it.

  14. 风起时,球场从一位沉睡的巨人霎那间变得恐怖。

    When the wind blows, it changes from a sleeping giant into a terror.

  15. 思嘉倒抽了一口冷气, 霎那间, 倚在靠垫上直往后缩。

    Scarlett gasped, and, for a moment, shrank back against the cushions.

  16. 她的两眼闪光,晶莹明亮,可是她的脸在一霎那间突然失色了。

    Her eyes were shining brilliantly, but her face lost its color within twenty seconds.

  17. 霎那间, 我感到一种真正恐惧, 胳膊上的汗毛都竖了起来。

    For an instant, I felt a thrill of genuine fear, raising the hair on my arms.

  18. 霎那间乌云密布狂风夹带着暴雨倾盆而下接着雷鸣电闪!

    An instant cloudy with a torrential rain storm and the next folder and then thunder and lightning!