如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 吧 [bā]2. 吧 [ba]吧 [bā]象声词:~的一声,笔尖断了。吧 [ba]助词,用在句末,表示赞同,推测、命令、请求等语气;用在句中表示停顿。……
汉语拼音:xià bā
Let me know if you'd like your blog added to any of those, by the way.
顺便说一句,如果你想把你的博客添加到上述资源中,就告诉我下吧。No real cover letter, no attempt at self marketing. Sort of, "here are the facts about me, please put me in the pile. "
没有正式的自荐信,也没有很卖力地推销自己,投份简历过来,就好象说,“这些就是关于我的一些情况,请收下吧。”My family' s old machine was xp, my own is the vista, the other really did not try, will not be used under the bar--!
我家的老机器是xp,我自己的是vista,其他的还真没试过,不能用的将就下吧--!He said nothing and started the car. When we arrived, he stopped at the gate. "Come out here, let me go and park, " he said.
他没说话,直接开车,我们到达的时候,他在大门口停了下来,“从这下吧,我去停车”,他说。Mom: OK, I guess you can do it for a while. [Kim starts making faces] But maybe you should take turns with your sister.
妈妈:好吧,那就给你推一下下吧。(金咪开始扮鬼脸)不过你应该跟妹妹轮流推哦。You'll wash it all down with a diet drink, of course, as a gesture to your commitment to healthy eating -- starting tomorrow.
当然,做为你承诺健康饮食的标志,就着减肥饮品将这一切吞下吧---明天开始行动。Why do they want me out of here so badly, can you at least tell me that?
他们为什么迫切希望我出去至少给我透露下吧?Bear with me because this IS quick, but sometimes it takes a few minutes for me to cut through the bone.
忍耐下吧,很快,但砍下骨头有时需要几分钟。Answer four design + simulation of electronic circuits, it is the value of a reference document. Come in need of it.