


1. 混 [hùn]2. 混 [hún]混 [hùn]搀杂在一起:~杂。~和。~同。~淆。~为一谈。乱,胡乱:~乱。~世魔王。蒙,充:蒙~。~充。~进。鱼目~珠。苟且度过:胡~。~事。混 [hún]同“浑”。……





汉语拼音:hùn zhàn






  1. 混乱地交战。指目标不明或对象变化的战斗或战争。

    宋 文天祥 《徐州道中》诗:“一时混战四十万,天昏地黑 睢水 湄。”《水浒传》第六八回:“放起火来,后寨发喊,东西两边,进兵攻打寨栅。混战了半夜, 史文恭 夺路得迴。” 鲁迅 《<二心集>序言》:“因为那时是军阀混战,任意杀掠的时候,心里不以为然的人,只有这样才可以苟延他的残喘。”



  1. Robinson smiles, as if to admit the absurdity of a man jumping into a bear fight. But in his eyes there's a hint that he might have done it.


  2. Thousands of IT types dub themselves things like (chief) scrum master, guru, evangelist or, a particular favourite at the moment, ninja.


  3. He's a ranged threat, shooting up to twice per round with his magic composite longbow, and just as dangerous in melee.


  4. Once they charge into melee, most generals will soon forget how much they paid for them.


  5. Setting off the scuffle was an attempt by an unregistered local church to hold a Christimas gala on a stage set up in a village square.


  6. In the warlord's war of last years of the Han dynasty, Liu Bei was one comparatively small and weak branch among them.


  7. He has his way with the persistent fighter, as they share an assortment of brawls with head KOs and chloros.


  8. The move appears to set the stage for a messy fight between the bank and its regulator.


  9. The Shadow Dragon is slightly more accurate with its melee attacks, but many of its base numbers look a little lower -- on the surface.


  1. 球门口混战

    goal post

  2. 与某人混战

    to scuffle with sb.

  3. 与某人混战

    to scuffle with somebody

  4. 处于混战状态

    be locked in a tangled fight

  5. 那是场混战。

    It was anarchy.

  6. 狼与猎犬混战

    The wolf among the hounds.

  7. 政治上的混战

    the rough and tumble of politics

  8. 首先是价格混战。

    It is price tangled warfare all.

  9. 军阀混战, 民不聊生。

    Incessant fighting among the warlords made life impossible for the people.

  10. 军阀混战,民不聊生。

    Incessant fighting among the warlords made life impossible for the people.

  11. 是场激烈的混战。

    It was a slugfest.

  12. 军阀混战,民怨沸腾。

    Warlords fought one another and popular discontent ran high.

  13. 使用武器来进行混战

    Use melee weapons and get in close

  14. 坏人与警方人员混战。

    The villains scuffled with the police.

  15. 两队之间爆发了混战。

    A scuffle broke out between the two teams.

  16. 两队之间爆发了混战。

    A scuffle broke out between the two teams.

  17. 示威者与警方人员混战。

    The demonstrators scuffled with the police.

  18. 警察和示威群众混战起来。

    The police scuffled with the demonstrators.

  19. 消极影响和内部混战司空见惯。

    Negativity and infighting were common.

  20. 大混战狗打架, 象狗一般的打架

    A violent fight between or as if between dogs.

  21. 在混战线位置的球员。

    One of the players on the line of scrimmage.

  22. 他根本不是善于混战的打手。

    He was in no way a roundandtumble fighter.

  23. 这一群喝醉的人开始混战。

    The drunken men started to scuffle.

  24. 这一群喝醉的人开始混战。

    The drunken men started to scuffle.

  25. 这一群喝醉得人开始混战。

    The drunken men started to scuffle.

  26. 就这样,他们使军阀互相混战。

    In this way they kept the warlords fighting among themselves.

  27. 军阀混战,盗贼横行,真是昏天黑地。

    Ridden with warlordism and banditry; the country was in a state of chaos.

  28. 混战对遵守的人们可以用到。

    And melee combat is now available to get people to comply.

  29. 我们这个社会是碎片混战的场所。

    Our society is a working pandemonium of fragments.

  30. 因此,消除统计从混战武器的更换。

    Thus removing the stats from the melee weapons in replacement.


  1. 问:混战拼音怎么拼?混战的读音是什么?混战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:混战的读音是hùnzhàn,混战翻译成英文是 engage in long and complicated warfare


