




1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……



汉语拼音:kù hǎo








  1. 非常爱好。

    唐 韩愈 《潮州刺史谢上表》:“臣受性愚陋,人事多所不通,惟酷好学问文章,未尝一日暂废。”《红楼梦》第七五回:“近日 邢夫人 的胞弟 邢德全 也酷好如此,所以也在其中。” 瞿秋白 《赤都心史》三六:“儿童酷好游玩,诚然不错;然而他假使不知道有‘母怀’可返,游玩便成迷失,渐觉可怕。”



  1. Go up to arrive at a marketplace bar, my beloved, hold you thinking of the thing buying buying return.


  2. Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


  3. I am fond of basketball, and play for quite a while on the court every afternoon.


  4. She loved soap operas, romance novels and movies with a good love story.


  5. Honey come here quick!


  6. Next, pick your two favorites . My friend, for example, is good at massage and yoga. So those are her two passions.


  1. 我酷好篮球, 每天下午都要到操场上练一会儿。

    I am fond of basketball, and play for quite a while on the court every afternoon.

  2. 我酷好篮球,每天下午都要到操场上练一会儿。

    I am fond of basketball, and play for quite a while on the court every afternoon.

  3. 好酷的相机啊!

    Cool camera!

  4. 好酷的相机啊!

    Cool camera!

  5. 看你有剑眉咧, 好酷呀!

    Boy, don't you look great?

  6. 我对亚当印象深刻。他好酷。

    I was really impressed with Adam. He's cool.

  7. 是这样的,埃迪森,好酷的名字。

    Look, Edison. That's a cool name by the way.

  8. 艾伦哇咧!他们竟然有黑色的爆米花。好酷喔!

    Allan Dude! They have black popcorn. How cool is that

  9. 酷!声音好棒。这耳机真不赖!

    Cool!The sound is great. These earphones are awesome!

  10. 很好。酷。我要的是数量。

    Great. Cool. So I was really interested in quantity.

  11. 这是我的好朋友酷邻居威尔。

    Oh, this is my cool neighbor friend will.

  12. 他看起来够酷又打得好,真叫棒。

    He looks like a cool guy and play well too. I think he's the greatest.

  13. 不论你的界面多酷, 越少越好。

    No matter how cool your interface is, less of it would be better.

  14. 我们是好朋友这很酷因为我们不孤独

    We are pals, it's cool, because we're not lonely,?

  15. 每天都在书写你的自传,这个说法也好酷!

    In this profession, you literally write your autobiography every day.

  16. 好的,这样就很酷了

    Okay, that was kind of cool.

  17. 那真酷。兜网球很好玩。

    That's cool. Lacrosse is fun.

  18. 他很酷,而且舞也跳得很好。

    He is cool, and he dances so well.

  19. 你好!我有个大的气球。喔!酷!

    Hello!I have a big balloon. Wow!Cool!

  20. 好,这个女孩是个非常酷的战士

    Yeah. Uh, this chick was a badass warrior.

  21. 哦, 很酷!那你们怎么取得好成绩呢

    Oh, that's cool!But how can you get good grades

  22. 只要点支烟就好了,看起来会更酷。

    I would just light up a cigarette. It would look cooler.

  23. 那真 得很酷。而且我还有一个好消息。

    That's very cool. And I have a good news.

  24. 那真 的很酷。而且我还有一个好消息。

    That's very cool. And I have a good news.

  25. 虽然鳄鱼很酷, 我还是和鸟类拍照的好, 嘻嘻!

    I'd better take photos with birds instead though the crocodiles were cool.

  26. 虽然鳄鱼很酷,我还是和鸟类拍照得好,嘻嘻!

    I'd better take photos with birds instead though the crocodiles were cool.

  27. 我觉得那很酷,我们有一个团队,我们把它组织好我。

    And I was all excited because I was going to go with them.

  28. 他做的东西看起来相当酷,我看到在好莱坞发布。

    He's doing stuff that looks as amazing as stuff I've seen released from Hollywood.

  29. 好啦, 可能其实这更像是在挠痒痒, 但还是很酷对不对

    Okay, so maybe its more of a tickle, but still

  30. 好主意。我想马上戴上我们买的那些酷酷的白色面具了。

    Good idea. I can't wait to wear those cool white masks we bought!


  1. 问:酷好拼音怎么拼?酷好的读音是什么?酷好翻译成英文是什么?

    答:酷好的读音是kùhào,酷好翻译成英文是 Quite favor.