







汉语拼音:dòu chǐ






  1. 一种豆制食品。一般用大豆或黑豆蒸煮以后,经发酵制成,多用于调味。

    北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·作豉》“作麦豉法”自注:“香美乃胜豆豉。” 杨明显 《故都风味小吃》:“它(指卤煮小肠)的作法是……用清水淘洗几次,然后用一百度开的沸水煮,配上去腥味的八角茴香,花椒大料瓣儿,快熟时再放落上好的口蘑酱油,豆豉。”



  1. Vegetarians will recognize tempeh , a fermented soybean cake that is often used in place of meat.


  2. He continues to sell the popular fried snack, tempe, made out of fermented soybeans, on a noisy, congested street in Jakarta.


  3. I cleaned the car by hand for the first time in years, then found a mother lode of black beans in the back of the cupboard.


  4. His meal was usually a bowl of rice with black fermented bean, but in strong comparison, mine was full of hams and poached eggs.


  5. Contents of the isoflavones ( genistein and daidzein) in SSP by pure breed fermentation and natural fermentation were collated by HPLC.


  6. Tempeh. Study found that eating tempeh helps digestion, boost brain power and improve the ability of the liver detoxification effect.


  7. Conclusion: The generative stability of SSP can be assured and the product quality can be advanced by pure breed fermentation.


  8. The result provided experimental evidence for developing fermented soybean to produce new type of fibrinolytic medicine and health food.


  9. Sufu and lobster sauce are Chinese traditional fermented soybean products, which are fermented by microorganisms .


  1. 豆豉鹌鹑脯

    Braised Quail Breast with Black Bean Sauce.

  2. 豆豉多春鱼

    Shisamo in Black Bean Sauce.

  3. 豆豉牛百页

    Ox Tripe in Black Bean Sauce.

  4. 段装豆豉鲮鱼

    cut fried dace with salted black beans.

  5. 苗家香菜豆豉

    Hmongs salt black bean mixed coriander.

  6. 桂花豆豉的研制

    The manufacture of fermented soybean with sweet osmanthus

  7. 浏阳豆豉发酵微生物的初步研究

    Study on microorganism from Liuyang fermented brown bean

  8. 特制八宝豆豉原料配方加工技术

    Processing Technique of Special Fermented Soya Beans Preparation

  9. 改良家常冬瓜豆豉生产工艺的研究

    Study on the improved process of homely Chinese watermelon Douchi

  10. 豆豉及黑豆中异黄酮提取与检测研究

    Studies on Extraction and Detection of Isoflavones in Fermented and Black Beans

  11. 毛霉豆豉是四川,重庆的地域特色产品。

    Mucorfermented soybeans are the regional characteristic products in Sichuan and Chongqing.

  12. 毛霉豆豉是四川,重庆得地域特色产品。

    Mucorfermented soybeans are the regional characteristic products in Sichuan and Chongqing.

  13. 加入豆豉, 用炒勺弄碎, 这样和肉糜混合。

    Mash the beans ladle until they blend in well with the meat.

  14. 豆豉加工前后营养与活性成分变化的研究

    Study on changes of nutrimental composition and active composition in lobster sauce

  15. 如果豆豉还卖不动, 加水发酵, 改卖酱油

    If bloated bean valve does not sell well, add water to ferment, and then try to sell sauce.

  16. 豆豉纤溶酶生产菌发酵液功能性研究

    Study on the function of fermented liquid of douchi fibrinolytic enzyme producing strain

  17. 细菌型豆豉发酵芽孢杆菌的筛选与鉴定

    Screening and Identification of Bacillus for Lobster Sauce Fermentation

  18. 细菌型豆豉中溶栓活性成分的初步研究

    Research on the component of fibrinolytic activity in bacterial fermented douchi

  19. 加入豆豉, 用炒勺弄碎, 那样简易和肉糜混合。

    Mash beans with a cookingto the time of them blend in well with the meat.

  20. 在鱼头上撒上剁椒, 姜末, 盐, 豆豉和料酒。

    And Sprinkle the chopped pepper, ginger, salt, lobster sauce and cooking wine.

  21. 此外,大蒜,姜和豆豉也被应用于烹饪过程中。

    Besides, garlic, ginger and fermented soybean are also used in the cooking process.

  22. 豆豉中微球菌的分离及其产蛋白酶特性研究

    Study on isolation of micrococcus from fermented soybean and characteristics of its producing protease

  23. 后发酵过程中乙醇对豆豉抗氧化能力的影响

    Effect of Ethanol Supplement on Antioxidant Capacity of Douchi during the Ripen Time

  24. 很多非肉类制品由大豆加工而成,如豆腐和豆豉。

    Many of the meatless products, such as tofu or tempeh, are made from soybeans.

  25. 永川豆豉中大豆异黄酮的提取工艺研究及成分分析

    Study on the Optimum Extraction Technology and Analysis of Soybean Isoflavonoid of Lobster Sauce

  26. 目的研究纯种发酵对淡豆豉主要有效成分的影响。

    ObjectiveTo study alteration of major effective component in semen sojae praeparatum by pure breed fermentation.

  27. 中药淡豆豉有效成分大豆异黄酮调节血脂的研究进展

    Progress of Regulating Blood Lipid with Soybean Isoflavone Active Constituent of Fermented Soya Beans

  28. 豆豉非透析类黑精抗氧化和抑制亚硝胺合成的研究

    Study on Antioxidation and Inhibition of Nitrosamine Synthesis by DOUCHI Nondialyzable Melanoidin


  1. 问:豆豉拼音怎么拼?豆豉的读音是什么?豆豉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:豆豉的读音是dòuchǐ,豆豉翻译成英文是 Douchi, also known as fermented black beans , or fe...

  2. 问:豆豉酱拼音怎么拼?豆豉酱的读音是什么?豆豉酱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:豆豉酱的读音是dòuchǐjiàng,豆豉酱翻译成英文是 Black Bean Sauce

  3. 问:豆豉中毒拼音怎么拼?豆豉中毒的读音是什么?豆豉中毒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:豆豉中毒的读音是dòu chǐ zhòng dú,豆豉中毒翻译成英文是 tempeh poisoning



豆豉,中国汉族特色发酵豆制品,是许多菜肴的重要调味料之一。 豆豉以黑豆或黄豆为主要原料,利用毛霉、曲霉或者细菌蛋白酶的作用,分解大豆蛋白质,达到一定程度时,加盐、加酒、干燥等方法,抑制酶的活力,延缓发酵过程而制成。豆豉的种类较多,按加工原料分为黑豆豉和黄豆豉,按口味可分为咸豆豉和淡豆豉。 豆豉,是我国传统发酵豆制品。古代称豆豉为“幽菽”,也叫“嗜”。最早的记载见于汉代刘熙《释名〃释饮食》一书中,誉豆豉为“五味调和,需之而成”。公元2至5世纪的《食经》一书中还有“作豉法”的记载。古人不但把豆豉用于调味,而且用于入药,对它极为看重。《汉书》、《史记》、《齐民要术》、《本草纲目》等,都有此记载,其制作历史可以追溯到先秦时期。据记载,豆豉的生产,最早是由江西泰和县流传开来的,后经不断发展和提高,使豆豉成为独具特色,成为人们所喜爱的调味佳品,而且传到海外。我国台湾人称豆豉为“荫豉”,日本人称豆豉为“纳豉”,东南亚各国也普遍食用豆豉。