







汉语拼音:jù shōu







  1. And what they ship to America would not be turned away if doing so "would be inconsistent with the public interest, " the law says.


  2. You know how you can block those newsletters that you never signed up for by sending an e-mail with "unsubscribe" in the body?


  3. In case of late delivery, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel this contract, reject the goods and lodge a claim against the Seller.


  4. They would all take the law into their hands and block any message written in a way that failed to please them.


  5. Returns must be in new condition and factory packaging. If the package itself arrives damaged, please refuse and email us for instructions.


  6. We may reject the shipment If It do not arrive on time .


  7. insist on delivery within the time dated , and reserve the right to reject the goods, should they be delivered later.


  8. Rejected materials shall be stuck with a red " IQC rejection label" and placed in nonconforming material area.


  9. Emergence of the phenomenon of extended supply, Party A has the right to reject goods, which caused all the consequences.


  1. 拒收条款。

    Rejection ClauseIncluding the Rejection Clause.

  2. 拒收病人的红包

    Refuse to accept any covert payment from patients

  3. 他们拒收损坏的货物。

    They rejected damaged goods.

  4. 收货人拒收的货物

    refused freight

  5. 邮局拒收体积大得邮包。

    The post office does not accept bulky package.

  6. 邮局拒收体积大的邮包。

    The post office does not accept bulky package.

  7. 法官拒收被告家属的贿赂。

    The judge rejected a bribe from the defendant's family.

  8. 我的文件被拒收了, 我怎么办?

    My file was refused, what should I do?

  9. 军医拒收几名新兵, 认为身体不合格。

    The army doctors rejected several recruits as unfit.

  10. 如果货不准时到达, 我们可能拒收此货。

    We might refuse the shipment if it doesn't arrive on time.

  11. 负责动力传动件的质量拒收和质量验证。

    Preside over quality rejection and quality effect of power train parts.

  12. 在上课后才提交的报告将被拒收。

    Memorandums will not be accepted after the class has met.

  13. 不适当的或不负责任的报价将被拒收。

    An improper or irresponsible quotation may be rejected.

  14. 逾期我方有权取消定货或拒收货物。

    We reserve the right to cancel the order and refuse delivery after this date.

  15. 不得对裂缝进行修补,而且裂缝也是拒收的原因。

    Cracks shall not be repaired and shall be cause for rejection.

  16. 生产中得和尚未出货得违规产品将被拒收。

    Noncompliant product in production or unshipped will be rejected.

  17. 如果货物不能准时到达, 我们可能拒收此货。

    We may reject the shipment If It do not arrive on time.

  18. 我们遗憾地通知您我们不得不拒收这批货物。

    We are sorry to tell you that we have to decline the goods.

  19. 生产中的和尚未出货的违规产品将被拒收。

    Noncompliant product in production or unshipped will be rejected.

  20. 从您来电中我们惊悉你们拒收这批货物。

    To our astonishment we learn from your telegram, that you refused to accept the goods.

  21. 买主拒收货物,随后寄上密封样本与检验报告。

    Buyer refuse gawk delivery sealed sample survey report following.

  22. 他们在其他学校拒收的孩子们身上创造了奇迹。

    They have worked wonders with kids that other schools had rejected.

  23. 核放射超过150贝可得将予拒收, 最高不超过150贝可。

    Goods in which nuclear radiation exceeds 150 becquerel shall be rejected, acceptable till 150 becquerel.

  24. 核放射超过150贝可的将予拒收,最高不超过150贝可。

    Goods in which nuclear radiation exceeds 150 becquerel shall be rejected, acceptable till 150 becquerel.

  25. 它也是时常发生的贸易拒收的原因,由此造成经济障碍。

    It is also the cause of frequent trade rejections with the resulting economic drawbacks.

  26. 同时,医生也不希望因为拒收礼物而侮辱或疏远病人。

    At the same time, doctors dont want to insult or alienate patients by refusing gifts.

  27. 亚历山大姐妹拒收了大量物品, 因为它们不是真金。

    The sisters rejected numerous items because they were not real gold.

  28. 建立放行或拒收原料,中间体,包装和标签材料的体系。

    Establishing a system to release or reject raw materials, intermediates, packaging and labelling materials.

  29. 如果货物不能准时运达的话, 我方可能会拒收这批货物。

    We might refuse the shipment if it doesn't arrive on time.

  30. 我们坚持在原定日期内交货, 若迟交则保留拒收的权利。

    insist on delivery within the time dated , and reserve the right to reject the goods, should they be delivered later.


  1. 问:拒收拼音怎么拼?拒收的读音是什么?拒收翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拒收的读音是jùshōu,拒收翻译成英文是 rejection; reject

  2. 问:拒收险拼音怎么拼?拒收险的读音是什么?拒收险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拒收险的读音是jù shōu xiǎn,拒收险翻译成英文是 rejection risk

  3. 问:拒收电路拼音怎么拼?拒收电路的读音是什么?拒收电路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拒收电路的读音是jù shōu diàn lù,拒收电路翻译成英文是 rejector circuit

  4. 问:拒收货物拼音怎么拼?拒收货物的读音是什么?拒收货物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拒收货物的读音是jù shōu huò wù,拒收货物翻译成英文是 rejection of the goods

  5. 问:拒收器材报告拼音怎么拼?拒收器材报告的读音是什么?拒收器材报告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拒收器材报告的读音是jù shōu qì cái bào gào,拒收器材报告翻译成英文是 Material Rejection Report



词目: 拒收 注音: jù shōu 释义: [rejection] 买方拒绝接受货物或交货单据的行为