







汉语拼音:xià chú






  1. 下等的膳食。

    三国 魏 曹植 《离缴雁赋》:“甘充君之下厨,膏函牛之鼎鑊。” 清 梁章鉅 《称谓录·厨》引《列士传》:“ 孟尝君 食客三千,厨有三列,上客食肉,中客食鱼,下客食菜。有乞食人 冯煖 ,经冬无袴而有饥色,愿得下厨。”



  1. And I no longer smell like an onion because somewhere along the line my mom swore off cooking.


  2. In the United States, since the hostess is also likely to be cook, she may be busy until the last moment preparing the meal.


  3. At the other end of the scale, less than 5% of Saudis use their kitchen socially, and a man is the main cook in just 3% of households.


  4. But it was one of the first times that I didn't have to cook lunch myself.


  5. My girlfriend is a spectacular chef. She usually cooks dinner for us two or three nights out of the week.


  6. Rather cheekily the teenager says he was inspired to take to the kitchen because he didn't like the food his mother, Meg McGarry, cooked.


  7. He began cooking at the age of 11 and today at 45 has over 34 years of cooking experience and it shows on the plate.


  8. Coward cook cook, leaving their wives to accompany guests to drink, there are many dish with salt, and his wife opened the box and cox.


  9. And the girl lived happily ever and went shopping , dancing , drank martinis , always had a clean house and never had to cook .


  1. 他不适合下厨

    Uh, he should not be handling food.

  2. 今晚我下厨做饭吧

    How about I make dinner for us tonight?

  3. 你喜欢下厨吗,不大会

    So do you like to cook? Not so much.

  4. 她不顶嘴,她喜欢下厨,喜欢篮球

    She doesn't talk back. She likes cooking, basketball.

  5. 能够一起下厨做饭、做家务。

    Could go to the kitchen together and do housework together.

  6. 啊, 那的确是下厨的秘诀。

    Well, no, that's the secret of the job, really.

  7. 我母亲病了, 我只好亲自下厨。

    My mother was ill. I had to turn cook.

  8. 今天他要亲自下厨招待你们。

    Today he is cooking for you.

  9. 为何今晚那么好雅兴下厨?

    What make you having such a good mood to cook for me?

  10. 是不是我非要亲自下厨不可?

    Is it really important that I make them a homecooked meal?

  11. 丈夫在周末有时也会下厨。

    Sometimes husbands also cook at weekends.

  12. 不是所有人都有时间下厨的

    not everyone has the time to cook

  13. 其实我原本希望她能下厨的。

    Actually, I was hoping she'd offer to cook.

  14. 你是第一个在这下厨的人

    You're the first one to cook here.

  15. 你能想象汤姆居然亲自下厨做饭?

    Can you imagine tom's cooking the dinner himself?

  16. 可那天晚上你就不用下厨了。

    Well, you didn't have to cook that night.

  17. 我太想念处理食材烹饪下厨了

    I'm dying to get back to real food.

  18. 他们的儿子非常居家,经常下厨做饭。

    Their son is very domesticated and often does the cooking.

  19. 我可说不好。我不是那么喜欢下厨。

    I'm not sure. I don't enjoy cooking that much.

  20. 你知道还有谁帮苏珊下厨吗?

    And you know who was helping susan cook it?

  21. 你知道还有谁帮苏珊下厨吗?

    And you know who was helping Susan cook it?

  22. 你知道还有谁帮苏珊下厨吗?

    And you know who was helping susan cook it?

  23. 这个时辰,村妇们都下厨做饭去了。

    Village women are usually in the kitchen cooking at this hour.

  24. 即使你亲自过去下厨 我也不在乎!

    I don't care if you have to go back there and make it yourself!

  25. 从今晚开始,我会亲自为你们下厨。

    From tonight onwards, I shall cook for you myself.

  26. 那下厨吧,加布在家过的不顺利。

    Let's get cookin'. Gaby struggled at home.

  27. 不管是读一本书, 沉思, 下厨, 还是旅行。

    Whether it be reading a book, meditating, cooking or journaling.

  28. 一起来下厨亲自烹饪朝圣节的各式菜肴。

    Cook up one of every Pilgrims Bounty dish.

  29. 我是有时间去下厨的。但可是必要的选择。

    I do get time to cook, but it is not necessarily by choice.

  30. 在家里看父母烧菜, 自己下厨做, 自然做好。

    They see their parents cook at home, do their own cooking, so they naturally can cook well.